Iran students meet Israel opposition head Livni
AFP / afp
29-Jan-2012 (one comment)

TEL AVIV — A delegation from an opposition Iranian student group met Israel's centrist opposition leader and former foreign minister Tzipi Livni in Tel Aviv on Saturday.

An AFP photographer said the Confederation of Iranian Students delegation was headed by its secretary general, Amir Abbas Fakhravar, who said he was "happy to be in Israel, the only democracy in the region."

The CIS, founded in the United States, says it has 8,000 members, mostly in Iran, America, Britain, France and Germany, although it has no branches in the Islamic republic.

Livni, in a statement issued by her Kadima party, said she hoped the visit would help show that "Israel only has a problem with the leaders of Iran and not with the Iranian people."

Israel accuses arch-foe Iran, whose President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly predicted the destruction of the Jewish state, of pursuing a nuclear weapons programme, a charge denied by Tehran.


Tzipi Livni reaches out to the Iranian people

by Simorgh5555 on

Well done, Amir Abbas Fakhravar (or is that Farvahar?)! More Iranians should travel to Israel because short of sticking two fingers at the Seyed Ali Khamenei this is the greatest defiance against the IR. True patriotic Iranians have absolutely no qaulms with Israel as a nation or its people regardless of the position they take about the rights or wrongs of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict which one hopes can be resolved without further war or conflict. The bond between Iranians and Jews stem back to the book of Isiah when Cyrus the Annointed gave passage to Jews to return to the Promised Land and rebuild the temple of Jerusalem. Neither Jews nor Israel invaded our land, gave succor to our enemies, imposed their religion on us, deny us the right to speak our Persian tongue or to call our civilisation 'ignorant'. We appeal to Israel and our Jewish friends, especially our Jewish compatriots to inute against our common enemy - the Terrorist Occupying Evil Regime of the Islamic Republic. 

I call on Israel not to harm the movement to destroy the Islamic Republic by insisting on the IR abandoning its nuclear project but instead concentrate on total regime change. Go to the heart of the matter and destroy our common enemies. Israel should act cautiously but with steadfast determination to aid the Iranian opposition and wipe out the rulers of the IR with maximum prejurice and unrelenting motivation. 
