Kiss me

Film clips


Recently by Jahanshah JavidCommentsDate
Hooman Samani: The Kissinger
Aug 31, 2012
Eric Bakhtiari: San Francisco 49er
Aug 26, 2012
You can help
Aug 23, 2012
more from Jahanshah Javid

You Can

by NoLiss (not verified) on

You can Miss me you can even Kiss me but whatever you do, don't Liss me.


To: Shabnam

by Your new Boyfriend (not verified) on

Need someone to kiss and you have no boyfriend? Look no further.
I was born with puckered lips and no worthy targets to direct them at. In fact, I'm even willing to snuggle on command and go to Chick Flicks and discuss them at length over Camamile tea.
Signed: Sleepless in Sanandaj


Kiss Me (My initials)

by KM (not verified) on

Here is one for you JJ. I'm going to watch it again this Weekend (director's cut of course)


Hey Brad Pitt!

by Shabnam_Ghayour on

Whats your number??? Where have you been all my life? Lol... (Boyfriend?  What boyfriend?  Im a good Persian girl!)


Hey Shabnam, ...I am here for you baby

by Brad Pitt (not verified) on

Hey Shabnam,

Don't worry if your boyfriend doesn't kiss you anymore.
I am always here ready to oblige!!! Just give me a call.


Those were the days.... Ahhhhh....

by Shabnam_Ghayour on

Thanks for that JJ!  I wish i was still a teenager... Hours and hours of making out with some cute boy... Those were the days.  God i miss it.  Now sex ruins everything... What happened to kissing?  Do people over 30 REALLY kiss anymore? I'm 31 and there is a distinct shortage of smoochers...  God so many memories of stolen kisses in parks, dark corners and deserted streets... I miss the kiss!!!


No kisses for Mullahs Only Bombs!!!!

by Not Arabzadeh! (not verified) on

Bomb them Now!