جمهوری اسلامی عملیات‌های تروریستی خود را علنی کرد
13-Jan-2012 (10 comments)

مقامات جمهوری اسلامی در واکنش به کشته شدن
مصطفی احمدی روشن، رسما اعلام کرده دست به «عملیات‌های مقابله به مثل» در
دیگر کشورها می‌زند؛ این در حالی است که نیروهای امنیتی پیشتر بدون آن‌که
از قبل تهدید علنی کرده باشد، عملیات‌ تروریستی متعددی در دیگر کشورها نظیر
آرژانتین انجام داده و مخالفان سیاسی خود را در داخل و خارج ایران نیز به
قتل رسانده است.

فارس وابسته به سپاه پاسداران به نقل از یک مقام امنیتی جمهوری اسلامی از
انجام عملیات تروریستی در واکنش به قتل معاون بازرگانی سایت نطنز خبر داده است.


این در حالی است که هنوز هیچ گروه یا کشوری مسئولیت ترور مصطفی احمدی روشن را بر عهده نگرفته است.

آمریکا و اسرائیل و دیگر کشورهای غربی ... >>>

recommended by IranFirst



circumstantial evidence is not evidence

by YMJ on

The entire political system in the west is corrupt. Even  the western domestic population is saying so! 

 The police, the courts, and the judges are corrupt! This is fact!

Any westerner who has dealt with their courts knows that they are run by a mafia and the judiciary is corrupt.


They don't make it obvious but regarding political issues, they can frame someone and make up a story as they please!  


I'm glad you don't try and hide your islamophobia, you defenitly are a zionists trying to pose as an Iranian. No Irani would call Islam a "savage cult"


Thank's for exposing yourself.  


Proven beyound doubt by evidence

by IranFirst on


So ALL the courts in the Civilized world are corrupt (with evidence and
due process and right of defence) and your IRI courts and Savage Cult of
Islam's courts that convict people to DEATH in 10 minutes based on
phony charges (such as Moharebeh /fighting Arab god) and forced confessions are right!  :-)


Allegations by corrupt courts in the west...

by YMJ on

Anyone who is actually unbiased, unlike you, would know western courts are kangroo courts. Regarding political matter, especially. 

 The politicians in the west are bought and sold by the dozens, let alone the judges.



One of Thousands of Assassinations by your Leader..

by IranFirst on


One of thousands of Assassinations and murders of Iranians by your
beloved "Leader" and your IRI Muslim Terrorist brothers. Proven in courts in
civilized world (not your IRI Kangaroo courts). It is interesting that
your Keyhan has the same same view as far as the right of your beloved
IRI to assassination.

the court issued an international arrest warrant for Iranian intelligence minister Hojjat al-Islam Ali Fallahian[1] after declaring that the assassination had been ordered by him with knowledge of supreme leader Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and president Ayatollah Rafsanjani [2]
. This led to a diplomatic crisis between the governments of Iran and
several European countries, which lasted until November 1997...



US/Israel have been caught red handed!

by YMJ on

the US/Israel have on numerous occasions assasinated their opponents. They have been caught red handed! Anyone who has read about history and politics knows this. 

 The only criminal courts that have convicted IR of anything, are those courts that have jewish/zionist judges. What this means? It means that people like you can propagate some bullshit without losing face. 

 I bet your one of those LA jewish Iranians who just went back to Israel to get his barking orders.  


Yes, IRI is not Iranian

by IranFirst on

Agreed IRI can't call itself "Iranian". IRI comes up with such ridiculous conspiracy theories as US sending assassins to kill some
junior no-value basiji (driving close to IRI's inteligence ministry). While everyone knows about the hundreds of
assassinations inside and outside Iran done by IRI and many proven in
criminal courts.




'conspiracy theory' and its intention

by YMJ on

When Israel and America both admit to having covert espionage activity in iran, which includes assasinations and terrorisim, i wonder why anyone claiming to be "Iranian" would come up with such a ridiculous conspiracy theory. 

 It makes me wonder, are people disgusing themselves to be Iranian to spread this? Or are they really living in some sort of fantasy world.  


Different RavAyat...

by IranFirst on


Lets see . IRI bombs a junior Basiji to divert attention from mounting pressures, play victim and
give itself permission to now openly kill/assasinate Iranians and maybe Americans



If true and accurate report...

by Bavafa on

And are we supposed to be surprised about this?

Those who did not condemn this act of terrorism, they can't possibly condemn the response in kind unless of course they guide their life by practicing hypocrisy.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



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