Four more generals defect from Syrian army
Reuthers / Erika Solomon and John Irish
08-Mar-2012 (2 comments)

Four more high-ranking officers have defected from the Syrian armed forces and joined the year-old uprising against President Bashar al-Assad's rule, two rebel groups said on Thursday.

The men fled over the past three days to a camp for Syrian army deserters in southern Turkey, according to Lieutenant Khaled al-Hamoud, a spokesman for the Free Syrian Army (FSA). He told Reuters by telephone from Turkey the desertions bring to seven the number of brigadier generals who have defected.

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Currency Plunges, Raising Fears of Economic Chaos and Poverty

by FG on

From Josh Landis at Syrian Comment:


One businessman I spoke to this morning reports that he sold three-hundred thousand dollars of car parts several months ago in Syrian pounds. He is to be paid at the end of this month. Due to the decline of the pound over this time period from 57 to 100 pounds per dollar, he will lose close to $150,000 dollars. This is a crushing blow to business.

No one is trading the Syrian pound today because its price is decreasing every hour. No one has any idea where this might end....

Most of the savings of Syrians were in Syrian pounds because the Central Bank offered high interest rates compared to the more liquid currencies which were offering rates near zero. Syrians placed confidence in the pound because it had been stable for many years. The public has been hit hard by the decline of the pound. Most Syrians are losing their life savings. Many have neglected to move out of Syrian pounds because it is against the law and because they calculated that the political climate might improve.




Hypocrites decry arms for Syrian rebels

by FG on

Russia tanks, helicopters and the world's biggest mortars are being used to murder Syrian civilians by the thousands while Russia military advisors are behing Syria's use of Putin's Chenchyna tactics (the subject on one of my earlier posts.   Weapons shipments still continue, yet see this news item from today.I

Russia accuses Libya of training Syrian rebels



Joining the chorus is Khamenei's regime in Iran which claims to be non-involved.  Who finds that credible from a proven supporter of endless covert plots against neighnors, supplier of weapons to the extremist Al Mahdi Army in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan to kill Americans, seller of Afghan heroin to the Iranian people and the world and importer of weapons to Afghanistan paid for by such heroin sales?  

Not being involved in supporting Assad in every way possible would be 100 percent incompatible with the IRI's past and present activities. 

  Iran says Arabs putting mercenaries into Syria


And here's a link to the story on the Al Quds general linked to the Afghanistan heroin/weapons arrangement:
