
Hottest Chadori Competition

What would be a funny caption for this photo?
100 Afarin Anonymous8!

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What's funny about a bunch of girls?

by California Born & Raised (not verified) on

I looked at their photo and could find nothing funny about them. Why should we rack our brains to insult people, just because we want to feel better about ourselves. I won't do it, and I hope most others won't either.

When I look at that photo, I don't feel the need to put them down to feel good about myself. When I look at that photo, I feel....NOTHING, ZERO, ZILCH!!! Besides being able to speak to those girls in Farsi, I have nothing in common with them. They might as well be on Mars. Their life is so different from mine and mine from theirs that we would never have anything to talk about. If they want to wear bags on their heads, who am I to laugh? If they want to use soap once a week whether they need it or not, why should I care. People like them control Iran while people like me control California. They aren't funny; if anything, they are very, very pathetic.

California Born & Raised


Nothing. Your question is

by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

Nothing. Your question is funny. These are our new generation who are staying in Iran and i am proud of them.


Casting for Play Boy

by Hajminator on

‫عکاس: ‫میخوایم یک کاستینگ کنیم برای پلی بُی گفتن فقط چهره مهمه. حالا هیچکس یک تار موش ام نباید معلوم باشه...

‫چادری سمت چپ، اولی از پائین: آقا اینطوری خوبه؟



by Bunyip on

Aghamoon ejazeh dad biyaeem az haramkhune beerun barayeh gardesh

Party Girl

Open Casting Call

by Party Girl on

Hollywood, California--BOBB (Beshkan o Baala Bendaaz) Productions announced today an open casting call for backup singers and models for its upcoming video, Chador Nandaaz Saret.  The twenty five million dollar project will feature fifty women who are able to fit the call's extensive requirements, including the ability to wear and hold in place a black chador and speak Farsi while climbing tall structures and descending through landing poles.  The video will be produced for a new hip hop/rap/rock rendition of the song originally sung by Mehrdad Assemani in 1996, performed by new Iranian-American musical prodigy, Ace Mashang.  In view of the worldwide interest shown by enthusiastic applicants, BOBB Productions has set up special casting stations in different parts of the world.  Photo shows the crowd outside BOBB's casting station in Qom, Iran.  Interested parties should contact their local modelling agencies for information about their nearest casting call station, or by contacting BOBB's website at:



by Zereshk on

OMG....haj call that a penis?!...hee hee hee!!!

Masoud Kazemzadeh

“Girls Gone Wild” in Qom?

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

"Girls Gone Wild" in Qom?




Iran's "Happy Feet" club

by ThePope on

3 in 1;



Islamic Ninja Girls

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

They are strong, resilient and will not take NO for the answer.