Iran in clips

Though random, clips are somehow interesting

Watch old city of Bam, Persepolis, woman on donkey, buying bread, cooling bread, work in rice fields, weaving carpet, mud-brick village, prepare waterpipes, metalsmith, classic US cars, folks eating, girls in trad dress, plowing fields...


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I can not see any things wrong here

by Faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Me is very astonishing that exceptionally nobody finds anything negativ abou Iran und the honorable Iranians in "IRANIAN".
More positive movies about Iran?
No movies but something purely Iranian. Things from Iran are allways positiv. Just take the NuC-Science, the SATs, the Gas the oil the tourismidustry the sport and so on and so on. All things are positiv IF they are from Iran and Iranians. Anyhow hier you are:

گر افزون شود دانش و داد من پس از مرگ روشن شود ياد من

ناصر خسرو:

ز يـادمــرگ غافل چـون نشينی چـو بــا افتادگـــان آخـــر قريـــنی


هر چه نه گوياي تو خاموش به هر چه نه ياد تو فراموش به


ای خدا ای فضل تو حاجت روا با تو ياد هيچ کس نبود روا

ياد ياران يار را ميمون بود خاصه كان ليلي و اين مجنون بود


اي درد توام درمان در بستر ناكامي وي ياد توام مونس در گوشه تنهايي


با هر كه بنشينم دمي كز ياد او غافل شوم چون صبح بي خورشيدم از دل بر نمي آيد نفس

May be is "IRANIAN" sothing which is better it is given up and going towards IRANIANs. Greeting


I can not see any things rung here

by hajiagha on

happy people and life same as was , or better same as any others country , but in Iran people are warm and  friendly , not like in Canada old , sad, on drug or alcohol , stress, lonely ,suicide..

morev move positive about Iran please

and here my video about canada as best place for living ? Iran is better as Canada because?




by maziar 58 (not verified) on

For the beatifull sceneries and all;BTW that old sittary look alot like Ali Khamenei !


Thank you

by Souri on

I enjoyed it really. Very nice. Pity, the Mazandarani lady's dance at the Shaalizar was so short. It was amazing. Also that old man with a Citaar was very cute but a bit too short too. thank you so much.