Bahrani's "Chop Shop"

New film from acclaimed Iranian-American director

Chop Shop, a new film by Ramin Bahrani, arrives in
theaters this month (February 2008, The film tells the story of Alejandro, a tough and ambitious Latino street orphan on the verge of adolescence, lives and works in an auto-body repair shop in a sprawling junkyard on the outskirts of Queens, New York. In this chaotic world of adults, young Alejandro struggles to make a better life for himself and his 16-year-old sister, Isamar >>> Salon review

Flower in the junkyard If you own a car and you live in or around New York City, you've at least heard about the Iron Triangle of Willets Point. Not because it's a zone of spectacular urban blight right in the middle of the continent's richest and most expensive city -- although it certainly is -- but because it's where you can get your dents banged out, your windshield replaced and your muffler repaired at rock-bottom prices, at least if you're paying in cash and you're not too concerned about things like receipts and warranties. This dilapidated and disreputable 20-block stretch of junkyards and body shops, some of it actually unpaved streets, sits in the shadow of Shea Stadium (home of the New York Mets) and the National Tennis Center (home of the U.S. Open); except for those points of reference, it's barely plausible as the United States. It's oversimplifying Ramin Bahrani's extraordinary film "Chop Shop," which was showered with love at Cannes, Berlin and Toronto and is finally getting a small-scale American theatrical release, to say that Bahrani sees the Iron Triangle as the place where the American dream goes to die >>> FULL TEXT



I would like to see this new film.

by Faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Mir-Karimi finishes "As Easy as ABC"‎

Acclaimed Iranian filmmaker Reza Mir-Karimi has finished shooting his newest film "As Easy as ABC".

Written by Mir-Karimi and Shadmehr Rastin, the film tells the story of Amir, who is awaiting an important international architecture competition where he should defeat foreign companies. His wife, Tahereh, is striving to make a calm and peaceful atmosphere for him.

Produced by Iran's Sureh Cinematic Foundation, it stars Hengameh Qaziani, Mehran Kashani, Nayyereh Farahani, Haleh Homapur, Mohsen Hosseini, and Nastaran Hamdamali.

Mir-Karimi was presented with the Plaque of the Yugoslav Film Archive during a ceremony in Belgrade last November.

His "So Close, So Far" was selected by the Farabi Cinematic Foundation to represent Iranian cinema in the category of Best Foreign Language Film at the 78th Annual Academy Awards in 2006.

The director's other credit "Here, a Burning Light" won the best film prize at the 8th edition of Religion Today, International Festival of Cinema and Religion, which took place in Trento, Italy, last October.



Is this the same

by Abarmard on

Is the same director of "Man Push Cart"?

I really enjoyed that movie. I thought it was an Iranian style film in the heart of America. The camera angles were amazing and the realism was captivating. I would like to see this new film.