Iranians and their dogs (3)


PART 3: A documentary on Iranians who keep dogs in their homes >>> [PART 1] [PART 2]



Interesting but not balanced!

by Kamangir on

There're several points that should not be mixed up.

Iranians where one of the very first people to actually tame dogs and use them as company and for many other purposes. The native shepard dogs in Iran have protected herds of sheep for centuries. Having dogs as toys is not new in Iran and if done properly and reponsibely shouldn't be any trouble. Another point that really calls my attention in the opinions of some of the 'Psycologists' that appear in the documentary (interesting documentary by the way!)They say that those who are keen on keeping a dog as a company are prone to depresion or already depressed. Well, what's the problem with that? If having a dog helps (which it does) then I don't see any problem.  Another issue is the overall inconvenience of having a dog in a tiny appartment, where besides health issues, neighbours may not appreciate the dog's barking.  Here where I live, in Vancouver, the building has a no pet policy and again, it all has to do with the barking and related conflicts.The documentary does not mention the 'good' or positive things about having a dog. I remember in Tehran lots of people in northen districts kept guard dogs in their front or back yards and again, its about protection and security. The natural tendency of a kid when seeing a puppy is to play with it, hug it, protect it, eyc... these are the natural instincts we all have that not compatibe with Islamic views.  I wish I see more and more people with dogs in Iran. We Iranians like dogs! 




by sageh ashab kahf (not verified) on

thanks very much, very informative and valuable. Glad I never got married.


Dogs and Moslems

by AnonymousPb (not verified) on

I rather to live with dogs rather than living with some of these Arab lovers. Sag is more civilized than Some of these arab lovers. I do n't hate any one but whoever can stand other god creation.