Guilaki song on Indian video

"Begardana Begardan" is a Guilaki song (from North of Iran) originally by Faridon Pour-Reza (Famous Guilaki Singer). However, for this video I used new version of the song by unknown artist (who doesn't have Guilaki accent at all) and I donno his name :)



The singer...

by pharyd on

If I'm not too mistaken, the singer trying to do some Guilaki is Sima Bina.

However, this was a very funny combination! Loved the video


to "paying attention"

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

Big DUHHH! The author has written that anyways... the title says "Guilaki song on Indian video".... hahaha, what "cases" we have here!


that's Aishwarya Rai

by alpha (not verified) on

That beautiful woman is Aishwarya Rai, former Miss world, and a very famous Indian actress and model also. She's so famous, I cannot believe people didn't noitce.


This is an Indian video!

by Paying Attention (not verified) on

Hate to burst your bubble but this is an Indian video overlaid with a Farsi soundtrack. Notice that when you see his lips move he is NOT singing this song.


Sounds like he is saying

by n.zanincanadai1 (not verified) on

Sounds like he is saying pedar zana!


Nice clip

by da world (not verified) on

It was funny.I loved it.Thank you.


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Anonymous1234 (not verified)

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