America's 39th president and global peace activist Jimmy Carter sits down with Harry Smith to talk about finding diplomatic peace with Iran and the ongoing war in Iraq>>>WATCH
09-Oct-2007Recently by Darius Kadivar | Comments | Date |
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by Kaveh Nouraee on Fri Oct 12, 2007 04:24 PM PDTThis roundabout way of doing things is one of those cultural flaws that have plagued Iranians for years. It's ironic that you keep saying "shit or get off the pot" while you are hesitant to get straight to the point. Indecisiveness on the part of Mohammad Reza Shah was a huge factor in the downfall of the monarchy, where Jimmy Carter also played a huge role. (Funny how things go in circles, isn't it?)
My denial of due process towards criminals may not be agreeable to you, but don't ever take that as license to compare me to the IRI. I don't kill people, I don't steal, I don't engage in corrupt activity nor do I finance terrorism related causes and activities. You wish to grant the same rights to criminals as you would to law abiding citizens, which I think is utter nonsense.
My mentality is one where those who would harm others are not treated with a level of regard higher than the level of regard held for their victims. You remind me of those instances where the victim is the one who ends up being vilified and the perpetrator is worshipped as some sort of folk hero.
If you had asked me the same question several years ago, I probably would have given you a different answer. But I am sick and tired of people being killed and injured and tortured and persecuted over their beliefs, or where they were born, or some other inconsequential bullshit and the system not doing a goddamn thing about it.
If you are going to do battle with low people like the IRI, you have to get down and dirty in the mud with them in order to have a chance of being victorious and not another of their victims. Due process, justice, mercy and fair play are concepts that are wasted on those people. You know that, I know that and so does everyone else. You just want to keep believing in it in order to make yourself feel better about this sick world, where people whom you call our "countrymen" are some of the biggest perpetrators of the condition this world is in today. Quite simply, they are terrorists.
There is an old joke that comes to mind when it comes to how to deal with slime like the IRI:
How are a Jewish mother and a terrorist the same?
You can't negotiate with either one and win.
by Diplomat (not verified) on Fri Oct 12, 2007 02:24 PM PDTKaveh Jaan,
This will the last of my post. In a round about way I was trying to find out how I can distinguish you from the people who run the IR, the very same people you are critical of. I can't distinguish you. You hold the same fundamental ideology that they do. They deny people their due process for a reason of their choosing and so do you. You are a lot closer to the IR mentality than you think.
All the best.
You are just another Arab Parast Vatanforoosh
by Kaveh Nouraee on Fri Oct 12, 2007 09:17 AM PDTIf you have any support for any of those murderous treasonous bastards, then you are no Iranian!! These monkeys are turning Iran into an Arab country day by day and you are loving it, and you have the audacity to call yourself Iranian? Jehanam.
At no time have I ever endorsed what the Pentagon says. What I do say is that the IRI is entitled to NOTHING, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the Pentagon's assessment of anything. As far as I am concerned, both the IRI and the U.S. Government are cut from the same cloth with the same pair of scissors. But since we are talking about the IRI, remember that they are responsible for the deaths of more than a million people, most of them Iranian. Their own countrymen. And not one of them received any due process.
Where was your due process for those babies the mollahs sent to sweep for landmines?
Where is the due process for the victims of daily public executions, or the stonings, or the beatings? Where? WHERE?
It is bleeding heart people like you that think that "oh, we must give these people due process, after all they are Iranian." Goh khordi. That's what these savages are counting on, your sense of "fairness and justice". That is exactly what these pieces of garbage exploit to their advantage. While you follow your "sense of fairness and justice", they keep engaging in criminal activity, victimizing the whole nation. The IRI is a criminal entity, and they do not play by anyone's rules, not even their own, as they have none. They change the rules to ensure maximum benefit to them on a constant basis in order to fit the circumstances of the moment. You keep playing by your "rules" and see how far you get with them.
If you are willing to give the benefit of the doubt to any Iranian based solely upon their nationality, even when they have blood on their hands, then you should go join them. I am sure they will enjoy having your endorsement and support. While you are there make sure you make them some chai and serve them some cookies and sweets. Be sure to be a good host, since they are Iranian.
Make sure your walk is a very long one on a very short pier.
Crystal Clear
by diplomat (not verified) on Fri Oct 12, 2007 08:20 AM PDT"ANY civilian national from any country is entitled due process. A representative, agent, employee, contractor or other official of the IRI working in any official capacity is not."
That is crystal clear. Why were you pussyfooting around so much?.
You will deny the due process to a fellow Iranian simply because the Pentagon has said they are associated with the IR. You will require no proof of such association and Pentagon's word is good enough for you.
Ada Boy! You are one red-blooded All-American(TM) boy.
I shall take a walk now and hold my head up high in saying "I am a proud Iranian and demand my countrymen get the due process no matter what the US government (or any Ajnabi) claims."
And that my dear Kaveh is the distinction. You can pound your chest about being an Iranian all you want but your words and actions speak louder.
You are a broken record
by Kaveh Nouraee on Thu Oct 11, 2007 08:38 PM PDTBottom line, ANY civilian national from any country is entitled due process. A representative, agent, employee, contractor or other official of the IRI working in any official capacity is not. Is that clear enough for you, or do you need a diagram to be drawn up?
And burn this thought into your otherwise atrophied brain: You are in no position to determine whether or not I can call myself Iranian.
Now, it's your turn to shit or get off the pot. Either quit hiding behind some bullshit screen name or take a walk.
Kaveh, keep changing your tune
by diplomat (not verified) on Thu Oct 11, 2007 05:12 PM PDT"To compare due process under civilian law and Geneva Convention regulations and mandates and use parts of each one is idiotic. You are seeking to have Iran follow only those rules that cause the least inconvenience, which is an elitist attitude and mindset. You clearly know very little about the rule of law as it is applied during peacetime or during a state of war."
Where did I ever make a distinction between war and peace time like you are? It was you that mentioned Geneva Conventions not me. Who is comparing anything?
All I said was "due process". Which of the two parts of "due process" is ambiguous to you?
I asked it once and I ask it again. Shit or get off the pot man. Do your countrymen deserve a due process or not? You pick the legal framework: war, peace, combo, anything you want. There has to be a legal framework under which they can get their due process. Do you support that or do you want to see them kept without the due process forever?
It's that simple. You answer that question not for me but for yourself. Then depending on the answer, you can proceed to call yourself Iranian or not.
To Whatever your name is
by Kaveh Nouraee on Thu Oct 11, 2007 04:01 PM PDTI have not lost any argument here, as I am not arguing with you. You are thinking way too highly of yourself to think I am arguing with you. You are simply wrong and I am simply correcting you.
The use of the word chickenshit and idiot are most appropriate, as you clearly lack the wherewithall to stand up and say who you are, which only leaves me with contempt for you. Have an opposing position, but be a man or a woman of character and be proud of your point of view, no matter what the result. To compare due process under civilian law and Geneva Convention regulations and mandates and use parts of each one is idiotic. You are seeking to have Iran follow only those rules that cause the least inconvenience, which is an elitist attitude and mindset. You clearly know very little about the rule of law as it is applied during peacetime or during a state of war.
Additionally, your abuse of Latin is far from impressive. It's actually quite painful to watch.
By the way, before I forget, thank you for the compliment.
to Kaveh
by diplomat (not verified) on Thu Oct 11, 2007 02:42 PM PDTHaven't you been taught that resorting to ad hominem is a sure sign that you have lost the argument? Do you think using phrases like chicken shit or idiot really improves your argument in a debate?
"The laws of due process do not apply in times of war".
That doesn't stop you from pointing to the Geneva Conventions which is intended to lay out the due process in times of war. Brilliant logic. Do you really read what you write?
"prove to those people are indeed there legitimately and I'll remove the quotation marks."
Why do I have to prove their innocence or legitimacy? The onus is on you to prove their guilt. Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty?
I pointed out a clear non sequitir in your last post, you are resorting to ad hominem, another fallacy in logic, you contradict yourself by saying there is no due process and then point to the Geneva Conventions and you accuse me of "inablility (sic) to use simple logic".
"Before they even emerge from the womb this belief system is already deep within them"
That statement says it all. You are brilliant but don't give up the day job for a career in geopolitics or logic.
I'm The Iranian...You are the Idiot
by Kaveh Nouraee on Thu Oct 11, 2007 02:19 PM PDTThe Iraqi "government" is not hostile towards Iran because they are being funded by Iran! Are you that oblivious to the obvious?
These "interests", as you refer to them revolve around exporting the so-called "Islamic Revolution". Iran's "diplomats" are in Iraq selling arms and supplies to various guerilla factions, the ones who are easily bought and corrupted. Additionally by inciting further chaos in Iraq, the IRI is diverting attention away from its true nuclear work, which is to say, developing fuel for atomic weapons. But that's just a small part of it. I will be the very first person to say that the Iranian nation and people have every right to develop and use nuclear technology for PEACEFUL CIVILIAN PURPOSES. The IRI's intent is to develop weapons, plain and simple. Otherwise, there would be no reason for all of this bullshit double talk from Tehran. I know it, and everyone with half a brain knows it. If you can't see through the IRI's bullshit, then that's your problem.
As far as my statement regarding Arab tribal mentality, for you to interpret that as racist is evidence of your inablility to use simple logic, as well as proof of your ignorance of history. This is how they have been raised. This is what they have been taught to believe. Before they even emerge from the womb this belief system is already deep within them. That can certainly be looked upon as racist on their part, but it's certainly not racism on my part, you ignorant ass. The Shias and the Sunnis hold the core belief that they are true Moslems and the other is not. The Arabs despise Persians and Kurds, and hold the belief we and they are inferior to them, the same way Adolf Hitler felt Jews (which are people of all colors and ethnicities who follow the Talmud and not a race) to be inferior, the same way white supremacists in the US and white Europeans in South Africa look upon blacks. My mentioning that fact doesn't make me the racist.
The laws of due process do not apply in times of war, Mr. Diplomat. If you were truly a diplomat, you would know that from the first day in a high school civics class. When the occupying forces encounter personnel from a country that is hostile to the country of origin of the occupying forces, those personnel are considered to be hostile and are to be dealt with according to the Geneva Convention. If the personnel are from a so-called "friendly" country and are found to be engaging in hostile conduct then they are to be dealt with in the same way.
I tell you what.... prove to those people are indeed there legitimately and I'll remove the quotation marks. Pentagon-shmentagon. Let's get the seal of approval from YOU. After all, you are the "diplomat", right?
If you want to question whether or not I am truly an Iranian by your definition, at least have the tokhm to tell us who you really are. Any chickenshit cocksucker hiding behind some nonsense screen name can talk the talk all they want, but by hiding behind a veil of anonymity they prove from the outset they can't walk the walk. Accusations from an apparition are worthless.
to Kaveh
by diplomat (not verified) on Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:46 AM PDT"It is a matter of fact that Iraq is currently occupied by the United States military forces, regardless of your, mine or anyone else's opinion about the U.S. presence there. The U.S. and Iran have no diplomatic relations whatsoever. Therefore, Iran's presence is not for "diplomatic" purposes"
Non sequitur. True that Iraq is occupied by the US. True that the US has no diplomatic relations with Iran. Not true that Iran has no diplomatic business with Iraq. Iran has diplomatic relations with Iraq the same way all other countries do such as Turkey or Germany. The fact that Iraq is under occupation does not change this equation at all.
"What is the criteria that constitutes a friendly government to Iran?"
A very simple criteria that has nothing to do with election, human rights etc. A government that is not hostile to Iran. Can't get any simpler than that. There are no "noble intentions" in international relations. Countries don't have friends, they have interests. Iran is no exception.
As for the rest of your post, it is not worthy of discussion. It borders racism towards Arabs. Statements like "All they desire is to kill each other" is not worth of a response and says a lot more about you than it says about Arabs.
What about my point about due process? Are you going to address that? Should the Iranians being held captive have due process or should we just accept their guilt simply because Pentagon said so?
On what basis do you use quotation marks on diplomats? What evidence has been put forth to the contrary? If you are convinced they are not diplomats because the Pentagon said so, then perhaps it is you that needs to purchase some Enron stock.
I find it rather despicable that you call yourself an Iranian but are happy to see your fellow countrymen be denied an opportunity to prove/disprove their guilt/innocence. Shit or get off the pot. Either demand that your fellow Iranians get a fair hearing regardless of who they are or where they are or stop calling yourself Iranian. Based on what I have seen from your posts, the latter would be more appropriate.
Diplomat.....Wake up
by Kaveh Nouraee on Thu Oct 11, 2007 09:31 AM PDTFirst of all, let's get this clear: It is not my writing that is poor, but rather your judgment. The entire issue of "diplomats" being detained is a governmental/military issue, and not a civilian matter.
Your "sloganeering" reference is also terminally weak. My statement is no slogan. It is a matter of fact that Iraq is currently occupied by the United States military forces, regardless of your, mine or anyone else's opinion about the U.S. presence there. The U.S. and Iran have no diplomatic relations whatsoever. Therefore, Iran's presence is not for "diplomatic" purposes. The argument that they are there to "ensure the presence of a friendly government" is not only flawed but naieve. What is the criteria that constitutes a friendly government to Iran? Human rights? Open elections? Freedom of worship, whether you are Sunni or Shia?. C'mon. You cannot possibly be THAT gullible to believe that the IRI is actually of pure thoughts and has noble intentions, do you? If you are, perhaps you would like to purchase some Enron stock. Or maybe you can help me move some money from a Nigerian bank account, and I will give you a percentage.
Iraqi masses will not be able to achieve anything because it is simply not in their nature. The tribal mentality of Arabs precludes this. Arabs have been raised and programmed with a distinct set of "values" (for lack of a more appropriate word) that is simply not conducive to an establishing and maintaining an open democratic society. A government cannot function as a chesive entity when you have different tribes, religious sects and ethnic groups all demanding the upper hand without any sort of compromise in the process. You talk about the Iraqi masses achieving what they desire. All they desire is to kill each other. This is exactly why the U.S. is still there and are not going anywhere anytime soon. Sunnis want to kill Shias, Shias want to kill Sunnis, and everybody wants to kill the Kurds.
Some achievement.
Meanwhile the Iranian "diplomats" are there like personal injury lawyers at a train wreck, looking to profit from the situation. That's the only "economic interests" they have.
Is it sinking in yet?
Kaveh the moving goal post.
by dipolmat (not verified) on Wed Oct 10, 2007 05:08 PM PDTKaveh,
You have gone from "Iranians" in your earlier post with no qualification to "And by Iranians, I am referring to the employees, agents, operatives and representatives of the IRI" a few posts later. Similarly you have gone from "no business whatsoever" to "except religion reasons". You can certainly attribute this to my lack of ability to make a distinction between a civilian and a civil servant or I can attribute it to you changing your tune or not being able to get your message across properly (ie poor writing). It doesn't matter, I accept the new positions of the goal posts, we restrict it to those in employment of Iranian government.
"The people who have been caught have no reason to be there other than to aggravate an already incendiary situation."
This is the type of sloganeering I was referring to. This statement can not be taken as a matter of fact. There has been no due process. No charge, no trial, no representation for the Iranians in captivity. Nothing. So how do we know any one individual is guilty of anything? We simply have to take the Pentagon's word for it. You clearly do but I reserve judgment. For all I know one of the captives is a just the ABDARCHEE of the consulate! Even Iranian government at least puts its "enemies" on trial albeit of the kangaroo variety.
As for the bigger picture, yes Iran (with or without the IR designation) has legitimate concerns and interests in Iraq and should try to protect them. Least of which is to ensure a friendly government is in place so we don't have the repeat of 1980-88. Iran traditionally has been a regional power forever and it has tried to exert its influence beyond its borders. This is nothing new and not limited to the current regime. It has existed before and will continue to exist. You and I not liking the regime is not going to make an iota of difference and who is at the helm in the government will make no difference either. So here you go, I gave you one reason. To ensure a friendly government is in place. Not to even mention economic interests.
"You think any normal person is going to believe that the same IRI that killed Iraqis from 1980-1988 is now their best friend?"
No I don't think this at all. If Iraqi masses could achieve what they desired, both Iran and the US would be out of there in no time. The Iraqi people are powerless and at the mercy of those who exert the greatest influence. That happens to be Iran and the US at the moment.
This IS my real name
by Kaveh Nouraee on Wed Oct 10, 2007 03:53 PM PDTWhere do you see any slogans that can be attributed to me?
What is in fact absurd is the notion that Iranians have legitimate business in Iraq. And by Iranians, I am referring to the employees, agents, operatives and representatives of the IRI. Unfortunately I overestimated your ability to differentiate between the government and a civilian.
You also fail to realize that the burden of proof is not upon me. If I were to visit Iraq, or any other country, then it is incumbent upon me to justify my presence there. The people who have been caught have no reason to be there other than to aggravate an already incendiary situation. This is something you cannot deny. You think any normal person is going to believe that the same IRI that killed Iraqis from 1980-1988 is now their best friend? There were family ties back then too. There were religious pilgrims back then too. So either you are naieve or ignorant. Either way, that's dangerous.
You come up with a legitimate purpose for the IRI to be in Iraq. Then we will see who is absurd.
Shall I hold your hair back for you?
by Kaveh Nouraee on Wed Oct 10, 2007 03:18 PM PDTAre you still puking? No? Damn, I must be losing my effectiveness. Must be a lack of sleep. By the way, how does kalehpacheh taste the 2nd time around?
Typical Arabparast. Anyone who is smarter and opposes you (which includes most mammals, several plants and a box of rocks) is automatically assumed by you to be a friend of RP. Only goes to prove that you are indeed dead from the neck up.
Not once have I said that RP was/is/will ever be a solution or THE solution. Unlike you vatanforoosh Arabparasts, I don't pretend to know it all or have ALL of the answers. But here is what I DO know. (I am typing this slowly for you, Foad, just in case you cannot read that fast):
The IRI does not despise Jimmy Carter. In fact, they owe their very existence to that horse-toothed jackass. Their lack of respect for him is an entirely different matter. They used him for a purpose, got what they wanted and have discarded him like a styrofoam cup.
Foad, Fudd, Fraud, Flunkie...whatever your name is, understand this clearly. I am not an advocate of RP or anyone else. I am an advocate of Iran. If RP's father were still alive that would be a different story. I personally wished he murdered MORE of those Arabparasts, including that bastard Moussavi. If he had there would have been no revolution. But Junior has been too far removed from Tehran for far too long to be viable as anything more than the symbol that he is now. And ALL he is is a symbol. He's not a politician, or a leader. But that's not even within the vicinity of the point. It was you who brought him up, not I.
Now, bring the Iranians who you say said a thousand times that they do not want the monarchy back. You will find it is THEY who are looting the Iranian treasury, and have been doing so since 1979. I have not received one fucking dime from the Iranian treasury, nor do I want anything from the treasury. The money belongs to Iran and the Iranian PEOPLE and NOT your heroes in the IRI. If I were ever charged with being the caretaker of the treasury, Iranian people's money, I guarantee you that it would be a cold day in Hell before any filthy Arabs or their even filthier groupies like you and your ilk saw any of it. It would go back INTO the country where it belongs and not to a bunch of Arab terrorists.
Iran did not become a democracy because of your beloved IRI, who were installed with the help of James Earl Carter. He wasn't re-elected just because of the hostages. The economy was in the toilet, and he pulled out of and boycotted the Olympics in Moscow, which cost the companies and wealthy individuals who sponsored U.S. athletes BILLIONS of dollars. He was defeated because he had absolutely NO business being in office!!! Domestically and internationally the U.S. was a bigger laughingstock than it is now. The difference is that back then there was no 24 hour news or Internet (Al Gore, another idiot Democrat, hadn't invented yet).
So, Foad, do everyone a favor and refrain from discussing things you have no idea about. You are a cliche. People like you think they are experts on sex, sports, the economy and politics, and you love to hear the sound of your own voice. You cannot be reasoned with because you have never been held accountable. Besides, the only stooge around here is you, the IRI stooge.
To Pahlavi Stooges........DK and KN
by Foad on Wed Oct 10, 2007 02:03 PM PDTThanks KN for decoding my name. I am scared. RP having you bozo stooges as friends may not need any enemy. Well your collaborator in chief (KN) and yourself accuse me of being a hostage taker. Has it appeared to you DIM WITS that if I am hostage taker I should despise President Carter and not to respect him. He was not re-elected because hostage crisis. Oh sorry you knuckle heads, you are saying President Carter was in it too. Shame on you and all the Pahlavi Cabals who are prostituting themselves in the hope of returning to power on the back of American tax payers and blood of Iranians and Americans. So you can continue to loot Iran treasury.
Iran may have not become a democracy that the revolution intended but Iranians said it once said it thousand times and said it clearly that they didn't want his murderous father and they don't want his moftkhor incompetent son. Asking Iranians to accept this mofkhor specimen is like asking them to eat their vomit. By the way you two making me vomit right now.
Stooge DK is insulting Iranian women by accusing them to wears burka. Women in Iran with all the limitation imposed on them including what to wear by the current regime have accomplished much more than you two sold out Pahlavi Cabals imagine.
bye DK heads
damet garm Kaveh ...
by Mash_Ghasem (not verified) on Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:48 PM PDTWe are in this mess thanks to the worst U.S. President of all time: Jimmy Carter. Now, he is amusing us with his "expert" opinion about Iran (which he lost to terrorists in the first place)
keep digging
by diplomat (not verified) on Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:16 AM PDTKaveh,
Keep digging yourself in a bigger hole. You make an absurd generalization which a 2 year old child can detect the fallacy in it, then you repeat it and insist on it. Yet you accuse me of lack of means to engage in a meaningful argument? That's a bit rich don't you think?
I don't have to prove that Iranians have legitimate reasons for being in Iraq, that is very self evident given family ties, business, pilgrimage etc. You have to prove otherwise. Which you have miserably failed to do by resorting to slogans and not providing any evidence.
Signing in with your real name (if that is your real name) does not make your argument any more valid nor does it increase your credibility. Your credibility relies on the strength of your argument and in that department your weakness is of epic proportions.
Here is an example. You went from: "Iranians have no legitimate business in Iraq whatsoever." to "Iranians have any legitimate reason to be in Iraq (besides religious ones)". From non whatsoever to beside religious ones. Tell us a bit more about these exceptions. Family ties don't exit? No business is being conducted?
Meanwhile Look at Iranian Diplomats incompetence in Paris ;0))
by Darius Kadivar on Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:42 AM PDTHA HA ! ...
Iranian embassy in Paris throws away prize-winning sculpture
TEHRAN, Oct. 9 (Mehr News Agency) -- Officials at the Iranian Embassy in France have put the broken pieces of Kambiz Sharif's award-winning sculpture out with the rubbish. "The Growth" (Ruyesh) sculpture was awarded the grand prize at the third Tehran Contemporary Sculpture Biennial in 2002.
The sculpture had been erected at the Iranian Embassy in Paris in 2003. It had been transferred to Paris from Tehran's Museum of Contemporary Art at the request of former ambassador, Sadeq Kharazi.
Sharif told ISNA that he had recently been informed that the sculpture had broken into pieces a year ago and had been removed from the venue as garbage.
Although the sculpture had been donated to the embassy, it had been stipulated that measures be taken to protect the artwork, he added.
Sharif remarked that he is surprised how employees working in Paris, which he considers to be the cradle of global art, could be capable of such a botch.
Sharif has been informed by a contact in the Iranian embassy that the employees (who are resident in the capital of the art world!) don't value art and artworks.
by Kaveh Nouraee on Wed Oct 10, 2007 09:47 AM PDTThat's exactly what I said. Iranians are NOT in Iran to do business or for family ties or diplomatic missions. They are there to provide financial and materiel support to various factions who are hell-bent on perpetuating chaos and anarchy.
Diplomat or Dipshit or whatever your name really is, unless you have the guts to come out from under your chador of anonymity, don't bother replying to anything. Even under the best circumstances you have proven you lack the means to engage in any meaningful dialogue with anyone, and by hiding behind some BS alias, your already non-existent credibility is further compromised.
Unless you are willing to ID yourself and are capable of proving that Iranians have any legitimate reason to be in Iraq (besides religious ones), then sit down and be quiet.
To Kaveh
by diplomat (not verified) on Wed Oct 10, 2007 09:03 AM PDT"Iranians have no legitimate business in Iraq whatsoever. Those who are there are there only under suspicious circumstances and only for nefarious purposes"
One can only laugh at such absurd statements. It shows your intellectual capacity rather well. It's not as if Iranians are in Iraq to do business, for family ties or doing diplomatic missions.
Do you enjoy displaying your buffoonery for the world to see?
by Kaveh Nouraee on Tue Oct 09, 2007 08:21 PM PDTThe only chump around here is the one you see in the mirror every morning, buddy.
The IRAQI government? The very phrase itself is a contradiction in terms. There is no cohesiveness, no unity, no resemblance of authority. All Iraq has is ANOTHER collection of Arabs, with the right hand funded by the Americans and the left hand funded by the IRI, and the money vanishing into thin air like a gooz in the breeze.
Iranians have no legitimate business in Iraq whatsoever. Those who are there are there only under suspicious circumstances and only for nefarious purposes. So, if an Arab-parast IRI flunky is caught in Iraq being up to no good gets his ass kicked, even if its by some 19 year old redneck jarhead from Appalachia who is married to his sister, not only do I take pleasure from it, I hope it gets posted on YouTube.
to: Kaveh
by diplomat (not verified) on Tue Oct 09, 2007 07:35 PM PDTMr Nouraee
"You have the audacity to call the Iranians captured by U.S. soldiers "diplomats"?"
The determination of whether the Iranians being held in captivity by the US in Iraq are diplomats or not is not up to Foad or you chump! It's not even up to the US government. It is up to the Iraqi government as the host nation you bozo. The Iraqi government, a US ally, has repeatedly said they were diplomats and has demanded their release. And you snot think you know better?
Iranians of all walks of life are being harassed on a daily basis in Iraq by US forces and you eye-ranians in Tehrangeles have not only nothing negative to say about it, you seem to take pleasure in it.
Well, good on you. Stay there.
by Kaveh Nouraee on Tue Oct 09, 2007 07:07 PM PDTIs your name an acronym for Full Of Arab Dung?
Do you need a history lesson? On November 4, 1979, your hero, Ruhollah Moussavi Hendi, and his band of merry morons took 66 U.S. citizens hostage, calling them "guests". (Note to self: Be sure to tie up and blindfold guests next time I have company.)
Upon further research you will find that your hero returned from exile in France after your other hero Jimmy Carter literally abandoned our country, having actually been quoted as saying "Fuck the Shah" when briefed about the escalating protests in the latter half of 1978. Don't forget, this was just a few short months AFTER that same peanut farming jackass you adore toasted the Shah at Niavaran Palace on New Year's Eve. (Not OUR New Year...YANKEE New Year).
Jimmy Carter as far as I am or any other reasonably thinking person is concerned is an accomplice, if not a direct contributor to the middle east based terrorism we have today. This idiot felt that your hero "being a man of God, would ensure that human rights would be respected in Iran, or as he pronounces it, 'ahran'.
Jimmy Carter's opinions on the Middle East are about as valid as a rabbi's opinion on the best way to roast pork. This is HIS mess that we are living with!!
You have the audacity to call the Iranians captured by U.S. soldiers "diplomats"? They are nothing more than accomplices to a criminal regime. A bunch of Arab parasts who rape and pillage their own nation and countrymen like the traitors they are. If you find nothing inherently wrong with that, then go back and rejoin them.
FOAD Your So ................Vain ;0)
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Oct 09, 2007 04:32 PM PDTYou guys are just too cheap to talk to or respond to your provocations.You don't represent any threat to anyone ,,,
You are just frustrated to know it too well so you are looking for arguments to contradict others.
You guys don't have a definitive opinion on anything and even less on yourselves.
You talk in the name of Democracy then immediately bring up arguments against it. You hate the US but love Carter, You say You love Women but like to see them all covered by a burka.
Don't try to convert me its useless and stick to your prejudices and live according to your middle ages standards. It won't stop me from sleeping. Just ask you president to dress up like someone who is meant to represent a proud and civilized nation and try to utter some logical comments than what made him a fool and shameful representative of our country at the UN.
Ciao Badbakht
FOAD Your So ................Vain ;0)
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Oct 09, 2007 04:32 PM PDTYou guys are just too cheap to talk to or respond to your provocations.You don't represent any threat to anyone ,,,
You are just frustrated to know it too well so you are looking for arguments to contradict others.
You guys don't have a definitive opinion on anything and even less on yourselves.
You talk in the name of Democracy then immediately bring up arguments against it. You hate the US but love Carter, You say You love Women but like to see them all covered by a burka.
Don't try to convert me its useless and stick to your prejudices and live according to your middle ages standards. It won't stop me from sleeping. Just ask you president to dress up like someone who is meant to represent a proud and civilized nation and try to utter some logical comments than what made him a fool and shameful representative of our country at the UN.
Ciao Badbakht
need a reason?
by to DK (not verified) on Tue Oct 09, 2007 04:24 PM PDTDK,
The only reason I can offer you is that they are human beings that are being held and tortured without charge and due process against International law by those who advocate rule of law and human rights the most. If that is not enough to get you outraged then no amount of reason will change your mind. You consider them to be "representative" of IR which makes it ok to keep them captive without charge or due process. Ironically, your logic is very much the same as those who held US hostages in Iran. They didn't approve of US policies so they took their representatives hostage.
Your rhetoric about "my people" rings rather hollow when you render a subset of them guilty by association without the benefit of doubt, trial or due process.
Don't get me wrong. I am not trying to change your mind nor will I be able to do so even if I wanted to. You are a lost cause and Iranian only in name. Your stance is quite clear. You rather see some of "my people" rot in captivity than to raise objection to their detention without the due process. Your blood boils when Iranians take US citizens hostage but it is perfectly ok if the US takes Iranians hostage.
In short sir, you are an AJNABI-PARAST.
Pahlavi Stooge is going Berzerk........DK
by Foad on Tue Oct 09, 2007 04:02 PM PDTYou are so insincere and such a liar and yet so transparent that one wonders even someone like that Moftkhor and incompetent specimen could afford to have a supporter/slave like you.
Once again you showed your ignorance and pettiness. Foad
Why Should I feel sorry about Iranian Diplomats ?
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Oct 09, 2007 03:20 PM PDTI don't feel sorry for them ? Give me a good reason to do so ?
Why Should I feel anything for the representatives a regime who are killing my people and plundering my nation ? I never considered the Islamic Republic as legitimate the day they started executing innocents.
You Tell me and You tell them why should I feel sorry for the representatives of the Islamic Republic :
Concerned about hostages?
by To DK (not verified) on Tue Oct 09, 2007 02:56 PM PDTHey DK,
Funny you should bring up US hostages. Are you planning on writing a piece and condemning the US taking Iranian diplomats hostage in Iraq? They have been held captive since February. So when is the piece going to be published? Or your blood boils only when US citizens are taken hostage?
FOAD the Embassy Hostage Taker .............. woke up ! ;0)
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Oct 09, 2007 02:06 PM PDTComing from a US Hostage Taker like you Foad I take your accusations as a compliment.
Since When did you Embassy Hostage Takers now settled in the US have been giving us lessons of diplomacy and democracy ?
Bye Bye Cry Baby talk to your Mother about your Bad Habits.