Fighing back

Allameh Tabatabaie University students block secret police


programmer craig


by programmer craig on

This video is from 1979, Hello!

No, it obviously isn't, Beedar. A Videotape "handycam" from 1979 was the size of a small suitcase and took low quality black & white video. This is digital video, a technology that didn't even exist for another 20 years after 1979.


College Students Can not change anything

by John Carpenter III (not verified) on

College Students can not change anything in Iran.

The Bazaaris, the Mullahs, The Nationalist front and the Army backed the Iranian Revolution in 1979.

Today the Bazaaris and the Army are the Mullahs.

There is no viable opposition in Iran.

The Mullahs will rule Iran until the Mahdi comes and takes everyone to paradise.

That is about it.

Don't even think about Reza Pahlavi.

reza Pahlavi is one big joke.


First Thing First

by Abol Danesh (not verified) on


good job get fuck mullahs

by hajiagha on

I like to back and be happy in Iran get to we all fuck the mullahs

watch this



First Thing First

by Abol Danesh (not verified) on


Meaningful Social change in Iran begins from here...make no mistake about...

Hard and tender...

Yek Ghoran
Dow Ghoran
Panj Ghoran
Dah Gheran



First Thing First

by Abol Danesh (not verified) on


And if you doubt me about what I just said let me then show you yet anoter evidence...



First Thing First

by Abol Danesh (not verified) on

// it is all about money...don't forget that even if you are absent minded all the times or some of the times or no times at all...

Kaveh Nouraee

Beedar.....Boro Bekhab

by Kaveh Nouraee on

1979? Cell phones that shoot video in 1979?

You must be high as a kite. Are they at least serving peanuts on your flight?

Next time try smoking something that isn't laced with so many chemicals and additives.




1979 VIDEO

by Beedar (not verified) on

This video is from 1979, Hello!
Read the sender's name & the indicated date after his name & also notice the students'outfit! Wake up call for all sweet dreamers!

Kaveh Nouraee

Attention Arab-Parasts!

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Do you hear that?

Do you see that?

Your days are numbered.

The clock is ticking.

Before long, you and your kind will be extinct. You will be under the sand where you belong.

Iran will be free once more, and rise from the cesspool where she sits right now. And all of you Arab worshipping mutants will be where you belong, in the sewers with the rest of the organic waste.



Iranian students took to the

by Anonymous00 (not verified) on

Iranian students took to the streets of Shahrud to protest against the regime this week.
YouTube Video of the student protests was posted at Iran Press News

The regime arrested 20 of the students after six days of protesting.
Iran Focus reported:

Twenty students have been arrested at the Industrial University of Shahrood, northern Iran, in the course of a protest which has entered its sixth day, Iran Focus has learnt.

More than 3,000 students took part in the protest in the town’s main street on Saturday and Sunday, calling on the government to pay attention to their demands regarding the university's administration, a student activist requesting anonymity told Iran Focus in an email interview.
The protest originally began on Wednesday, and lasted for three days on campus. With university officials refusing to listen to their demands, the students took to the streets starting on Saturday.


A must watch video!!!

by Kamangir on

This is how the mullahs react when they hear about the angry Iranian youth. Turn your speakers on!!!!




Darius Kadivar

I meant Someday (youtube)

by Darius Kadivar on

Darius Kadivar

Or Someday ( youtube) ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on


One day!

by Kamangir on

This same youth will someday (sooner than later) beat the crap out of the Mullahs and their nasty mafia, once and for all. It just cannot be otherwise.
