Russia & Islamic Republic, The Incredible Parallels!
NPR / Masha Gessen
02-Mar-2012 (5 comments)

Please listen to this unbelievable Audio Interview! Masha Gessen is definition of true professional journalist and a brave true intellectual!

The Parallels in which both Russian Regime under Putin has been operating is unbelievably similar to Islamic Republic's under Khamenei!!  No wonder they colaborate so perfectly together... The other parallel is the way both people of Russia & Iran are facing and experiencing such very similar situations & challenges and on so many levels! 





recommended by Arthimis


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Arthimis

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I know Putin has become a dictator. But I am saying that there are good dictators; medium and bad ones. Putin in my opinion is a "medium to good" one. Khamenei is in the extreme bad range.

Reza Shah was also a dictator like Putin but did a lot of good for Iran. Democracy and good are not the same thing. Nor are they synonymous with what NPR; BBC or Masha say. 

NPR and BBC are opposed to Putin because he is not a drunk pushover like Yeltsin. Please notice how BBC and NPR bash him for taking on Khodorkovsky. BBC and NPR say Putin is not "democratic" because of it. Well that is a strange definition.



VPK & jmyt17 , Thank you

by Arthimis on

VPK & jmyt17 , Thank you both for your comments & opinions here...

My main point about  "Incredible Parallels" between Putin & Khamenei and their regimes are in the way:

They plan, control, manage, create imaginary platforms for their people , silence & eliminate their oppositions and rule them by force... I don't know if you really listened to "Masha Gessen" entirely to realize how similar these two dillusional dictators are similar in the way they deal with people and opposition in specific!!

Free Iran...  

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Not really

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

  Russia is prospering under Putin. That is why some in the West are angry about it. Iran is miserable under Khamenei and there is nothing similar. If Iran had Putin we'd be vastly better off than now. I bet most of us would go back. The analogy speaks more of the bias of NPR than of Putin.   


Russia & Islamic Republic, The Incredible Parallels!

by jmyt17 on


Putin is smart man, and done a lot for Russian people and his country, rest human always make a mistake.

Khamenei is just piece of Dirt, please next time compare hime to other, which look like him.

Dirt is Dirt and will remain as a dirt.KHAMENEI!!!


"...And the elections have

by Arthimis on

"...And the elections have become the focus because in a way there's nothing more humiliating than going to vote and having your vote blatantly stolen and essentially being told you don't exist."- Masha Gessen