I wants to be your girl

Comic music video

This one is crazy! The description says: "The true life story between one Iranian transvestite and one typical American nerd and the powerful love that once existed." Bizarro!


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by Yasmin (not verified) on

This was really well put together and I enjoyed it. they are very talented and funny.


lighten up

by javaneh29 on

I think it is the boys from that angry iranian father video ...why is everyone taking this so seriously? This is just two boys having some fun making a light hearted video about unrequited love and one of them is dressed like a girl. I dont see anything in the video that suggests tranvestitism.

These two boys clearly enjoy making videos and from the amount of viewings/success  they must have had with their 'angry iranian father' video, they are developing their techniques and skills.

Sometimes I think some people have lost the ability to see the simple explanation for things and look for controversy where there is none. Lighten up and stop taking everything so seriously.




by Persian Pimp (not verified) on

This video was very well made, I laughed, good work!


don't get confused please

by Shaahrzad_N (not verified) on

First of all, a Transvestite is ther term used to describe a heterosexual man, or a male, who just loves to crossdress at times and to wear women's clothing just for fun or to answer to his extreme male desires hidden inside.

A Transsexual on the opposite side of the story, is a (mostly heteresexual man or a woman) whose brains are developped differently during the fotus's development (still a mystery to the medical world) and these are people who either want to be a real woman or a real man despite all the suffering and misjudgement and unjustice preveiled upen them in any society no matter where on this planet Earth. A Transsexual can find and receive help even in Iran, where Mullah's rule and after a periode of heavy psychiatric and medical exams, they can be turned into a man or a woman, mostly they live happily ever after, after such a surgery and will not be recognized as either Transsexual or Transvestite.

If you don't believe that, I can show you a very good example of how a former Iranian young man (better said> boy) turned into a very beautiful attractive succesful young proud Iranian woman who lives happily ever after in the most normal sense of all life styles that anyone can imagine. I am very happy with I am and I will always support and inform anybody who needs that and is open to recieve such as well.

Cheers to all, God Bless You,



by sheyda (not verified) on

trans kids go through sooo much abuse .so much that many commit suicide ,i dont find this funny at all. in the real world no iranian man would turn down an offer from a transvestite ,at least a transvestite is honest ,most perverted individuals are the ones with a ordinary facade .


Very funny!

by sandoogh-che (not verified) on

Very funny!
Had a good time watchung this!


Their dads probably want to kill them

by Zan Amrikai (not verified) on

I thought it was pretty clever and funny but I know if my kids did this, their Iranian father would have a fit and think his children were biadab and bi "everything that matters!" Oh, well, long live being silly and clever, I say!

Jahanshah Javid

Haaaah haa

by Jahanshah Javid on

Very very funny and very talented. I might be wrong but I think I recognize them from the hilarious video about making fun of Iranian fathers. See: