
Sara Yalda

French-Iranian journalist

Sara Yalda was born in Iran in 1967. She is a journalist at Le Figaro, one of the leading newspapers in France. She has recently published an autobiography "Regard persan" about her childhood in Iran and her trip back to Iran after 27 years in order to find her Iranian father.

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I read this book... To

by nooni (not verified) on

I read this book... To personal, easy to read, but not a great ouvrage...
She seems to be the center of the world.

Darius Kadivar

Writing is the best Therapy

by Darius Kadivar on

I can only encourage anyone with a story to write especially if it means something to them personally. Its like bread and water, you need it to survive.

Dunno more about her but her book is available on amazon.fr


Please please please

by nonymouse (not verified) on

enough memoirs already! Every one has a history but not everyone's history is worth writing a book about. How many memoirs can these iranian writers do before they give up?


could you give us some more

by parto (not verified) on

could you give us some more about her....?