Israeli prisoner swap may be prelude to attack on Iran
Washington Times / Washington Times
30-Oct-2011 (one comment)

JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to execute a 1,000-for-1 prisoner exchange this month despite his frequently voiced opposition to such lopsided deals is seen by several Israeli military commentators as an effort to “clear the deck” before possibly undertaking an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Amir Oren, the veteran military analyst for Ha'aretz newspaper, took note of Israel’s exchange of 1,027 Palestinian convicts for army Staff Sgt. Gilad Schalit, who was captured by Hamas in 2006. Mr. Oren wrote that the price paid by Mr. Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud

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The fear-mongering continues...

by Bavafa on

And it must be condemned by all as such call and plan is turning what is only a rhetoric by IRI into an ugly reality, only towards Iran.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 
