Jasmin Tabatabai

"Let's stay together"

Iranian-German singer performs from her album "I Ran". Niiice!:


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Kaveh Nouraee

I've heard much better....and much worse

by Kaveh Nouraee on

At least it's not rap.


Don't care for this

by Abarmard on

Not the voice that I like..


loosen up

by jonube shari (not verified) on

Oprbxk1 now i know why those retail stores you mentioned are hurting and their sales are down specially Banana Republic, its your work that did not work for them, now you pretend you are Simon? What part of her performance sucked? And to others what is wrong that an Iranian wants to be a rocker? Don't be so uptight, loosen up and just enjoy the video.


She is a well-known actress

by Anonymous,, (not verified) on

She is a well-known actress and she has won many awards. check out her other videos on you tube.



This is horrible music by

by Ding Dang (not verified) on

This is horrible music by any standard, ding dang dong!


Actually Chert To Pert...

by oprbxk1 on

I am an artist. I am a store design consultant. If you have ever walked into a Victoria's Secret, Banana Repunlic or pretty much any other major retail chain, you have seen some of my work. Additionally, I am paid LOTS of money to help various businesses pick out their music/sound track. I listen to hours of music from pop to alt country, making me somewhat of an expert on current music trends. That said.. she SUCKS!



by cyrus- (not verified) on

I liked it very much, very pleasing to the ears. Wish her the best in her carrier.


Nice tunes

by Demis-Rossos (not verified) on

Tasteful, happy, and upbeat!


Question for oprbkx1

by Chert-o-Pert Police (not verified) on

Are you an artist? Can we see your art?

Show us your art, dear. We really really really want to critique it! As a critic of other people's work, whether or not you are an artist yourself, you show no kindness or passion, just contempt. Please learn to speak in a civilized way even when you don't like something.


another chick selling herself to be accpeted

by Anonymousafdsa (not verified) on

another iranian trying to be anything but iranian........ well, good be a westerner if they have you ..............oh what is that???? ....... what do they say behind your back???? they say that really don't want you even though you're sucking their asses and trying to be more western then them...


good for a pop song

by urstruly (not verified) on

better than the arab wana be iranian girl singing HABIBI--PLEEEEZE!


What A Disaster!

by oprbxk1 on

Wow.. she sucks, the band sounds terrible too. Awful!



by Pissed Off (not verified) on

You are right, "... another Iranian disaster."

It would have been nice if she had stayed in Iran and become a basiji.


Nice song!

by Anonymous2008 (not verified) on

She is a very good actress(Persian-German)in Germany and played in many German movies.


Another german- iranian

by ccc12 (not verified) on

Another german- iranian disaster. I guess, you can do whatever you want in germany or in Europe if you are an iranian woman. The only thing that Iranian men are allowed to do in Europe is becoming a cab driver!