Longing for clay

Photo essay: Finding shape and purpose in ceramics

by Nazy Kaviani

Quite by accident, I came to know an accomplished Iranian artist in our community in Berkeley. His name is Farrokh Shehabi, and he is a ceramics artist. Though he is an engineer by education and profession and managed his construction business for many years, for the past ten years he has found his lost love and passion, pottery. He says about that passion: “It was as though all my life I had been longing for the way clay feels in my hands, as it finds shape and purpose, each piece telling its own story.”

Visit Shehabi’s Website and read more about him. If you live in this area, you can visit this interesting man in his studio by appointment year-round. Don’t miss the last chance to visit Berkeley Artisans Holiday Open Studios this weekend, December 15th and 16th ( Sawtooth Building, 2547 8th Street at Dwight, Bay 2, Studio #23, Berkeley, CA 94710, Tel: 510 841-0843). Among tens of other artists in the historic Sawtooth Building, featuring their hand-made arts and crafts, Farrokh’s studio will also be open between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on both days>>>FULL TEXT

* Photos 11-17 by Chris Wahlberg.
* Visit nazykaviani.blogspot.com

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Why don't u write about all

by u (not verified) on

Why don't u write about all the great artists living in Iran who work under such pressure and don't get their names out, instead of writing about artists who have everything available to them. There are great ceramic artists like Bita Fayyazi won many awards inside and out of Iran - see her website www.bitaworks.com


Twisted Minds

by Moosa (not verified) on

Nazy is an Iranian name. Please don't make any malicious statement. Focus on the presented Art and enjoy.


u are anti-simetic

by ghoorbagheh (not verified) on

what kind of name is Nazy?



by Shabnam_Ghayour on

You are such a trouper and supporter of all things Iranian!  Nazy rules!!!! Keep flying the flag for us Nazy joon!  We love you!



by hra (not verified) on

What's witht the name? Are you anti-semitic?


Thanks Nazy!

by Midwesty on

Just a quick reminder, Ceramic is an original Iranian invention. Iranians thousands of years ago were aware of its properties including its heat-shielding property. Loved the photos and the Iranian set-up. Nice fresh figs!