Israel attack imminent

Israel will bomb Iran before Bush leaves offices, says one man

American man comments on what he sees as an attack on Iran by Israel in coming days:



Okay at first glance I'm

by skatermom (not verified) on

Okay at first glance I'm thinking, guy holed up in a compound, unibomberesque. Then this interview with Terry Gross on npr. I don't know you guys tell me is this a whacky conspiracy theory or could there be some truth to what this bargain basement Nostradomus is saying.



by Majid on

راستش رو بخوای از ترس از  آقای ناظم سایته،  گفتن اگه بد دهنی کنین "تیلیتتون" می‌کنیم !

اینه که باید تو لفافه عرض ادب می‌کردم!


American Wife

what'd he say, what'd he say???

by American Wife on


American Wife

I totally agree that this guy is an idiot...

by American Wife on

but here we are, back to the name calling.  KKK?  Warmonger? I just wish we didn't have to get so... overboard.

p.s.  What does the m.d. stand for in faribors?  mentally diminished?


wow Majid

by IRANdokht on

That was a great display of self-discipline you showed by not spelling out the expression LOL

IRANdokht-e proud!


همین مون مونده بود


اونکه واسه ما پیش بینی‌ نکرده بود

کلاغ معروف ضرب المثل فارسی‌ بود




by aaminian on

I feel so enlightened after watching this clip :) Yet another Joe-Blow religious shit-head shedding light on a future armageddon. Hey JB, your village called, they're missing an idiot!


ملک ناصری یک چیزیشو راست میگی

‫قاسم (not verified)

‫پنداری با عمامه این بابا اینهو ملا نصرالدینه... عید فطر شمام مبارک....

ولی عزیز من ما بعلت حولقوم کردن زیاد این دین به جاهای بد از اون ملاّدونی فرار کردیم، حالا اینجام راحتمون نمیذاری؟ آخه برادر اگر با این چیزا حال میکنی چرا بر نمیگردی پیشه رفیقت محمود؟ از صبح تا شب برات از این برنامهها پخش میکنن تا کیف کنی.


R. Ami Nasiri

by Rok goo (not verified) on

This white trash is a asymmetric duplicate of our well-known Dr. Faribors. Others ,less white skin, are plenty on this site. In fact, all of these characters manage to shift focus on the pending war on poor Iranian people. There is no war in the horizon, do not worry about it. God bestow long long lives to mullahs and a happy stay in Spain to jj!


bring it on baby

by rook goo (not verified) on

there is no short ages of Idiots in this world, from ahamadi nejad to this guy.
to fariboz ,who cares about Muslim festivity if you are a
Muslim you should live in one of Muslim country like saudi,Iran and etc, then you will know what Iranian people suffering from.
( and other web site is the voice of Iranian oppressed by IRI.


Good one

by Anonymous654 (not verified) on




sometimes I resent

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

I neverdo that. It does not pay.
lower the standards?
I think "IRANIAN"s are only trying to keep the standards. Lower? Impossibel.
I can not get it, is this a Heart- or a Brainattack?
high standards and being more Iranian? Again impossibel. A CNN laudspeaker can not be iranian, only "IRANIAN".
I suggest one stops making suggestions which are simply impossibel. See, for exampel no word about festivities which more than Moslems celebrate in the whole world on Oct.1st. From Indonesia to Andalusia. But better never mind, take what "IRANIAN" offers from its better side. I find every now and then also nice and helpfull reports, poems and pics. Greeting


sometimes I resent

by amir nasiri (not verified) on

Please help me understand, why sometimes you post clips like this to lower the standards of your web site.

This guy, who clearly is drugged and drunk and suffers from hallucination and paranoia and is filled with hate and warmonger has the right to talk to us.

I understand is democracy. And since it is a democracy you have the right to be selective in choosing the clips.

If you allow every hateful, KKK, white supremacist, Jesus loving fanatic to post on this web site, of course they would love the destruction of the great people of Iran.

Please adhere to high standards and be more Iranian.

Love Iran and Iranian people. For god sake it is called



Ysraeli Invasion of Iran

by Ma'at (not verified) on

You raise a number of good issues but I can tell you based on good authority that Ysrael does not plan to attack Iran until there is an opportunity to fully assess the Nazanin plan. :)

Here is something to assess:

Yechezkel (Ezekiel) 37:25



پیره زن (not verified)

خوب حالا بلند شو برو ریشت را کوتاه کن، موهایت را هم شانه کن و بپر سر کوچه دو تا سنگک بخر و بیا تا شام حاضر شه!