Let us have nuclear!

Headcases - Episode 8

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad pleads for the West to allow him to have nuclear weapons and allow Iran to join Euro 2012.


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nuke & mko: same impacts on Iran once unleashed

by 135 (not verified) on

mko is an ideology cocktail of two most oppressive philosophies in the history; islam and communism!

Iran has been hijacked now for 3 decades, only by ONE of these philosophies and see the result!
If they get their filthy hands on Iran, we definitely will be witnessing in near future, a brand new dark chapter in the world's history with a gravity as of WWII.
They know Iranian hate them. They've been living a very harsh life for almost 30 years with no dignity and morality left(begging through showing fake or irrelevant evidences linked to their legacy in order to rob people's compassion and money).
So, they have an unsatisfied hunger for everything. BE AWARE!!

Does anyone actually know how mko was founded?
Hey, don't bother me with the wiki or top 10 google results.
Go deeper. Who were their first terror victims?

Death to the enemies of Pars and Parsi's


To Anonymous5001

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

The Satanic sect of MKO is the single most hated group of traitors that Iranians have ever known in their entire history. Masood and Maryam Rajavi are hated even more than their master Saddam Hussein. The MKO leaders will, one day, pay for all their crimes against the Iranian people, the Iraqi Kurds, and even their own members


It is not a MKO clip!

by Ali reza (not verified) on

Most of the time if a clip come from MKO,they have their emblem on the left of the screen.They have done enough damage when they reviled Iranian nuclear program.They think by spying on Iran and siding with Iran enemies they would get to run the government if or when the current regime is toppled. Sweet Dreams Traitors


sereen.com Very Stupid

by sereen on


Very Stupid


To the Ayat'Allah Emam Khomeini's Disciple

by Anonymous5001 (not verified) on

To that Pro-Aya'Allah Khoemini Hezbollahi who Pretends to be an American by the Name of John William Carpenter III

Fact: You are not what you pretned to be.

Fact: You are a deceptive Hezbollai who pretends to be an American who loves the Aya'Allah Khomeini.

Fact: the PMOI is a legitimate Iranian Political Org with more than 40 years of sturggle for democracy in Iran.

Fact: The PMOI has been deproscribed by the British High Court.

Fact: The PMOI does not give a damn to a deceptive Hezbollahi's "facts" most of which have proven to be lies of the IRI regime and one of it its supporters who pretends to be an American under a ficticious name.

Fact: You pronounce correctly Khomeini's title as the Ayat'Allah (the sign of the Allah) rather than Ayatullah (which is a common misnomer) something that most Americans would not know unless he or she is a student of the Iranian history and politics. You are none under this ficticious name of yours. Yet you want us to believe that your are one American by the name of John William III who not only loves Khomeini but shows animalistic hatred towards Khomeini's biggest victim, the PMOI.

Fact: Zereshkh!!! If you believe that we buy your lies that you are not a Hezbollahi but an American who loves KHomeini for his achievements in Iran compred to the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's.

Fact: Others on this BB have come to this conclusion that you are a Hezbollahi supporter of this regime in Iran an example of which I have quoted in my post to you.

Fact: You pretned that you don't understand what the purpose of my post is therefor call it jibbrish. The purpose was to expose your lies by referring to others who have detected the same lies that you say about yourslef.

Fact: in Western public court of opinion a liar's testimony is worthless. This applies to you. Therefore, your testimony against PMOI is worthless. Period.

Fact: IRI is doomed, IRI auhtorities are a laughing stock of the world and of many posters on this BB. Since the likes of you supporters of the Ayat'Allah cant't do a damn thing about this fact, keep demonizing the PMOI in your idiotic posts.


To Anonymous88848

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

We don't have to laugh at every comedy show just because it is on ITV or any other channel!

And no one says that this puppet show is part of a media conspiracy, but it definitely is spreading false information in the form of satire.

The IAEA, thousands of independent journalists, anti-war activists and even dozens of Intelligent agencies are screaming their lungs out that Iran is NOT building nuclear weapons and they are doing all they can to counter the Bush administration/Israeli massive fear mongering propaganda against Iran so to avoid a Iraq case scenario!! But we at IRANIAN.com are posting "satirical" shows and laughing at the idea that Iran will use its nuclear bombs even for soccer games once it gets its hands on them!!

Donya ro aab bebareh, ma ro khab mibareh!!


is this supposed to be funny?

by tehran24 (not verified) on

another propoganda attempt by the Zionist blood suckers and their "Khaaen Ass kissers"



by AnonyBemoon (not verified) on

Stop me if I'm wrong

1. Ahmadinejad tried to do like khomeini by saying "Israel will be wiped of the map"
2. No one had nothing to do with khomeini's statement but since Ahmadinejad rerun, it became a pretext to sanction and now to make war
3. In order to soften the act to make another war, Israel spreads comic videos showing the stupidity of Ahmadinejad and his dangerousness
4. Everyone laugh at it, include iranians overseas!
5. What's next, in your view?


That was great

by Zion on

Very funny.  They captured his features very well. 

Seriously, why don't you let him get nuclear? ;-p 


Anonymous88848 nazanin

by Hajminator on


We're not shocked that Ahmadinejad is getting ridiculous, we are shocked that in this hot period where you hear "war against iran" in every news channel, we iranians make a laugh on it!

Imagine that a no-persian enter the site and see we are laughing at the worst thing that can happen to us, what can he/she think about it? -- I'm not saying that we have to care about what "cheshm abyia" think about us I'm just saying that we pass for simple idiots.

Further, if you look deeply on our culture we have been taught on Zoroaster philisophy "good thoughts, words and deeds". The last one say, don't will something bad (that can or not happens to you) Capice?



Anonymous5001 What does that have to do with the MKO?

by John Carpenter III (not verified) on

Anonymous5001 your posting is jibberish. What does that have to do with the MKO? And what does my posting have to do with Khomeini? This posting has nothing to do with the Shah.

The facts all say that the Shah was a dictator. The facts show that MKO is a terorist group. Let us stick to the facts. That is all.

Now, Ayat'Allah Khomeyni passed away in 1989. "Khomeinist" doesn't exisit. The IRI exists. We are talking about today.

And today the EU and the US consider the MKO a terrorist organization.

And all historians consider the Pahlavi dynasty a dictatorship of father and son.


You Guys are so stupied!

by Anonymous88848 (not verified) on

Dear "clever", "educated", "Patriotic" Iranian Readers,

Headcases was an ITV satirical animation show based on current affairs. It employs the same satirical style as Spitting Image from the 1980's.

This isnt a grand conspiracy against Iranians, by the British/Americans/Jews/MKO (have I missed any?)

Here is a list of other characters in featured In the series:

George Bush
Condoleezza Rice
Bill & Hillary Clinton
Gordon Brown
The Queen
William and Harry
The Beckhams
Harrison Ford
Nicolas Sarkozy

So why not Ahmadinejad? why shouldn't he be up there?



some stupid "political satire"..........

by Faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

.......in the days of annyversary of downing Flight 655 helps really to forget the brutal criminal act on civilians.has any body ever asked why one never reads aword about these crimes of the greate master? And exactly in the times as something happens against Iran "IRANIAN" has more time and place for "satire"? Greeting


To ebi amirhosseini

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

Well, maybe we should stop taking everything so lightly!

Repeating and spreading the Bush administration, MKO and Israeli propaganda is NOT "just fun", it is NOT "harmless entertainment", it is NOT "just a joke"!! And we should not "learn to laugh at them"!

These are very serious issues threatening the lives and wellbeing of our loved ones in Iran, let's be more serious about them!


People, It's only some stupid "political satire"

by ThePope on

Ah c'mon, the MKO clips are hilarious. Mostly the first one is the funniest. We all know how much the MKO is an ugly and evil terrorist org., but they have always made good fun of the leaders of the taazi regime since the early 80's. So it's not something new, they've been doing this for 3 decades. I really don't like giving any credit at all to such a vatan foroush org., the unworthy MKO, but it is a true fact that they make really good idiots out of the stupid clown-leaders of IRI. Even though they (mko) are a bunch of savage buffoons themselves.

THX 2 Mr. E. A-H 4d links



by Mazloom on

Very stupid


Children of Iran

by Hajminator on


playing the game (for fun or not, that's not the purpose) of Israel and MKO in the preparation of the public opinion for a war against Iran. That's really sad. I have a rhyme but I'll keep it for myself.


John Carpenter III you what?

by Anonymous5001 (not verified) on

Mr. John William Carpenter III:

I was under the impression that you are not what you pretend to be. There are others who have reached the same conclusion as the following that I have copied and pasted here from your own blog at Iranian,com

"Face it John Carpenter; you are not American; you are an Iranian writing under this name. God knows why but thats the truth.

"Secondly, unlike you, I have time and patience to educate idiots such as yourself."

"You are saying Khomeini was better than the Shah? What is the basis of your argument? Was he better because of the fact his regime has been oppressing the women for the past 30 years? Was he better because his regime has been oppressing the Jews, Christians and Bahais for the last 30 years? Or, was he better than Shah because the economy of Iran, despite record oil prices 15 out of the last 30 years have been at historical highs as the economy of Iran is in the toilet; 18% unemployment within men; 37% unemployment among women who are looking for work? Or is he better for having developed a rate of 12% prostitution among women in large cities? Maybe since your mother was in this business, you don't mind innocent women being forced into prostitution. But let me tell you, majority of Iranians and I do not like this line of work, for any Iranian woman.
Oh, its perhaps the 27% opium addiction rate among the youth in large cities that has prompted you to vote Khomeini and his 30 year old legacy a success; one thats better than the Shah.
Let me tell you; I am no fan of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. I think he was a gutless man. Nothing like his great father, Reza Shah whose blessed soul may rest in peace.
However, what even the Shah did for Iran in terms of bringing it to the verge of 20th century was orders of magnitude better than the current regime of filth.
With the hope that one day all Islamic clerics are hung by their balls and Iran is made into a secular true democracy."

"Now go call your mom and tell her you'll support her so she doesn't have to continue her line of work."

End of the quote

Since you are a Khomeinist pretending to be a Westerner who loves Khomeini, your raving and ranting against the PMOI is at best phony and illegitimate as your deceptive character.


Show the beautiful side of Iran

by Hakim (not verified) on

I don't know who has made this video, MKO or someone else. But it's purpose and audience are clear.
It targets those with no knowledge of the subject matter, and then, tries to fill that lack of knowledge with propaganda and fear. This kind of propaganda is usually used in Military. The enemy is ugly and bad, and we, of course, are the good guys. Let’s show the beautiful side of Iran and promote peace, for people of Iran, US and Israel.


The accent is Israeli, believe me I know the accent.

by observer (not verified) on

Animation: good
Voice over: phony (not good)
Content: Propaganda
Recommendation: Not


The Clips and the evil intentions of the MKO

by John Carpenter III (not verified) on

The MKO is on the terror list in both the US and the EU. It has been involved in terrorist activities before the Iranian Revolution killing foreign diplomats. After the Revolution, the MKO supported taking American diplomats hostage. When things calmed down in Iran the MKO left Iran. The MKO then went to Iraq and helped in the genocide against the Iraqi Kurds and the Iraqi Shias. the MKO helped use chemical weapons on both groups. The MKO is also responsible for spreading lies that Iran seeks nuclear arms instead of nuclear energy. The clips posted mostly originate from the MKO. We must all understand that since its inception the MKO has never did an ounce of good for the Iranian people. The MKO are made up of dangerous people who have no plan and just want to spread anarchy. They beg for money on the streets of Western Europe and ask people to show up at their demonstrations.

ebi amirhosseini

Ben & ALi

by ebi amirhosseini on

Dear friends,I know the source of the clips,but the clip Partygirl posted supposedly is just for fun ,nothing more or less.That goes for the links I referred to.

best wishes


How the US Will Feed Its Economy

by Sadaia_qesa on

How the US Will Feed Its Economy (FACTS and only FACTS)



Watch the ending DANCE the last a few seconds of the Video!


To ebi amirhosseini

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

These video clips are not "funny" at all, they come from the same propaganda machine that might get all your family and friends killed!

Ben Madadi

Clips below are from MKO

by Ben Madadi on

Check the authors and other videos they have posted...


stupid propegands clip

by Jokers (not verified) on

This is a stupid propeganda clip produced by a bunch of cronies that are nothing but a bunch of yes man to a small group of barbarians that want to get their hands on Iran's natural resources.

You can't stop science, and if Nukes are bad, then US should have 27,000 of them in its military arsenal.

ebi amirhosseini

Very Cheezi...

by ebi amirhosseini on

There are much better & funnier clips of him on youtube :




best wishes


Party Girl I know that you

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

Party Girl I know that you just send to JJ whatever you find on the net about Iranians. But I would like to ask you to please be more responsible in the choices you make.

This idea that Iran wants nuclear WEAPONS is being spread by fear mongers to justify more sanctions and military threats against Iran. I don't see why we should give a forum to this kind of propaganda, even if it seems like harmless comedy.


this is really cheap. looks

by namonino (not verified) on

this is really cheap. looks like a clip from Headcases. They've really hit rock bottom.