Terror suspect may fight Thai extradition order
03-Mar-2012 (one comment)

Iranian embassy to appoint counsel to help Masoud

KUALA LUMPUR: SUSPECTED Iranian bomber Masoud Sadaghat Zadeh is expected to fight his extradition to Thailand when his case comes up for mention at the Jalan Duta magistrate's court here on March 15.

It was learnt that he had been given access to Iranian embassy officials here last week.

It is now believed that Masoud will fight the extradition order with the help of a counsel appointed by the embassy.

Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Khalid Abu Bakar said Masoud was taken to court on Thursday, where police obtained a 60-day remand order.

"He can claim trial to challenge the extradition order. If he chooses not to challenge the order, then he will be extradited to Thailand immediately."

Masoud, 31, in custody here since Feb 15, has not provided much information to interrogators. They have described him as well-trained in handling interrogations.

He was arrested at the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal in Sepang after Thai authorities raised the alert following several bombings in Bangkok a day earlier.

Masoud was nabbed while waiting to catch a flight back to Teheran. He was initially probed for immigration offences.

On Feb 23, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said Thai authorities had formally requested for Masoud's extradition.

The Thai embassy here had sent the request via Wisma Putra on Wednesday, which was then forwarded to the Att... >>>


IRI Embassy to Fight Extradition for "MKO/Israeli"

by IranFirst on

Why Would IRI's Embassy help with fighting the Extradition of Sadaghatzadeh from Malaysia to Thailand?!!  IRI is claiming that the terrorists are MKO or Israeli paid. If so, it should help bringing these people to justice, not defending them. And whay are several of them in Iran or had tickets to go back to Iran, if they were MKO,....
