Citizenship Play

A play by kids in the Iranian School of San Diego

About an Iranian grandmother attending her US Citizenship interview.


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party girl this one was

by mohseni (not verified) on

party girl this one was awesome . Thanks


The girl playing grandma

by LOL (not verified) on

is a natural. She has very good instinct for comedy both physically and in the delivery of her lines. They all did well considering they are regular children, not professional actors. A very good job from all of them.


A great clip about greater Iranian culture

by John Carpenter III (not verified) on

The clip was telling of the immigrant Iranian community to America. The play done in San Diego by an Iranian School in San Diego shows that Reza Khan, the 1st dictator of the Pahlavi dynasty was not able to implement his anti-Shia muslim faith movement. The girl in the play is without hijab but, her grandmother freely wears the hijab. In a free society some Iranian Muslim females chose to freely wear the hijab. Reza Khan (1926-1941) must be so angry in his grave. His program to abolish the veil fell on deaf ears in 2008... many and many years after his body rotted away. And God bless America for the freedom of religion.


so cute! That was clever!

by Mitra from khuzistan (not verified) on

so cute! That was clever!


IRANdokht, I think Party Girl

by thelma-lou (not verified) on

IRANdokht, I think Party Girl is "all" girl, not "part" girl!
koochooloo typo, hehe!

Thanks for this clip Party Girl.

Alahazrat Hajagha


by Alahazrat Hajagha on

That was SO so SO funny...... and I just realized one of the immigration officers is my cousin Emil who lived in San Diego..... GO Emilllllllllll



by IRANdokht on

Cute little brats! :0)

thanks for the laugh Part Girl!
