Nuclear Watchdog Chief Accused of Pro-wester​n Bias Over Iran
Guardian in UK
28-Mar-2012 (3 comments)

Mr. Yukiya Amano’s prejudices are no shocking revelation and were well known even before his taking of the helm at IAEA. More surprising is how Guardian has allowed itself to commit the same misdeed through omission.

The incomplete and biased ‘Timeline’ at the end of the article gives the false impression that Iran’s problems with the west only began after the so called exposure of its ‘undeclared nuclear sites’ in August 2002

recommended by Mohammad Ala



Classic technique

by AMIR1973 on

If you don't like what the IAEA is stating about the Islamist regime's nuke program, then attack Amano. This is a classic technique of trying to change the subject and diverting people's attention. Unfortunately for the IRI and its supporters, I don't think it will work.... 


Nuclear Watchdog

by jmyt17 on


Thanks for information.

I will share your information with others.


Mohammad Ala

A summary of pre-2002 key events that Guardian did not . . .

by Mohammad Ala on

Here is a summary of pre-2002 key events starting from 1957 that Guardian did not include:

1957: The United States and Iran sign a civil nuclear co-operation agreement as part of the U.S. Atoms for Peace program.

1963: Iran signs the Partial nuclear test ban treaty (PTBT) on August 9th and ratifies it on December 23, 1963.

1967: The Tehran Nuclear Research Centre is built and run by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI). The United States supplies 5.545 kg of enriched uranium, of which 5.165 kg contain fissile isotopes for fuel in a research reactor. The United States also supplies 112 g of plutonium, of which 104 g are fissile isotopes, for use as start-up sources for research reactor.

1968: Iran signs the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and ratifies it. It goes into effect on March 5, 1970.

1970: Under encouragement from the US to expand its non-oil energy sources, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi embarks on constructing up to 23 nuclear power stations across the country with U.S. support. Numerous contracts are signed with various Western firms.

1974: German firm Kraftwerk Union (a subsidiary of Siemens AG) begins construction on the Bushehr power plant. Atomic Energy Act of Iran is promulgated. The Act covers the activities for which the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran is established. These activities include using atomic energy and radiation in industry, agriculture and service industries, setting up atomic power stations and desalination factories, and producing source materials needed in atomic industries.

1975: Massachusetts Institute of Technology signs a contract with the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran to provide training for Iranian nuclear engineers.

1979: Iran puts a freeze on the existing nuclear program and the Bushehr contract with Siemens AG is terminated as the German firm leaves.

1982: Iranian officials announce that they plan to build a reactor powered by their own uranium at the Isfahan Nuclear Technology Center.

1983: International Atomic Energy Agency inspects Iranian nuclear facilities, and report on a proposed co-operation agreement to help Iran manufacture enriched uranium fuel as part of Iran’s “ambitious program in the field of nuclear power reactor technology and fuel cycle technology.” The assistance program is later terminated under U.S. pressure.

1989: Iran’s Parliament ratifies the Radiation Protection Act of Iran in public session on April 9th which is then approved by the Council of Law-Guardians on April 19, 1989.

1990: Iran begins negotiations with the Soviet Union regarding the re-construction of the Bushehr power plant that was abandoned by Germany in 1979.

1992: Iran signs an agreement with China for construction of two 950-watt reactors in Darkhovin in Western Iran. To date, construction has not yet begun.

1993: China provides Iran with an HT-6B Tokamak fusion reactor that is installed at the Plasma Physics Research Center of Azad University.

1995: Iran signs an $800 million contract with the Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy to complete the reactor at Bushehr under International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards. Actual construction work does not begin until September 2002 due to Western pressure.

1996: China and Iran inform the IAEA of plans to construct a nuclear enrichment facility in Iran. China later withdraws from the contract under U.S. pressure. Iran advises the IAEA that it plans to pursue construction on its own.