Syrians wave Ahwaz flag to protest Iran’s support to Assad regime
Al Arabiya News / RAMADA AL-SAADI
21-Dec-2011 (one comment)

Syrian demonstrators have been seen waving the Ahwaz flag in protest of the support given to Bashar al-Assad’s regime by the Iranian authorities and in appreciation of the recent statement of solidarity made by Arab Iranians for the protestors who are killed on daily basis by security forces. 

More than 50 Ahwazi activists issued a statement condemning what they labeled “war crimes” and “brutal actions” committed by the Syrian regime against armed civilians.

The statement called upon the Syrian army to disobey orders to kill protests and army dissenters and to side with the people and their peaceful revolutions.

Ahwazis in several European countries have also been taking part in demonstrations in front of Syrian embassies in many capitals especially in London where protests have not been regular since the Syrian revolution started nine months ago. 

Members of the Syrian opposition accused the Iranian government of supporting Assad’s regime and endorsing his violent suppression of peaceful protestors. They also charge Iran with financially and logistically supporting the Syrian security forces and sending them arms and people to take part in crushing the protests.

Tehran has not made a secret of its support for the Syrian regime. The latest fatwa issued by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urges Iranians to buy Syrian products of all sorts with foreign currency in order to defy Arab and foreign ... >>>


Syrians Arabs support Ahwazi separatists

by Simorgh5555 on

