
Mostafa Rahmani

Science diplomacy

UC BERKELEY NEWS– High-level Iranian officials made a rare visit to the University and Jepson Herbaria seeking to augment ongoing scholarly collaboration with UC Berkeley scientists and students. "Politics is going to fluctuate, but science is something that is not going to change with the president," said Dr. Mostafa Rahmani, director of the Islamic Republic of Iran's office at the Pakistan Embassy in Washington, D.C. "We need to invest for what is more permanent… "Animosity is not going to go away," he added, unless "these two great countries" enhance their interaction in peaceful arenas>>>FULL TEXT



Shirazi = Boro Daret-o Bezaar

by Ahura (not verified) on

Iran ultimately belongs to its open-minded, moderate children of every religion or no religion.


Mahmoud Ghaffari and Irritated = anti-Iran subhumans

by AnonymousShirazi (not verified) on

Down with Shahollahis, Savakis, Mossadis, and CIA agents of the 75 million dollar club. Iran is a Muslim-majority country with a distinct Iranian cultural identity. However, the dregs of the Pahlavist mafia scum and the Rajavist agents of Saddam Hussein have infiltrated this website like the cancer that they are in order to disseminate their anti-Iran garbage propaganda. These are Zionist, Israeli animals posing as human beings. The Iranian nation has every right to defend itself against these microbes, just as it defended itself against Saddam and his Iranian supporters.


There is no reapproachment with a Islamic Nazi ideology

by Mahmoud Ghaffari (not verified) on

Don't be fooled by the showered and cleansed look of agents of the Islamic Republic. This is the continuation of the Taliban and Al Qaeda style theocarcy. Islam is incapable, was incapable and will be incapable of morphing into a 21st century democracy. We should band together to remove these vermins from Persia and the world at any cost.


Great effort and Good Luck.

by Irritated (not verified) on

As an Iranian, here is what I have to say: Reesh and Pasham (beard) irritates my spirit. Just like SS, in Iran Reesh and Pasham delivers oath to an accepted cult and royalty to a clan of mafia and unelected system.

Can Iranians without Reesh and Pasham (beard) survive in this Reesh and Pasham (beard) mindless, silly, backward, and savage Islamic system?

Irritated and sick in stomach in last 30 years,


آقا مصطفی

میز ابوالحسن خان صاحب جمع (not verified)

میتونی رو نقشه تنب کوچک و بزرگ را نشون بدی؟