Financial Meltdown

Oh My God Society Is Collapsing... Colbert Report :o)

We have to give unchecked financial power to the president and his appointees so they can implement a plan that no one understands.


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My Conspriacy Theory

by shairzie (not verified) on

My Conspriacy Theory:Turn over 1 trillion to Bushies so they can set a parraell Gov. with Blackwater as the Army

"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."
~Adolph Hitler

Franklin D. Roosevelt in an April 29, 1938 message to Congress warned that the growth of private power could lead to fascism.

"Liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power"


KING Henry of Government & Goldman

by Jaleho on

Colbert is RIGHT ON the spot on this! Both regarding Paulson's desire for even more absolute authority over a huge $1T check from public, AND although in humor, but I found him the only person who alludes to WAR.

Hidden in the melt down news was the quiet passage of Pentagon's largest budget ever yesterday: a $488 billion with a $68 billion for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I wrote about both the effect of war and Paulson's "intermediary" role between government and HIS former firm, Goldman Sachs, which seems saved for now thanks to King Henry's URGENT intervention in my recent blog. You'll find Paulson's bit intersting:



I also find it "amazing" that although Paulson did not show up in Senate deliberation over the Bear Stearns bail out back in March, everyone  alluded that he debunked an original $10 offer by JP Moran and asked Jamie Diamon to offer $2 instead. The hell with Bear Stearns, let the tax payers carry the $30 billion of the toxic part of the Bear's portfolio and Jamie get the good part of it for $2 a share!!

NOW, the weekend after Merril Lynch failed and GS was in danger of following suit, we see Paulson's URGENT intervention in front of the Senate at the expense of $1T to tax payers.

Then again today, we see WAMU is failed and JP Morgan is paying a sweet $1.9 billion for the biggest bank failed. Good for Dimon, I wish I had the opprtunity to get WAMU for that amount :-)




American Wife

all the more reason for everyone

by American Wife on

to get out and vote in November.  stop this madness!



Administration is mother of all pirates! Put'em all in jail!

by gol-dust on

These guys bankrupted this beautiful and rich country only to enrich themseleves and their friends! They never gave a damn about the americans let alone the world! Destroyed this country's resources and reputation. They rule by fear and scaring off people! Terrorists! N Iran and korea! Iraq's WMD! Ben Laden! Georgia and Russia! War on terror! name a few.

In the process they emptied the coffers of the US treasury without accounting for the money! Now they are scaring off people urging them to act now, since their term is expiring soon, and they won't be able to empty our children's future in time, if they don't act now!

This is the American people's money folks that they are stealing! They steal all over the world! They are the real pirates!

Despite all these there are enough dumb americans who would vote for Mccain who is one of them! Is this real? People should be up in arms protesting against them! But, silence! At least Ahmadijejad didn't steal from anybody!

Is this the democracy that they want to give to the mid east and rest of the world? They have no shame! Organized crime in the white house!


unpredictable and brilliant

by Tech2 (not verified) on

Thanks for posting.