Dear friends,
the attacks against Iran are not anymore restricted to the current regime. Germanys renowned "Spiegel", in its online platform featured a lengthy article full of abuse against Cyrus the Great and attempting to discredit persian pride.
In particular this article
//,1518,564395,00.html [1]
claims that the "first human rights charta" is nothing but propaganda by the late Shah and that Cyrus the Great by no means was any close to being a humanist, a human rights reformer, etc.
The authors claims in detail:
1. The original cylinder, found in 1879, does not mention Ahuramazda, but (the "God") Marduk
2. Cyrus was all but a role model because:
- he let the noses and ears of disobedient citizens/rebels be cut
- the royal palace contained a big harem
- Opis was attacked and all babylonian captives were executed
- honourable citizens of Priene were enslaved and/or deported after the city was sacked
3. Contrary to "propaganda" the original text does not contain any prohibition of slavery, expropriation of land...
[1] //,1518,564395,00.html