Eenaa marizan!

Iranian mom grossed out

An Iranian mother's reaction to a very gross video on the Internet ("2 Girls, 1 Cup").



Thank you for your support

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

I saw your posting at another article. As I mentioned, I still get the temptation to portray myself as others such as Ahmad Bahai, and Nader Vanaki.

Please help me to overcome this


I didn't get disgusted at

by Anonymous6666666666666666666666666666666 (not verified) on

I didn't get disgusted at all...I didn't enjoy it either....It make me think though....


"Kouroush Sassanian"

by somebody (not verified) on

کورش جان عزیز ٫‌ نازنین پسر ٫ شما مثل اینکه دیشب خوابهای قاطی پاتی دیدی ودوباره یه جوریت شده.

عزیزِ‌ دل ٫ جان خواهر یا برادر ٫دست از این ادا و اطفارات بردار ....برو یه گوشه بشین و یک خورده دعا به در گاه آقا خدا بکن وبعدش هم ازش طلبِ یه چیزائی ... بعدش هم بشین دنبال شعر گفتن و تحقیق کردن و مقاله نوشتن ...
آفرین جوان ....صدها آفرین جوان ...


To All those Who Read My Comments

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

I want to make sure that you fully understand what my background is:

I was devoted to Mammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. Also, I am a Zartoshti, and when I was growing up, I grew up among the Jewish people.

Consequently, I developed strong negative feelings towards Islam.

Please remeber that when you are reading my comments in this blog. Thanks

P.S. I also use multiple names throughout this site. Names such as Ahmad Bahai, Anonymouspb, Anonymous2008, babakoohi, Kos Sher, and most recently, Nader Vanaki, and Kafka.

By the way, there is also no difference between Nader Vanaki, the real Nader Vanaki, or me. We are all the same people.

I'll keep you posted of new ones if I use them.


I would probably throw up

by Anonymousse (not verified) on

I would probably throw up in
reaction to this video... how disgusting+++++++!


What a genuine reaction!!!

by soda pop (not verified) on

What a genuine reaction!!!


Anonymoose? Do you have any other identity?

by the real Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

How imaginitive and original! Anonymoose, I am spell bound and mezmarized by your words. Just like Kouroush Sassanian's poems put me in a state of trance. I know you are bored with our discourse so let's go back to read other crappy postings and videos.


Kourosh and Nader

by Anonymoose (not verified) on

Please take your petty bickering elsewhere! We are sick of reading your stupid little arguments and venom-spewing discourses here, and grow-up!



by Ayatoilet (not verified) on

I am serious, when I was a youngster my first experience seeing Khomeini was of disgust, I could not believe he was about to be the leader of my country.


To Anonymous11

by the real Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

Who said this site is classy? Remeber "Nothing is Sacred". You call the gross out video classy? The only period of time this site was classy was in the late 1990s when people had interesting articles to write. How many of those writers still write for this site now? This site has become a bogus depository of cut and paste articles from obscure references and a forum for a group of dissociated compatriots calling each others names or accusing each other of being either pro IRI or Shahdoost. The only thing that has changed is the fancy graphics and user friendly menus so we can post crap easily.

In a way I am glad that this site is filtered in Iran. Just imagine all the young kids in Iran dreaming about moving to the US and reading all the nonesense that is posted here day in and day out. So this is how we treat each other here and we think we can solve all the problems of our country.

This is a teeny bopper website and JJ knows it better than anyone. As long as he can sell advertisements and brag about his journalism skills once in a while he is happy.


Kouroush and Nader you are

by Anonymous11 (not verified) on

Kouroush and Nader you are both acting like kids.
JJ, stuff like this lowers the web sites reputation. Keep the site classy dude.


Kouroush Sassanian

by the real Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

You are very careful indeed in checking my spelling but keep this in mind that I am more educated than you. Apart from your homosexual revenge fantasies or calling someone an agent of IRI, is there anything else in your bag of tricks? Compare my two spelling mistakes to the nonesense you have posted so far. Where are you going with this stuff? I am trying to find out what your problem is. Is it because I ridiculed your poem? O.K. fine, it was a materpiece an allegory of epic proportions. You are the genius of the new millenium!

My only worry is that what happened to you when you were a kid is influencing you in a negative way. Quite a few men have pulled themselves up from depths of despair after the experience you have had and are living normal happy lives. They are currently members of the Man Boy Love Society active all over the US. So please join the group and let the healing begin. The stiches you have received must have healed by now, so you can pursue a full active life among your friends.

Or how about if you post a blog about your problems with my comments? Open up the real issues here. So far you have only told us about your past. Let's look to the future.


“Idiotic Iranian site”

by mikh (not verified) on

This site has become the biggest shit associated with Iranian name. JJ you must be one of the dumbest Iranians I will ever know.

Kouroush Sassanian

Nader Khan

by Kouroush Sassanian on

I know you really mean no harm. Your pain is great. I hope you do seek help. You are misspelling words and not using proper punctuation. This tells me you are suffering. Your obsession with the male genital is evidence of painful memories. Was it a relative or a neighbor? Did he stroke his beard after and engage in ghosl? I am sorry, it really does not matter. You must know it was not your fault. I am glad you are exploring how to best deal with your pain. But, you do suffer from NPD. It is really okay to have typed "ivasion" or even "wiitten."  I do not hold it against you. I know others do not, also.

I know by the time you reach this section of my post your systolic is high. Please do not do this to yourself. Life is too short to be someone's toy on the internets[sic]. You were once someone's toy so do your best not to fall into the same trap. I am sorry again, I did not mean to blame you for what he did to you.

Good luck to you friend!



To Kouroush Sassanian

by the real nader vanaki (not verified) on

How come you are the one who has all these homosexual fantasies about Arabs and their cocks? I think that might be the root of your problems. When you get mad it is all cocks and balls and asses for you. And you post obscentities under a number of names including my own. The other target of your wrath is women since we have seen it in a number of postings you made under my name. Do you have problems with women?

And all the offers of help were from you under different names.

So try to stay with the subject and don't stray off into your gay world. Which one of your personalities is less gay maybe that is the one I should be talking to?

I think with your posting we are seeing the root causes of all your problems. So keep writing sonny boy.

Kouroush Sassanian

Nader Khan

by Kouroush Sassanian on

I am sorry your mother was not as understanding while you were growing up.  The woman in the video is close to her kids. Her kids trusted her enough to share a terrible video with her. I know you cannot relate to this.  It is clear from your posts that you did not recieve proper care or love from your parents.  Were you a vicitm of child abuse? I feel sorry for you. I hope you get help. It is never too late.

Also, I hope you know it was not your fault that you were abused.  You were young and helpless. A couple of people have offered to refer you to a psychologist. Please accept their offers. Your anger made you misspell words, remember? That's should be enough to get help. Anyway, get well soon, friend!


US Culture?

by Anonymoose (not verified) on

What does this have to do with US culture? and what is "US" Culture anyway?

This is an Irani family watching a porn flick on YouTube, which originated in Brazil. What does that have to do with US culture? They do stuff like this in Iran too.


US culture is excrement

by Badinjan (not verified) on

US culture is noxious and pervasive


To Kouroush Sassanian

by The Real Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

It is good to see that your medication is working well and you are relaxed and enjoying fifth grade humor.

Kouroush Sassanian

'ezz tat reeel shiiiiet"

by Kouroush Sassanian on

You have got to lover her, her accent, her expressions, and her demeanor.

Also, she is a great sport for watching it with her kids.


2 girls one cup

by Anonymoose (not verified) on

For those who don't know what "2 girls 1 cup" is:


To JJ, vaghean barat moteasefam. Has losing your friend driven you to this? You have nothing else to put on this site except garbage like this?


Jahanshah, Why are you

by Anonymous911 (not verified) on

Jahanshah, Why are you promoting this crap?

I don't understand why some sick people promote this junk by filming other's reactions. Why people have become so stupid these days? Is this the media that has reformed our kids' brains?


can you imagine?...

by kazemo (not verified) on

...waking up in the morning next to HER!
judas priest!!