Fighting for the future

Iranians in Maryland help children in Iran

by Farrokh Khatami



by ML (not verified) on

Yay!!!... for the children of persia...
Keep on doing your great work! ~:D


You are doing a terrific

by leila (not verified) on

You are doing a terrific job!!!
I must congratulate your parents also for bringing up such great kids!(by kids I mean all ages from 1 to 109!)
Continue your wonderful work...
Lots o luck!!


Ignore the haters....

by Shabnam Ghayour (not verified) on

Ignore the negative comments, they are from people with nothing better to do than question and hate.
It doesnt matter WHAT you call yourselves, WHERE you are or WHO you are... Its WHAT YOU DO that counts.. And you are all VERY good people for helping this cause and these children. The world should have more charitable people in it!

By the way, another great charity that does alot of work with children in Iran is (Popli Khalatbari Charitable Foundation) They build schools and educate children with disabilities and children who are less fortunate in Iran. They are fantastic too.


Answer to why Children of Persia

by M M (not verified) on

When Children of Persia was in the process of being registered as a non-profit charity organization in the State of Maryland in 1999, there was another registered entity named “Children of Iran”, therefore the name as “Children of Iran” could not be used again.

The decision was to use “Children of Persia “for the English term and “ Koodaakan Iran Zamin” for the translation.

Looking at the registered & published mission statement and the works done by Children of Persia in Iran, there is no need to question the group’s dedication to children of Iran.

Actions are always better judge of a group or a person, not the words used.


Wonderful Act by Wonderful Young from Iranian Parents

by Ahmad_Bahahi (not verified) on

What you are doing is wonderful. We all wish you the best. Lets hope that those Iranians sitting in Tel Aviv and preaching bomb bomb iran will learn from you. (Those Tehrangeles palace sitters are no better than the Tel Avivivans.)
Here we have a group of wonderful young iranians who think like humans do, not like bunch of stone age thinkers.




by ML (not verified) on

Cheraa beajaye inkeh in bacheh ha raa
tashvigh konid inghadr azaar miresoonid??
Chera az in bacheha yaad nemigirid?
Cheghadr eeraad? Chgeghadr manfi-baafi?
**Afarrin Bacheh-haa! **Afarrin beh shoma!


How Wonderful! Wish you all

by yasaman (not verified) on

How Wonderful!
Wish you all the best kids!


Why can't people say IRAN?!!

by Anon (not verified) on

Why can't people say IRAN?!! Are you really that scared of what some white American might think of you when you say you are from IRAN?! Grow yourselves some Spines!


Criticise when you have done your homework...

by Honest me (not verified) on

Dear Curious George,

If you were curiuos enough, you would search Children Of Persia's website and see what kind of services and help they provide for needy children. I honestly encourage you to do so... their site is

See it for yourself

honest me



by Curious George (not verified) on

I would like to give some nice Iranian criticism - Why isn't this organization called Children of Iran? Also, why not show the kids they are helping? What are they really doing by buying earrings and chelo kabob? I think these would be better to know. But overall, it looks like a good time. I think more people would help if they knew where their $$$ went in these clubs.


Great move

by Alborzi (not verified) on

Some times getting help from Americans, puts them at
ease that these Iranians are not 7 foot killers, they are just like them. This effort goes beyond the money raised, its a peaceful movement.