Mr. Amano and Regime Change
Counterpunch / Prof. Sasan Fayazmanesh
16-Nov-2011 (4 comments)

In the end, the hyped IAEA report of November 8, 2011, turned out to contain some old allegations that remain unverified and some new ones that appear to be flimsy or strange. So why publish these allegations with fanfare? One can answer the question by paraphrasing the two aforementioned statements by former IAEA Director General ElBaradei and US Ambassador Glyn Davies: the Americans and their allies, particularly the Israelis, are only interested in one thing and one thing only, regime change in Iran by any means necessary. In this endeavor, Mr. Amano is solidly in the US-Israeli court.

Mohammad Alireza

Don't Believe the Hype

by Mohammad Alireza on

Please pass on the link for this article to any news organization or journalist or Web site you think should have this information. Do you part to counter the distortions in the corporate media.



Speak of the IRI Groupies (and they show up on cue)

by AMIR1973 on

Like I said:

"If you don't like what the IAEA report says about the Islamist terrorist regime's nuke program, attack the messenger. It makes sense from their perspective."

Next, we will hear that Amano is a Zionist and a Joooo (or perhaps a Bahai).


elbaradei was no Iranian stooge

by hass on

Accusing Elbaradei of being pro-Iranian is ridiculous since it was Elbaradei who referred Iran's file to the UNSC (even though IRan had NOT violated the NPT) and it was Elbaradei who demanded that IRan suspend enrichment and demanded that IRan allow "transparency measures" that exceeded Iran's legal obligations (and the IAEA's authority)

 The fact that Amano is a US stooge was exposed by wikileaks 


Part of an orchestrated propaganda campaign

by AMIR1973 on

It seems that there is a concerted propaganda campaign among various IRI friendly organizations (e.g. CASMII) and likeminded individuals to attack Amano and the IAEA. Clearly, the days of El-Baradei's bending over backwards for the IRi are over, thereby explaining these attacks on the IAEA that can be read in a number of different outlets. If you don't like what the IAEA report says about the Islamist terrorist regime's nuke program, attack the messenger. It makes sense from their perspective.