
Cyrus "Buket" Yazdani

Released from jail after serving more than six months for vandalism

Los Angeles Times: The graffiti artist who gained notoriety on YouTube with his daredevil tagging exploits pleaded guilty today to nearly three dozen felony vandalism counts and was released from jail after serving time since last May, prosecutors said. Cyrus Yazdani, one of Los Angeles' most prolific taggers, who is known in the tagging world as "Buket," admitted to 32 counts with the special allegation that damage exceeded $50,000. Judge Steven J. Kleinfield sentenced the 25-year-old San Jose State graduate to 10 months in county jail, 256 hours of graffiti removal and five years formal probation. But with time served and credits for work and good behavior, Yazdani was out of jail by Monday afternoon. Yazdani became something of an Internet sensation when he brazenly plastered his "Buket" bomb 20 feet above the busy Hollywood Freeway -- vandalism captured on videotape and posted with a rap soundtrack on YouTube and numerous tagger-related blogs>>>



American Dream = Vatanforoush+ liar

by Freedom5 on

American Dream who's purpose on this site is crystal clear . He is a true supporter of Islamic Republic.

Read some of his comments

 by American Dream on


You don't know anything about the Kurds.

The Kurds want an independant Kurdistan.  They have been fighting the Iranian central government for over 100 years.  One day they shall be free and they will break away from Iran once and for all.

As for the Baluchis, they too will get their independence.  They will break away from the Iranian central government and create greater Buluchistan.

And the great freedom loving Iranians of Khuzistan, The tomb Islands, Kish Island and Abu Musa Island will also break away and create Arabistan.  These people will all be free.

If you don't like the West or America go back to Iran freedom5.  No one is forcing you to stay here.  Stop using the english language to post stuff on this site.

freedom5, you are one sorry bad-bakht bee-char-eh who just happens to post on this site.

Here is another comment by AMERICAN DREAM about IRANIAN...

 I believe as an American, the best form of government in Iran is a democratic republic like the United States.  What types of social freedoms should a democratic republic of Iran have?  The same freedoms we see in Amsterdam. I know a lot of Iranians who are predominantly Shia Muslims and they drink like fish.  They drink so much alcohol.  And a lot of them smoke that opium stuff.  Many of the men are womanizers and their wives also carry on adulterous relationships.  unquote and here is American dreams final touch and his mighty opinion in regards to Mullah's rule in IRAN. You will be the judge. quote from American Dream Do I see the theocracy going away in Iran? No.  It will evolve with time.  The more pressure by Iranians the more the theocracy will change so they can stay in power.  The Iranian theocracy is willing to make pork and alcohol "Halal" if they can stay in power.  God knows the Revolutionary Guards help introduce satellite dishes into Iran and take in money for it. That being said, things will take time to change

American Dream

Kaveh Nouraee Anonymous 1 means you are a bache kooni

by American Dream on

Kaveh, Anonymous 1, along with the masses of individuals here on are calling you out as the #1 bache kooni.

Kaveh Nouraee

Anonymous 1

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Why don't you elaborate in order to show that YOU know what YOU are talking about?




by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

Many of you try to sound like you know what you are talking about, but I know you do not.

Kaveh Nouraee:"Tagging" vs. "Graffiti " or "Street Art"....?



by Lombardi (not verified) on

I typed in Milani in Google and this is what I got.

It doesn't settle the debate, but I don't care!

Kaveh Nouraee

No, Carpenter....Milani is NOT 100% Iranian

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Milani is in fact a Lombardic surname that originated in, of all places.....Milan, Italy.

I know. That was very tricky of them, wasn't it?

Yes, while there are indeed many Iranians with Milani as their surname, there are also many Iranians with surnames of Arabic origin. It was Reza Shah who initiated the use of surnames in Iran in the 1920s or 30s, adopting the surname Pahlavi.

As far as speaking proper Italian, I'll sooner rely on the advice of a proper Italian, and not a pretender with multiple identity crises.

Also, since you mention illiteracy, if you weren't illiterate youself you would see that my surname doesn't have an "i" in it.

Merry Christmas, Signore Cacasentenze.


Milani is a 100% Iranian name Mr. Kaveh Nouraei

by Luigi Milani (not verified) on

Mr. Kaveh is wrong once again. Milani is a 100% Iranian name. There are a lot of Iranians with the surname Milani. As for Kaveh's Southern Italian, it is not proper. Stop hanging out with elements of organized crime. Proper Italian is spoken in Northern Italy. All that stuff you write is Southern Italian. Most Southern Italians are poor, illiterate people, who at times are connected to Organized crime. To some extent, Northern Italians don't accept Southern Italians as human beings. That being said, stop watching "Godfather" movies. They are a waste of time. And Organized criminals end up in jail. And why not? God bless America.

Kaveh Nouraee

Hey Luigi

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Va Fangul, eh?

Defacing public or private property is a crime, Mr. Wannabe Paisan. Tagging is a form of defacement, you strunz.

"as an Iranian..." HA! With a name like "Luigi Milani" you are about as Iranian as a pound of prosciutto.

And last I checked, that monkey and his handler are your buddies,......... Mr. Carpenter.


Split Second

by A Hassan Danesh, Ph.D. from UCR (not verified) on

...all taggers must have phenomenal speed in doing their craft to outsmart the police's agility to capture them just like the best tagger photographer who must in less than half of split second that is already sliced in half to pull the trigger the get the best snap shot in in mid air suspense so you see it next day in your favorite new papaper...

This is called "The Moment.."

Darius Kadivar

GOTTI Good For You

by Darius Kadivar on

Now that you got your minute of Anonymous Fame.



Oh my GOD Kady! LOL

by GOTTI (not verified) on

LOL, ladies and gentelmen,,,,did I prove my point? I had never had an observation of mine proven right so quickly. I don't even know you, but u surely gave out the vibe that made me notice your temper and paranoia.
and, ummmm...don't flatter yourself, you have no enemies, A person needs to be effective and influencial in some ways to have any enemies.

Darius Kadivar

GOTTI (Anonymous Bloke) Is this Blog about ME ? ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Stop Your Crusading unless you have something to say under your Real name instead of slandering my Public Profile. Its easy to criticize under anonymity and pretend to be courageous and accountable for your own opinions. I have been subject to attacks like yours for years and its so easy to take someone as an easy target and offer no VALID arguments except VENOM and JEALOUSY. For it ALL sums up to that in the end of the day. No one is forced to like what I write or post. Who is stopping YOU to do the same and submit your opinions ? So why do you want to censor my FREEDOM of EXPRESSION ?

Or Maybe you want to get back Jerusalem on Chistmas Day ? ...

Peace and Joy to Friends and Enemies Alike.



Darius KADIVAR & KavehF

by GOTTI (not verified) on

I am not really into all this back and forthing, but i do read them. I have noticed though, Mr. Kadivar has a very short fuse when comes to being critisized or even questioned. Shouldn't be that way.


Hey Cyrus,

by Anonymous... (not verified) on

You are a talented young man. Please take advantage of this free society and use your aptitude in positive way. :)

Darius Kadivar

KavehF Answer ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Have you ever heard of the word "IRONY" ?

Maybe My Friend Omid Djalili can define it for you ...


As for the Pahlavi Dynasty. I have nothing to be Ashamed of What I have written about them. Up to you to conclude what I wrote about them which seems to shock you so much, but given your ignorant comment here I doubt you have heard the words "Literature", "ART" or  "History" either ...

Merry X Mas, Just the same ! ...


Just curious

by KavehF (not verified) on

I frequently visit and read Iranian site. As matter of fact my explorer opens to this site. I have read many writings from Mr. Kadivar but from admiration of Pahlavi dynasti, I never knew he has ever regreted dictatorship. What do you know?


As an Iranian I am opposed to Kaveh Nouraei's opinion

by Luigi Milani (not verified) on

Kaveh Nouraei has no reason to be angry at "taggers". his opinion on "taggers" is so "Hizb-Allahi". I do not know why he has such fascist opinions. We live in America, the land of the "free" and the "home of the brave". If he doesn't like America's freedoms maybe he should go back home and live with his chums, Iranian President Ahmadinejad and Iranian Spiritual Leader Ayat'Allah Seyed Ali Khamenei.


HAHAH, LA Iranian Graffitti tagger is a college graduate!

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on


Kaveh Nouraee

"Tagging" vs. "Graffiti " or "Street Art"

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Some of these are actually "commissioned" by the city or municipality, so that "street artists" will create something that the general public won't see as an eyesore. They know that if it were left blank it would be vandalized, so this way they kill two birds with one stone. Usually they have a mural-like quality to them.

But these taggers, with two whole cans of spray paint and half a brain are nothing more than a bunch of douchebags.


Darius Kadivar

I Sometimes Regret Dictatorships ... ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

I see these Ugly Tags all over Paris today even on Historical monuments like the Louvre or on the Champs Elysees and I sometimes wonder what Napoleon or King Louis would have done to the people who do this ?

If I were Nero I guess I would throw them to the Lions like the Early Christians ... ;0)

And All in TECHNICOLOR to Outshine his TAGS !


True some Tags can be beautiful and NY or LA offer some genuine works of ART but truly most of the TIme it makes me sick to see this type of pollution everywhere.

Its not even Subversive its rather Annoying and boring not to say DAMN UGLY !

Well I guess there is an expression for this in FRench:

"La Dictature c'est Ferme ta Gueule et La Democratie c'est Cause Toujours tu m'intéresse ..."