Iranian Bloggers

Active despite crackdown

(IranVNC) — The number of Internet users in Iran increased 29 times in 2000-2005. But, according to the Open Net Initiative country report, Iran is now second to China in cracking down on cyberspace. That, however, did not stop bloggers in Iran from telling their stories>>>


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1970's Iranian music treasures found!
Nov 08, 2009
A message of hope
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by Majid on

Mohammad Hasanein Haikal "the Editor in Chief of AL AHRAAM, the Egyptian news paper" had a very true saying about this issue:

"Islamic regim in Iran is an arrow shot to 21st century from 3rd or 4th"!

I think it sums it up! my friend. 


They even blog in Qom today...

by Observer (not verified) on

I think the IRI will battle liberalism and the power of the western pop culture in whatever way they can. We do the same thing here in the US in a different manner. (just check out the blond monkey clip on the home page about Iran's chemical weapon's research propeganda)

I was a young teen that fell for a lot of the same stuff until I learned a big lesson the hard way as an adult in the business world, so I would encourage all to blend western sensorship with its freedom of expression before turning this into another IR bashing session that ultimately plays into the hands of pirates that have plans for Iran.

There has to be a form of education or unwritten substance that can ultimately allow Iran's youth to develop their own standard and subculture to enable them to express their creativity and originality without selling Iran to the IR or the conflict happy war profitiers in washington, London and Paris.

That will allow Iran to emerge under the control of it's people. Maybe unrealistic, but it sure would be nice to see happen some day.

Until then, long live IRI until we find a good responsible administration in office here in the US that has the IQ and statemenship to stand a head and shoulder above the mullahs and ahmadinejad, but until then and regardless Iran should hurry up and develop nukes to defend her infrastructure, people and sovernty from the vikings.


How sad

by Abarmard on

In the 21st century the government of Iran is acting as if the country is Qom!!!


Party Girl

Mr. Kadivar

by Party Girl on

Thank you for the compliment!  I am honored.

Darius Kadivar

Great News

by Darius Kadivar on

Great to see that our compatriots back home are at the forefront of blogging their way towards Freedom of Expression despite all the difficulties and censorship they face.


And Thanks Party Girl for all the interesting posts !