Crazy Tehran traffic

Woo... wooooow....!

These (American?) tourists are watching Tehran traffic from a window! Amusing!


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The greater LA or New York

by Abarmard on

Is not as populated as it is in Tehran. The population for the city including the suburbs are around half of Tehran, at least.

Many other countries, specially China and India where the cities are similarly populated, driving is much worse than this. Actually this is not that bad.


Obviously the people taking

by hm (not verified) on

Obviously the people taking the video don't travel much! You're right! It's just as crazy in Manhattan and London - Maybe Worse!!!!!



by Iva (not verified) on

They have brought in the "technology" to Iran, but they did not bring the culture that goes along with that technology.

The same is true when you board a plane or line up for anything in Iran or ... same people will line up and wait patiently for their turns without infringing on other people's rights to the same service when they are in Western countries. However, the very same people replace their head with a sheep's head when they arrive in their so called birth place of civilization country.

who knows exact fatality rate from vehicular accidents in Tehran? Have you noticed that IRI refuses to publish such records because then they have to do something to rectify the issues ... something as simple as allowing women to dress in light color clothing so they can be seen in dark and unlighted streets of Tehran in the evenings!


Low speed makes it work

by Hameed (not verified) on

Didn't see an accident. I guess low speed allows the drivers to react in time to avoid accidents.


A typical thirld world country traffic!

by ali reza (not verified) on

No wonder those from other country who used to work in Iran used to get tavahosh benefits from Iran.



by bahram9821 on

What is the deal with the Checkered Lines painted on the asphalt?



by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

LA and New York is far more crowded and u don't c any of that...



by XerXes (not verified) on

Have you ever lived in a 12,000,000 people city? Those who think this is bad have not traveled enough.


This is not a city

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

It's goddam zoo...