
Shah, Farah, Mossadegh

On Italian magazine cover

(eBay): Juna 18,1961 rare edition of the Italian Magazine *L'EUROPEO*. On the front cover of this edition is a wonderful large photo of the Shah of Persia Reza Pahlavi, Farah Diba and Mossadegh.


more from Darius Kadivar

The Shah was my hero!

by BRia on

For me, a school boy growing up in Tehran in 60's and 70's, he was a hero. Maybe it was his military demeanor while riding a horse or flying an f-5 Phantom. yet I realize that extolling his virtues should not be at the expense of trashing Mossadeq, etc.



rooted dis-order

by amirkabear4u on

All the present troubles we have in this country are because of the Shah and his leftish father. I hope there would be a time when this nation appreciate Pahlaves' bad management created so much rooted torment. Very glad to say they are now so useless they can not win the heart and mind of many people how dislike mulahs.


such is life....

by mrclass on

Mossadegh era was comming to an end one way or another. either commi's would have taken over, or a maniac type like sadam, idi amin, mugabeh type would have taken the power.We were extermely lucky that we ended up with a kind, progressive shah that pushed us to modernity for over 25 years. Sadly when you had thirty million people who are backward,khorafati, oghdeie,  traditional to the bone, who are still waiting for a fictional imam to leave the well and come back to save them! you can not jump to deomcracy and modernity over night. god knows shah tried, god bless his soul.

Red Wine

Shah And Farah In Kuwait

by Red Wine on


And this sad story of "Iran

by hazratee on

And this sad story of "Iran and Iranian" goes on and on and on...... and no end is visible in the near future.


Idiots come in different shapes, sizes and...

by Nader on

And below comedians are just a few examples to mention!

Calling Dr. Mosadegh a British agent, a communist and etc, just verifies the above theory!

"ZERESHK" anyone?










Mosadeq was an agent of the Brits...!?

by Ghool on

USA supported the Shah who really beleived in American leading edge post WWII. Mosadeq on the other hand was more of the old school of supporting Euro-colonization which is of the worst kind. Hey if I am going to be a colony of a country, I would rather be colonized by America than France or UK!?!

Wake up and smell the coffee!? Iran has been a colony since 350 BC and it will be a colony for a long time to come! Why? Becuase its population is mostly consist of hayvoons (animals), so it can be colonized very easily. It might as well be under the US of A than someone else!?

I mean if you are going to havea step father, would prefer him to have a small dick or a big dick!? I prefer the former. You prefer the latter!? Good for you!?!


God Bless America


Mossadegh a Comie?

by Kasra on

Listen Buddy Boy. The Tudeh was strongly opposed to Mossadegh and they attacked him viciously in their newspapers. They didn't even come out to support him on 28th of Mordad.  Also, what you ignoring here is that the Tudeh was actually not popular in Iran and they lacked a strong social base. If  you read the book Rebels with a Cause you will understand how the weak the Tudeh Base in Iran was. As far as 1979 is concerned the Tudeh blindly supported Khomeini unitl the Ayatollah felt strong enough to ban the party and send its leaders to jail


God Bless The Shah

by Abgousht on

Thank God that Shah came out winning in that situation. Otherwise, Iran would have gone under the commies (USSR) with Mosadeq as the lead Comrade. Of course, in 1979 Iran went under the commies and mullahs, double penetration of the worst kind!?!?!


F*** Mullahs and Commies