Let's assume that sections of the military and security apparatus in Iran are responsible for the string of bombings in Georgia, Thailand and India. What would be the motive? The argument that Iran is retaliating for the murder of five civilian nuclear scientists in Iran is not plausible. If Iran wanted to target Israeli interests, it has other means at its disposal. It is hard to imagine that the Iranian government would send Iranian operatives to friendly countries, completely equipped with Iranian money and passports – making the case against them as obvious as possible.
If the Iranian Revolutionary Guards are as professional, highly trained and politically savvy as we have been told repeatedly by Israeli politicians themselves, if they have successfully trained and equipped the cadres of Hezbollah and other movements with paramilitary wings in the region, then why would they launch such a clumsy and self-defeating operation?
And why India, Georgia and Thailand, three countries that Iran has had cordial relations with during a period when Iran is facing increasing sanctions spearheaded by the United States? A few days ago, India agreed a rupee-based oil and gas deal with Iran and resisted US pressures to join the western boycott of the Iranian energy sector. As a net importer of 12% of Iranian oil, India's total trade with Iran amounted to $13.67bn in 2010-2011. What would be the motive for damaging relations with one of Iran's major trading partners an... >>>
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Bomber in Delhi's car attack may be of Indian origin
by Abarmard on Thu Feb 16, 2012 01:47 PM PSTRead more:
"This is not really that complicated"
by Abarmard on Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:48 PM PST"Objects in mirror are closer than they appear" ;)
As I said, it's more based on political belief than truth. I am not denying what anyone says about this but not jumping as quickly to the conclusion as most would.
In the 1950's, the British paid thugs to beat up people and chant "Long live Mossadegh". If you told them then that “hey, these are plans and tactics to deceive you”, they would have laughed at you.
That was then, this is now.
by Faramarz on Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:20 PM PSTThis is not really that complicated.
The Thai police said that the suspects were using “sticky” magnetic bombs like the ones in India and Tiblisi.
The three guys in the apartment were assembling the bomb when it exploded. They ran out. The third guy who was injured was most likely in shock and fearful as any person who has been near a bomb blast is. So he behaved irrationally by throwing explosives at the taxi and the police.
When terrorists plan something like this, they bring the parts and pieces of the bomb into the country separately to not to get caught and then assemble it in a safe house, as they were trying to do here. The plastic explosives might have not shown on the x-ray machines or could have been smuggled from Malaysia or through the Regime’s diplomatic pouch that doesn't get searched. The rest of the stuff like the coin-size magnets or timers and wires can easily be bought in the country.
What all of this tells me is that the Regime is in a state of shock and panic and is trying to demonstrate to its followers that it can still stand up and fight. But with every action it is digging a deeper hole which is great news for Iranians.
We are speculating right?
by Abarmard on Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:05 PM PSTWe are speculating right? It's a political game and much asymmetric information doesn't allow for an intelligent individual to make a solid statement. I would say it is very much possible that Iran was behind these terror acts to retaliate but there are some points that I am considering.
The points are based on Saudi Ambassador Terror allegation that was related to Iranian used car salesmen. I also know that there is information that comes from agencies that do the tactics. So how far I want to believe is a political choice rather than the truth.
What I know is what I have mentioned, that Israel and US are making a case against Iran. Iran is bad, true. Iran doesn't treat its citizens as well as most European countries, true. Iran is a threat to the region and Israel, false.
Iranian system is a threat to its own people, that's it. All other issues here are to make a case to the world that Iran is a threat farther than its own borders. And with that, I am a bit suspicious about certain news coming to add to the list that maybe used in making a case for a war against Iran.
Who knows.
by yolanda on Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:47 AM PSTIRI said Israel killed 4 of their nuclear scientists. The perpetrarors are never caught!
For Thailand's bomb attack alone, 3 Iranians are arrested, one female suspect, Laila Rohani, fled to Iran.
So the mentally-challenged Iranian acted alone and wanted to make IRI look bad?
What makes sense
by Abarmard on Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:38 AM PSTIt makes sense for two bombings in India and Georgia that Iran was signaling warnings for Israel to stop its assassination policy on Iranians. It makes it believable since the bombs were similar to bombs used by Israeli agents. Iran saying look, we can get on this path too.
However, the Thailand case doesn't seem to be a political act by any real organization. It appears that the person was/is mentally challenged. He carried all sorts of IDs and used grenades! Doesn't sound right...
Another possibility is that the US and Israeli are working to collect various stories against Iran to use when the war time is ripe. I have been reading US officials bringing the Saudi Embassy attempted bombing!, which was laughed at by world’s media as a bad plot by either US or Israelis, the US officials are now using that as a solid proof of Iranian terror network inside the US! They are betting on lack of long term memory of their general public.
With many Americans having extremely short historical memory and many more easily believe what they are fed, the possibility is that all these events in the future will be presented to make a case against Iran and justify a war to the public.
Most people will think, wow, Iran was terrorizing Saudi people in the US, bombing Thai people, and all these activities, without remembering that none of the terror acts were actually done (proven to be done) by Iran. Even as we speak, US never provided any countries or organizations with the "solid" proofs" that they claimed they hold and it was kind of...well, forgotten. Yet it is being used as a promotional tactic in case of making a list of threats from Iran in the US soil.
I tend to look at these events in long term basis and generally don’t trust the media that copies the mouth of politicians. In any country this is the flaw that one encounters dealing with presented information. Luckily there are a few good sources of independent reporting and political analysts that one can find to give the neutral side of the stories.
Perhaps Mr. Chomsky's recent article about the US shrinking power is a good start.
by yolanda on Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:29 AM PSTI am waiting for the words from these suspects!
What is their true identity? Professional assassin? contractors? Basijis?
Can the suspects tell all and seek political asylum?
A really lousy argument
by FG on Thu Feb 16, 2012 09:36 AM PSTThe regime has made so many stupid moves at home and abroad, so what's one more.
Didn't we hear the same excuses for the stupidly planned attack on the Saudi ambassador? And how about the denials of a planned attack on the Bahrain causeway even though Iranian Al Quds members were caught in the act?
Dumbest argument: Thailand and India had friendly relations with the regime. When did that ever count? As in the Saudi ambassador plot in Washington which would have killed at least 20 Americans, the regime is known for schemes that kill bystanders to get at the desired target. How many bystanders has it beaten or killed in its domestic crackdown?
This regime doesn't think ahead. It's all short range. To get at an immediate target, it will hit anyone else who happens to be nearby without considering the long-run consequenes (Nationalism stirs as an entire population feels threatened, knowing "It could have been me.").
No wonder Iran is a pariah state, due to BOTH its domestic and external outlaw behavior! No wonder its denials in both cas earnsl snickers from everyone in the world these days! I'd hate to have a public relations job for the IRI.
As for the recent attacks on Israel (itself subject to so many Iranian attacks in the past as well as threats for the future):
Aren't worldwide attacks on Israelis, a la Argentina, exactly what the regime promised? Aren't Israelis harder to get at inside Iran? Were several Iranian agents linked to Al Quds caught red-handed in Thailand (though a woman who rented the place escaped back to Iran?)? Wasn't the bombing method an exact duplicate of the bombing devices used to kill Iranian nuclear scientists and isn't there a message in that?
Sorry but the evidence of guilt is overwhelming, a landslide, a tsunami and supernova.
by yolanda on Thu Feb 16, 2012 05:37 AM PSTThank you Vildemose for the link! What an embarrassing moment for IRI! They were caught red-handed! I was wondering if IRI will try to bail these suspects out, claim as its own, or abandon them and label them MEK!
One of the suspects is badly injured and will be a handicap for life! OMG!
I just checked Press TV, they have not mentioned a word of this incident!
Thai police parade blast
by vildemose on Thu Feb 16, 2012 04:58 AM PSTThai police parade blast suspect and reveal suspect's names
by Darius Kadivar on Thu Feb 16, 2012 04:32 AM PST
A group of Iranians detained after explosions in Thailand's capital Bangkok were intending to target two Israeli diplomats, Thai police say.
There were no further details of the individual targets, but planning was said to be at an advanced stage.
Officials have linked Tuesday's Bangkok blasts to attacks on Israeli diplomats in Georgia and India on Monday.
Israel has accused Tehran of being behind all three attacks. Tehran has denied any involvement.
The suspects were named as:
A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.