
Roya Arabshahi

"Ten" actor

Roya Arabshahi starred in Abbas Kiarostami's movie TEN.

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We know you are not an editor...

by not stupid like NotAnEditor (not verified) on

There is a reason why you are NotAnEditor, because you can't R E A D !!! click on your own link and you will see that in addition to Mania Akbari, Roya Arabshahi is also in the same movie. Her name is only 2 names below Mania's name on the list of credits.



by KBT (not verified) on

I definitely agree that this website has lost its touch and quality.
We are all so quick to make comments and criticize each other.
Too many comments from the peanut factory!


Iranian needs an editor.

by NotAnEditor (not verified) on

Roya Arabshahi?! Ten?!

Lacking an editor, is becoming a place for rumor, bad-mouthing, and non-sense...

The actress in the movie is Mania Akbari:


Somebody stops the 'noise' here, or somebody starts a new good site, please!


you are so layman Niki.

by derq (not verified) on

you are so layman Niki.


What happened to her? she

by Anonymous34343343 (not verified) on

What happened to her? she was so cute and now she looks like she is 45 and a chain smoker going both ways.


That is one of my favorite

by Niki on

That is one of my favorite films, and i think she did a great job in it as well. thanks for posting.


it must be different 10

by Alborzi (not verified) on

The 10 that I saw back in 80s had some nude scenes,
they must have a different scale over there, maybe its octal 10


So what?

by Mash ghasem (not verified) on

What are we supposed to do?