Asprin very good!

Crazy tour guide :o)

Oh My God!!! LOOOLLLL! This Czech couple went to Kashan. This man offered to be their tour guide. Watch him use the few words of English he knows to talk to them about many things, including his life, akhounds, and Jimmy Carter! I can't stop laughing.


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ebi amirhosseini

2nd comment

by ebi amirhosseini on

To me the choice of the title either by JJ or partygirl ??? is heartwrenching ,sad &..... Otherwise as it is known,this clip was already on youtube & much ado about nothing.





by AnonymousWE? (not verified) on

speak for yourself ONLY. others of us think it's funny.


I have heard a big percentage of Iranians say the same thing

by Shahrokh T (not verified) on

Do not worry for his safety. The authorities need to pick up a big percentage of Iranians. I have been out of Iran for 25 years. Never was able to go back, but I have heard many times from many of friends that people in Iran really want US to attack Iran and remove the Akhonds. They say it in public.
Payandeh Iran


OK, just wanting to lighten the mood a bit in here...

by Internets on

As I had said before, posting this in here was wrong.

However, for the sake of lightening the mood in here a little bit; about 3:10 into this, I swear that the Czeck guy is muttering/giggling something to the Czech woman and then I heard the name BORAT in there. I guess that this guy reminded them of Sasha Baron Cohen's Borat character. LOL.


Am I missing somthing?

by Khar on

Or we are making fun of Mental Illness under "Nothing is Sacred" banner, too. Contributor of this blog is a poster child for close mindedness I guess she laughed so hard and she forgot that guy is a human being too. First of all Mr. J, this "real character" or "Koss Khol" as you call him is as real of a human being as you and I but with a mental illness. Second Mr. J. how can this guy ever gotten a fair shake out of life if all he had were folks like you making fun of his state of mind. 3rd, you Mr. J you are congratulating this mindless “YouTube Reporting” with a grandiose, pretentious pad in the back and encouragement. Shame on all of us Sir, Shame!!!!!



by Ayatoilet (not verified) on

Mistake to put this online, sorry for the guy, Iran's intelligence services has probably picked him up already. He says Bush and USA are very good, Carter and Huyser are very bad. And the infamous Air France that he would have taken..... if he was not a small boy. And the turban in Tehran. Gosh, feel sorry for the man, he is probably being tortured.


What's wrong with you people?

by Abarmard on

This person is suffering from a Bipolar disorder. Nothing funny about it.


Conside him a goner

by Delsooz (not verified) on

He is finished. He put the last nail in his coffin by saying AirFrance, Mehrabad then pretending shooting it down. I think he is already picked up by the authorities, assuming he is not already dead and buried. I hope is not too late. I hope I am wrong. I am prying for his safety. Poor guy. He seemed very frustrated. You could see the pain of living in his eyes. Bless his soul.


Air france plan

by Anonymous2342342 (not verified) on

I think he is saying that someone had planned or should have planned to shoot down Khomeini's plane (it was Air france that landed in mehrabad)

Jahanshah Javid

One of the best

by Jahanshah Javid on

This guy is a real character. If life had treated him kinder he could have been an actor/comedian. You hit the jackpot Party Girl!


in agha mige" enemy,

by cyrus-the-great (not verified) on

in agha mige" enemy, enemy..", ba dast neshoone mide ke molla doshman ast, pas az oon mige " i boy hospitat" sepas dastasho migire bala mige " air france.." neshoon mide mige mizadam age pesar bachche naboodam o too bimarestan oon khomeini to hava peyma mizadam...


Not Funny, Pretty Sad!

by aaminian on

Hi Party Girl,

In the past, I've really admired the majority of the videos you've posted on this site. This one though is definitely NOT one of them! It is true that this video is part of the public domain and anyone can see it on YouTube but posting this on the advertises one and only one thing to the visitors of non-Iranian decent of this web site: "Iranians are a bunch of psychos!".

I am not going to urge JJ to remove this from here but all of I have to say is that posting this video here is pretty tasteless.


This is Great! Please don't remove!

by MargBarIRI on

Party Girl, Good Job on finding this one. As you said, its in the Public domain already by being in Youtube. I love how some Iranians are more neocon than the neocons.  At least they understand who is evil in this world and the IRI propaganda has not fooled them. Thanks Again!


Party Girl...

by ahvazi on

This is funny a video. He is the best tour guide I have ever seen :-)


I Need Medicine Now!

by PedramMoallemian on

I started smiing and as seconds went into minutes in the video, I too found myself frowning like many others here. It's sad.

For those who are shooting the messenger, oh please!

Pedram Moallemian, Los Angeles


May I ask you to remove this video please ?

by Souri on

This is really not nice. We find it of a bad choice and bad taste.

Would you please remove it from the home page ? or delete it completely if at all possible?

Party Girl

Ey Daad O Beedaad!

by Party Girl on

Salam Doostan:

Please give me a break! I found this clip on YouTube, just like all the other clips I find on YouTube.  If something is on YouTube, it means it is in public domain and EVERYONE can see it, whether or not I find it and suggest it to JJ for publication on the site.

I'm sorry if this particular selection makes me appear as irresponsible to some of you.  In fact I don't believeI am an irresponsible individual.  As I have said before, I am just the messenger, and if people don't like the message, beheading me will not change things, believe me. 

I don't believe this man is crazy.  He is a very witty and funny guy, who managed to get himself a "gig" with these tourists.  Good for him.  I loved how he was using his limited knowledge of English to amuse and interact with these tourists.  He obviously seems to be aware that he is being amusing enough to be videotaped by one of the tourists.  He is looking directly into the camera and having a good time with these guys.  I most certainly wish this smart and funny Iranian no harm.  If people see this videotape and try to locate and punish this man, which I hope will never happen, what did he really "say?"  Nothing! 

Just as I never take the users' compliments too personally, for I neither produce nor star in any of my findings, I will try not to take these criticisms too personally, either.  I have said it before and I say it again:  I love all Iranians and I look for them.  This clip seemed interesting enough to share.  I hardly think I deserve all this blame, but I respect your point of view.

Please chill!


Irresponsible of Party Girl to post this one : (

by Internets on

Now that most people are piling on you, let me also add myself to that list. Most often, you post some very entertaining stuff on this site and I imagine that JJ is in favor of your stuff, but you laid one stinky egg with this one and I compel you to think and assess what you intend to post, much more carefully in the future.

When this guy is pointing to the sky and is uttering the words, "Air France", Mehrabad" and he mimics shooting down an aircraft, WTF and who the heck do you you think he was referring to?. What he was insinuating can put him in grave danger and this video should not have been posted in here under the guise of a "Kos Khol" hahaha!!!, which is a perfect adjective for you Party Girl, in this particular instance.


the worst thing is ...

by Souri on

that you post this video here to show this man, an innocent Iranian, to ridicule him, make a fool of him, call him a schizophrenic, and laugh at him, just because he try to make himself understand despite his lack of language skill.


Right And Wrong

by Zion on

He evidently has a much better grasp of what is right and wrong than many contributors to this website. That is what really matters in the end. I wish him the best.

ebi amirhosseini

Re:This guy is not crazy....

by ebi amirhosseini on

1-I agree with you he is not crazy.

2-I believe what he means by Air France,Mehrabad,is not bombing Iran,but what he means is that sb? should have hit the Air France plane & crash it.

3-He says he has a relative( Maternal) in Tehran who is a Doctor & has big/long mustache.

4-He hates Carter for not supporting Shah like many Iranians who live in Iran( right or wrong).

5-A lot of poeple in Iran like Bush,not because they are Neocon( they no nothing of this term ),just because they hate Akhunds & believe that he can be their saviour( loving Ali because of hating Moaavieh).

6- I beielve( that's me) when he points to the sky & then the ground,he is comparing USA with Iran ( again as many others who just get their info through LA Irani TVs).

7-This place is an old house in Kashan,called Khaaneh Borujerdihaa,this part of the house is where he used to entertain his Foreign Guests( He was a very famous merchant in Kashan in 19 century).

best wishes


These tourists are so cheap that they haven't hired a professional guide that would have cost them not more than 10 $ for a whole day.



He is no kos-khol

by samsam1111 on

He knows what he is talking about.


trust me

by recent escapee (not verified) on

there are another 69 millions like him all over Iran, don't give too much credit to one another...


Body Language

by AmirT on

Forget politics and psychoanalysis and stuff like that. All I know is this guy is very good at making facial expressions to make himself understood without using so many words. If he scares you, it's because he's great at using body language.


Asprin or "Arse Cream" ?

by Amir Khosrow Sheibany (not verified) on

i wonder what his choice would be in an international observed National Referendum to determine the future form of Government in Iran?


This guy is NOT crazy.....

by Anonymous876 (not verified) on

This dude is NOT crazy. He makes this much very clear: He likes George Bush and he supports airial attacks of Iran by the US (as demonstarted by repeatedly saying "Bush Good" "USA Good" and pointing to the air and acting out air planes and shots being fired). What we have here is clearly a neocon Iranian who supports military strikes on Iran. This dude is just as intelligent as other neocon Iranians supporting military strikes on Iran.
Are you sure this clip was not made in TEHARNGELES????



by Political Analyst for LA Zoo (not verified) on

it shows that these two Check tourists were captive audience of this schizophrenic Iranians. I am sure they were concerned for their safety, and they should have.

The man clearly is having pscychological issues and his eyes have all the signs of depression and suicidal symptoms.

I agree that video is somewhat funny, but sometimes these funny things turn into serious issues on the streets of Iran.