
29 executed

... in one day

BBC: Reports from Iran say 29 people have been executed by hanging in Tehran. Among them were convicts found guilty of murder, rape, armed robbery and drug trafficking, state television IRIB reported on its website. All the executions took place on Sunday morning in Tehran's Evin prison, the report said. Amnesty International, the human rights group, said that last year Iran carried out 317 executions, a higher total than any other country apart from China>>>


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Fred and Zion

by CJ (not verified) on

This is as barbaric as the act of the Israeli army shooting a handcuffed man under arrest at close range that we witnessed not long ago. If they do it in front of the media, God knows what they do behind bars and in the comfort of secrecy. This is not to justify the brutality of the Iranian regime but to remind our Israel-lovers here (who pretend to defend human rights in Iran passionately) that things are not much better in the promise land.


Stats and more stats

by BK (not verified) on

This site has Iran at no 2 behind Saudi Arabia in per capita terms (see 4th parapraph).



Regardless, at least there is one area Iran is among the top nations in the World. We should be proud.

And here's an example of one of those "criminals" who "deserved" to be killed in Iran, taken from the article in the link.

"....Ja'Far Kiani, father of two, was stoned to death for adultery in Iran in July....."

Omid Hast

This photo...

by Omid Hast on

This photo is not from the executions on Sunday 27, 2008.  At a minimum it goes back to January 2008.

 I believe capital punishment should be applied only in extreme circumstances such as crimes against humanity.  Rape, armed robbery and drug trafficking should not be punishable by execution.



by Abol D, Abolitionist (not verified) on

Emile Durkheim the grand titular french sociologist demonstrates that as a society moves and evolves from Mechanical archaic society in their woven fabric of solidarity to that of "organic" solidarity the nature of punishment of deviants shifts from "{Punitive}" to that of "[Restitutive]" one in that society as evolves further and further the criminal justice systemm program is geared more toward restablishing in instead of destroying the individual (e.g., eye for an eye ear for an ear)...

From these hangings one can say the iranian society fits into a mechanical solidarity as opposed to organic soilidarity--


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh: Emile was a jew...


Those who cast the first stone

by Fred on

Were it that the Islamists’ en mass execution feast victims Palestinians of certain kind there would have been heck of a lot of sympathy for them from the Islamist/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies.  But as Iranians the victims are posthumously victimized by them yet again.


On the other hand...

by John on

Iran is ranked 12th on a per capita basis.  Number 1?  The Bahamas!!


And all of you haters out there should be happy to note that there are four Islamic countries with worse records that Iran's, and that Israel is not listed among the top 33 perpetrators.



by Anonymousvb (not verified) on



Those who are criminals themselves are not in a place to...

by kiana...29 (not verified) on

play god and judge. How is it that some people are so sure of the charges that sent these individuals to the gallows. Come on we are talking about the IRI and lets not kid ourselves and turn a blind eye on how corrupt the court system is within Iran. I for one am against any type of execution because we are not god...call me naive and some may say that I am not in the place of those families who have lost loved ones in the hands of murderers and rapist but I have been there and have felt how it feels to lose a loved one specially an uncle at the age of 17 who participated in a peaceful student gathering and was tortured and hung for practicing his god given right to speak against inhumanity. Definitely those who decided his fate are murderers and definitely they must be punished but death only should be decided by a higher power. Those such as the IRI have their hands dripping with blood, they rape young women such as myself in jail as a form of torture, they murder our brightest under sham trials and bogus charges, and use mass executions as a scare tactic. I know I will be criticized for this comment and people will say how do I know what these individuals did, but please ask yourself if these individuals under such a corrupt government really received a fair trial and just punishment?



by Amused (not verified) on

Gotta love these posters cheerleading mullah's executions.

Yes, yes, kill them all. String them up in public. Show off the gruesome sight of people having their necks broken and struggling for life in full view of men, women and children. Kill them murderers, rapists etc. I mean they must be murderers and
rapists, because the mullahs say they are, right? And we all know mullahs never lie. We also know how fair and just mullahs' judicial system is, don't we?

But as much as "mullahs are doing the rights things in Iran" (as our cheerleaders tell us), I still have to ask: if the mullahs are running things so well, how come there is so much crime in Iran? How come there are so many murderers, rapists and other criminals that make these executions so necessary? Mullahs have been executing from day one and for 30 years, how come they still need to kill many people in public (and god knows how many they kill in private)? How come this “tough” approach, loved by the cheerleaders here, isn’t putting off these murderers and rapists?

It couldn’t be that maybe not all these people being strung up are serious criminals, could it? Silly me, of course not. Mullahs say they are, so they must be...and hey, there are youtube clips to prove it too. loool.


If People Wanted It, What Does That Tell Us.

by Payam S (not verified) on

I think the assessment that the people wanted it could be considered correct. There is an increase in crime in Tehran as well as the rest of the country. But what is being ignored by the person identified as "people wanted this" is that the increase in the rate of crime is proportional to the increase in poverty, lack of education, unemployment, sufficient resources for communities, lack of social and communal activities, etc. There are many socio-economic conditions that have many negative implications on society as whole. I truly do not believe the execution or even imprisonment of an individual who has commited an anti-social act is going to solve the larger problems of society. True, maybe people are glad that some armed robber, murderer, rapist, drug dealer, etc. is being hanged or executed. As a matter of fact people go and watch them choke and die on the rope. But honestly, what does that tell you about that society. In my opinion, it is still in the dark ages, and our cultural and social backwardness is what truly deserves an execution. We boast about our imperial past and our "persian" civilization 2,500 years ago to the extend that we are still engaging in the same practices as then. In any society, it is not solely the fault of the individual, but the society as a whole.

I have seen the videos that the government shows on public television regarding the executions. They interview prisoners on deathrow right before they are hanged and ask them what do you have to say to young people who might want to follow the same path? I found the videos to be degrading and extremely sad. For one thing, they were all drug addicts and drug dealers. The privileged classes in Iran might say: "How dare they use and deal drugs? Specially in our precious middle and upper-class neighborhoods? Why cant they go and get normal jobs like everyone else? Hang them!!!" They do have "normal" jobs like "everyone else". There is more drug use in Iran than ever before, more unemployment than ever before, more depression than ever before, more domestic violence that before, more drugs being sold to the youth inside universities than before. It is all normal to them. But godforbid the reality and normalcy of everyday working class Iranians brutalizes the privileged and mullah class.

Wake up "people wanted this" and all those who admire such barbaric acts and look at the broader picture.

Peace and Solidarity,


How do we know that they are what

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

IRI says they are???? The country has no law and order. It's zoo. The IRI can frame anyone they want.


Dear Kadivar

by Boogh (not verified) on

Was the Barbaric and Sadistic way of delivering Justice by your beloved shah OK in the 20th century? Just wondering!


String up Murderers,

by Mosleh (not verified) on

String up Murderers, rapists, nonces and Smugglers. That's a hell of a lot what they deserve and far less than what they inflict on their vitims.



by Bobak (not verified) on

Please also show some sympathy for the prisoners in Israeli jails who undergo the harshest punishments every day (or those who are in the largest concentration camp in history - Gaza).



by Zion on

So sad to see these images in our time. Iranian people have indeed become the foremost victims of the system they helped to power. I wish this madness ends soon.


Double Standard!

by Kaveh S (not verified) on

I have no sympathy for murderers or those who knowingly commit horrendous crimes. I'm not defending the practice of capital punishment by this or any other regime. That's a political issue debated all over the world. However, those who see things one-sided should be reminded that there are other innocent lives lost and rights violated in the hands of these criminals for whom some shed crocodile tears for political purpose.


Without a doubt...

by Hassan Danesh, Sociologist (not verified) on

It is all about money...and nothing else!


People wanted this

by People wanted this (not verified) on

Do you guys even know the whole crackdown on Arazel Obash started by people initiative. The Rape and Burglaries was getting out of hand in some communities in South of Tehran and people demanded harsh measures and investigation taken against them. So while you condemn it, its the people who wanted this and continue to want this because the situation has gotten out of hand.

In fact when I visited last summer people were praising Ahmadinejad's dolat for taking this issue seriously and cracking down on it. After all,there is a reason why the STATE TV even ran episodes on its crackdown. To show the people the issue was being taken care of:


But let the people of Iranian.com tell you otherwise. Wait til their daughter is raped and see what they have to say.


The Islamic Republic of Iran...

by BK (not verified) on

...executes more people, proportional to the country's population, than any other country in the World. Note this from the article:

"....Amnesty International, the human rights group, said that last year Iran carried out 317 executions, a higher total than any other country apart from China.....".

And just because the IRI claims those it excutes are murderers, rapists, drug smugglers etc, does not necessarily mean that is so in every case. The IRI's record on being honest and truthful should be taken with a large pinch of salt. Anti-IRI activists that are caught often end up getting executed as "common criminals".

The regime in Iran also "Leads the World in Executing Children". Details here.


And it still engages in 'grotesque' stoning executions.




by Anonymously (not verified) on

Don't ever assume I think this is right in any way. But while we're at it, reporting it from "freedom land", in 2007 there were 38 executions carried out in the US. Yeah about 10% of Iran's with over five times the population, but worthy of mentioning.

Maybe we live long enough to see executions banned internationally. At least reported!!

Darius Kadivar


by Darius Kadivar on

Barbaric and Sadistic way of delivering Justice in the 21st century.


Ok, but what did they do? If

by Pro-Capital Punishment (not verified) on

Ok, but what did they do? If they were murderers and rapists am I supposed to feel compassion? If they were political prisoners then that is a different matter. I whole-heartedly support the death penalty. The US, China and many other nations still have it. Thank god we have not gone down the fuzzy liberal road of excusing paedophiles and killers by sending them on holiday i.e. the joke which is the modern penal system, playing computer games, watching tv, chilling out, working out, and reading. I'm sure the cold-blooded murderers, rapists and drug barons feel real regretful with all those modern amenities at their disposal.