Little ones in little school (1)

Students in remote Persian Gulf village near Bushehr


>>> PART 2


Sardar Kolleh Ghoochan

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Sardar Kolleh Ghoochan

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جواب ابلهان خاموشی است

مازیار (not verified)



Inferiority complex

by AnonymousJPN (not verified) on

I don't own this country. It seems like you're sick, man. Go get rid of your inferiority complex and start living. You are jealous because you did not go to school here for your under grad, high school and so forth. I did and let me tell you IT WAS GREAT.

I went to school here in the US with no tax & oil money (& I am proud of it, I saved the money for people like you and poor Palestinians), but all with the opportunity this country offered to me. "Besooz va besaz keh joz in kar digari nadari". Instead of studying you are constantly in this site coming up with weird arguments. "Boro darsat ra bekhoun va bozorg sho". You owe it to yourself and humanity.


I had no idea you OWN this country!

by مازیار (not verified) on

I had no idea you own this country!!! There's nothing wrong with going abroad for further education, and you are not entitled to question me why I am here! I am here for further education and academic excellence which I think this country can offer me! but in the mean time, I am not cursing at the homeland who educated me with oil and tax money! Like you, I love that land, but unlike you, I am not presenting a dark savage picture of Iran. The Iranian society is alive and moving forward! I do recommend that you go back and read your own postings on this page! Just compare notes and you will find your big controversy with yourself. Eradatmand, Mazyar


Why here?

by AnonymousJPN (not verified) on

Why are you here for graduate school? The IRI (as you say) does provide you with great education, or may be not? I am confused by your logic. You are provided with a very good educational system in Iran (if not the best), yet you are here going to school. Why? You are here in heaven too educating yourself and enjoying the freedom that the big bad wolf has provided to you. Ey sheytoun!

I am not imposing my point of view to any one; here in the US you can have your opinion and you are entitled to it; I know you are coming from Iran and people there shove their opinion in your throat. Get used to this. Keep your opinion and don't worry that people will judge you for it. It's a free country after all.

I love Iran. And that's why I left it at 17 because I could not stand the injustice and violence to my people. You stayed there and witnessed the whole scenario with your your eyes wide open and I left because at 17, I could not do anything but to become another victim. Good day, sir!


4-5 students

by Iva (not verified) on

Is that total number of children under age of 18 in that village?! No wonder government is not providing them with adequate "school" supplies, etc. It won't be long before these kids either quit school or graduate high school and leave.

Bottom line: it won't be long before that village disappear from the map of Iran due to lack of occupants/population.


Anyhow, it seems like most of arguments in this trail is about IRI completely good or IRI completely bad. In my opinion, those who created IRI and those who run the damn thing right now are pure evil who do not hesitate for a minutes to hang a "ham-mihan" up because of her/his opinion as it was preached by founder of Islam. Regardless, these evil people MUST do something for the country as in build roads, provide water, electricity, etc. etc. So, if one notices anything positive in Iran, it is not because evil has decided to change its ways, it simply because evil must do it to continue to rule.


to those who write to Maziyar

by Abarmard on

I am not sure why it's so hard for some people to realize that nothing is absolute and there are hard working people that might also agree with the regime. For some the idea that IRI could possibly produce anything good is impossible, while people must know that the regime is made out of Iranian people! Everyone has a Right to agree or disagree but if you see something positive, at least acknowledge it. Let's assume that there is a revolution, if you have not acknowledge the goods that IRI does, you will lose them. It's better to see what works and learn. Sometimes things are better in Iran than the US. Our mistake after the fall of Shah was that everything from that regime was perceived bad. We should wise up and learn. In that sense I agree with Maziyar. He is not saying anything out of ordinary.


خیلی ممنون از لطف شما. ارادتمند: مازیار

مازیار (not verified)

دوست گرامی
خیلی ممنون از کلماتی که نثارم کردید. من تا دو سال و نیم پیش ایران بودم . تمام تحصیلاتم رو ایران انجام دادم و الانم برای تخصص اومدم اینجا. بدون هیچ وابستگی به دولت ایران. من تقریبا تمام مقالات علمی که توی سی ویم هست رو توی ایران چاپ کردم. هیچ مشکلی هم برای تحقیق و پژوهش سر راهم نبود. گاهی اوقات سیستم اینجا خیلی بیشتر از ایران برای آدم مانع تراشی می کنه. من هم مثل شما ایران درس خوندم و البته برخلاف شما این همه نکته ی سیاه و بد که شما می گوید رو ندیدم. دوست من! شما خیلی با غرض و کینه از ایران حرف می زنی و آخرش هم می گی "پاینده ایران"! من که نفهمیدم بالا خره موضع شما چیه!؟ توشه ی من از درس خوندن در ایران خیلی با ارزشه و همیشه به اون افتخار می کنم! من فکر می کنم شما نظرات شخصی خودت رو به می خوای به همه تعمیم بدی! شما همینجا بمون و از این بهشت لذت ببر. ما به همون جهنمی که شما می گی راضی هستیم. مخلصیم. مازیار


You are arrogant, Maziar

by AnonymousJPN (not verified) on

I lived in a hell called the IRI. I went to school in the hell too. All the emphasis was on "beenesh Eslami" instead of the core subjects. As a math-physics major in high school we were wasting our precious time in learning religion and paying attention to "Tarh-e mozakhraf-e KAD". For girls, we were busy sewing and knitting. I don't know what you were doing then, apparently enjoying yourself and didn't care about the rest of the world.

"Saret ra az zir barf dar beeyar" and smell the roses. Don't glorify the educational system in Iran, and do not lecture the rest of us whom wasted our time in the Iranian school system after the Islamic Revolution. "oon nekbati keh bachehaye Iran daresh dast-o-pa meezanand, cheeze joz yek kabous-e fajee neest." But every one has his/her definition for misery; you may think they are busy learning and I don't. You are entitled to your opinion and I am to mine.

"man neyam dar khor-e in mehmani
Gand-o-mordar to ra arzani" as khanlari said in "Oghab"

" Forgive me, friend, for being so keen.

Live long, eat well, and grow, if you wish,
On carrion and dead matter and putrid fish.

This delicious-looking fare I’d rather pass,
As I have passed to the animals the grass.

Death, immediate, in the firmament today,
Is worth a hundred lives enmeshed in decay."

Parviz Natel Khanlari (Oghab)

Be omid-e bidari. Payandeh IRAN.



by Anonymous4now (not verified) on

I agree with you that we should learn to give credit when it is due, but you have to examine the record of the IRI in its entirety to be able to dish out such credit. From the time Khomeini said that education was corrupting Iranians and that Islamic science and education is what is needed to salvage the soul of the nation, till Ahmadinejad made his comment about the relationship between intellectuals and bozghaleh, to his comment about Iran having nothing before 1979 and everything now (a notion which some people have bought into), to the present when, even as we speak, the IRI is attempting to make universities more Islamic, there has been an attempt by the IRI to undermine secular education and impose its own whim and will on the people. They changed the curriculum at all stages hoping to brainwash a whole generation of kids and ended up with an educated class that rejected them in the university uprisings of 1999. So why does the IRI deserve the credit? If education has become second nature to the Iranian people to the point of defying the IRI and embracing secular education despite the IRI's attempt to influence the outcome otherwise, then is it to their credit or to the credit of the regime before them that instilled this unconditional respect for secular education in the people of Iran? Talk about giving credit where it is due.


by the way! I'm not going to

by مازیار (not verified) on

by the way! I'm not going to swallow what you have chewed! even if you have brushed your teeth 1000 times and showered in breath mint ! :) .....haminjoori!!!!


اینم جوا ب من !!!!

مازیار (not verified)

ای کاش می تونستیم مسائل رو با هم قاطی نکنیم! حرف از آموزش می زنیم بحث از انرژی هسته ای می شه! می گیم آموزش و پرورش خوب کار می کنه متهم به حمایت از دولت می شیم! صحبت حقوق بشر پیش میاد! خانم یا آقایی که جواب من رو دادین! من هنوزم فکر می کنم دولت ایران هر کاری که نکرده باشه روی آموزش چه ابتدایی چه عالی خیلی خوب کار کرده. من نمی دونم چرا عده ای حتی به ذهنشون هم خطور نمی کنه که جمهوری اسلامی کار خوب هم میکنه! تا وقتی هموطنان ما خشک و تر رو با هم می سوزونن و به اصطلاح همه رو با یه چوب می زنن وضعمون همینیه که هست
!در تمام دولت ها آدمهایی هستن که خیلی خوب کار می کنن و زحمت می کشن. ما خارج نشینا هم فقط غر می زنیم! کمی انصاف بد نیست! اون دوستی که گفتن بی سوادا مردن و تعدادشون کم شده و با یه حساب شکمی تمام تلاشهای بخش آموزش رو در ایران بی اجر کردن هم بدونن که ایران اول انقلاب کمتر از نصف الان جمعیت داشت. یه نگاه هم به دیگر کشورهای در حال توسعه بندازین! توی همین آمریکا هم خیلی از مصیبتهایی که اون ور می بینیم هست اما ترجیح می دیم سرمون رو بکنیم زیر برف! در مورد اسلامی بودن و یا نبودن ایران هم حوصله ی بحث بی منطق رو ندارم. بعضی دوستان هنوز در عصر هخامنشی زندگی می کنن! هزار و چهارصد ساله که ایران مسلمون شده یعنی دست کم سه چهار برابر تاریخ کشف ینگه دنیا! اسم اکثر دوستانی که اینجا مطلب می نویسن اسامی مرتبط با مذهبه! اون وقت چطور ایران کشور اسلامی نیست؟


Dera Isar_gar

by Anonymous4now (not verified) on

I think your slogan should be paayandeh baad Iran and not the IRI. Everyone wants an independent and progressive Iran but not at the cost of mordeh parasti, idol worshipping, and having to conform to some Imam’s notion of what’s moral. I agree with everything you said about attaining independence and reviving the old glory, but which independence are you talking about? If you believe that the juvenile delinquent behavior of the IRI categorizes as independence then think again.


Reply to Maziar

by AnonymousJPN (not verified) on

Agha Maziar, baradar,

I can not chew your food for you, so all you have to do is swallowing it! I want you to reeducate yourself on your own. "Az agha-iet cheezie kam nemisheh" if you go search for some historical research papers to find out what Iran is and who Iranians are. All you have to lose is some moslem blood.



by Isar_gar (not verified) on

Payendeh baad regime jomhuriye eslamiye Iran, taa cheshme doshmanaan e in boom o bar kur shavad. Iran piruz khahad shod va mardom e Iran hamcho gozashtehaaye por eftekhaar, parchame piruzi raa dar baalaaye kuh haaye bozorg e Iran sar afraz mikonand. Payandeh baad Iran e mostaghel va Daliran e Iran e eslami.
Raah e maa daanestane gozashtehaa baa bakhshesh, va peesh besuye ayandeh baa yaad daasht az gozashteh, va baa omid beh joloe. baa maa biyaa beh raahe Iran. taa besaazim mihan raa. biyaa ey Irani, Iranat raa tanhaa magozar, biya besuye Iranat. Payandeh baashi ey Iran.


To Maziar and the rst of the IRI sympothisers

by Anonymous4now (not verified) on

Iran at the time Reza Shah took over, had very few educated. After 16 short years, when he was forced to abdicate, the well to do had a strong foothold in education (ask your parents or grand parents to give you an unbiased view). At the time of the revolution, in 1979, 12 million Iranians (out of 36 million) had a high school diploma, but more significantly, it was mandatory for every child below the age of 18 to get a high school diploma (there were those in remote areas that violated this law). Given 30 more years, is there any doubt that the educated class would have been making progress? The Pahlavies had many faults but lack of progress and emphasis on education was not their weakness. The IRI on the other hand, tried to shut down universities, and tried to ban women from higher education, unsuccessfully. If today there are more women going through higher education than men, the reason is that Iranians have defied the IRI and have struggled to push Iran back on track. But still the state of the economy has forced more men to drop out in search of ways to support their families. The IRI president who would have probably followed in his dad's footsteps to be a blacksmith, had it not been for the educational opportunity provided to him by the Pahlavy government, calls intellectuals goats (shows how much progress this Neanderthal has made in his quest for education). If late in the game, the IRI seems to be supporting technology, it is because of their survival instinct and wanting to preserve their status, not because of any nationalistic or academic sentiments. Progress has been made by Iranians, not because of the IRI but despite the IRI. The IRI foolishly believes that by pursuit of missiles and nuclear technologies it can advance its cause and defeat the “Great Satan”. But what they don’t realize, and don’t care about is that they are getting Iran ever closer to the path of destruction that faced Iraq; the country they fought with for 8 years to reach a stalemate, but the U.S. reduced to a non entity in 3 weeks.

The other point is that Iran is an obligatory Moslem country. Iranians are the most secular people in the Middle East but Islam is being rammed down their throats by the IRI. You would have a good indication of how Islamic Iran is after the IRI is deposed. The time will come.


These kids are so adorable

by aramesh (not verified) on

These kids are so adorable... just look at them... look at their eyes.
Their teacher looks very enthusiastic too, he's young and full of energy and says a 'barikalla' after every right answer!
I hope their high hopes actually do turn into reality... both the kids and their teacher!


Regard man as !

by Tahirih (not verified) on

"Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value.Education can ,alone cause it to reveal its treasures,and enable mankind to benefit therefrom"
"knowledge is as wings to man's life ,and a ladder for his soul"
As for education of girls to be a priority ,it does not mean that we have to ignore boys .But historicaly girls have been ignored and I am not talking about just here or in Iran ,globaly women have not been given the same opportunity as men .So by giving priority to education of girls in the family we are bringing women's status higher to reach the status of man .So humanity can fly with 2 wings that are equaly strong.


Women and new Era

by Mona 19 (not verified) on

Dear Hamchenin

of course both are also responsible for training and education of children,and education is necessary for both parents!

But the education of women is of greater importance than the education of men, for they are the mothers of the race, and mothers rear the children. The first teachers of children are the mothers. Therefore, they must be capably trained in order to educate both sons and daughters.and as I said before The mothers are the first educators of mankind; if they be imperfect, alas for the condition and future of the race...



Don't give credit to IRI that they do not deserve.

by Another Anonymous (not verified) on

Best way to evaluate IRI performance is to look at the following data:

- Literacy rate at 1299 (the time of reza shah coup): single digit (exact number unknown) - mostly limited to reading koran and like

- Literacy rate at 1357 (the time of revolution): 60 to 70%

- Literacy rate at 1386 (this year): 90% - note that this higher number compared to 1357 is partly due to deaths of illiterate older people.


OK, here is the Nature paper; btw, Iran is an Islamic country!

by مازیار (not verified) on

OK, here is the Nature paper:
"King DA. The scientific impact of nations. Nature. 2004 Jul 15;430(6997):311-6."
Yes! you are right! if you search for "Iran" on the Internet, you will surely find the sick propaganda about the human rights stuff there! You may want to search scientifc sites like scholar google! I'm sure you will get better results! Regarding the religion of the Iranian people, I would appreciate it if you would please educate me! Are we not Muslims? Please understand there is a difference between Muslim and Arab. I don't have any racial preference, but I have heard this from many Persian folks in U.S. who think they are superior and hate being compared with Arabs! This attitude sucks! Once more, please let me know what is the religion of the Iranian people?! Iran is cenrtainly an Islamic country. I don't see anything wrong with that!مازیار


Survey for the new year.

by Questioner (not verified) on

People, please click on the section on Beheshti and respond to the survey there. Thank you.


Maziar, I have a hard time believing you & don't know why!

by AnonymousJPN (not verified) on

Maziar joon:

Iran is not an Islamic country; please reeducate yourself. You should also look at the news coming from the IRI with an open mind and also open eyes. The government is busy educating everyone even in small villages? A-ou-ze-bellah!! They are brainwashing people instead of educating them.

You've also asked us to search the internet to see how Iran is an example of scientific excellence in the Islamic world (as YOU call it). All I have found is stoning to death & hanging people. Sorry man!


to Mona 19 (Ms./Mr.)

by hamchenin (not verified) on

Forget about the writing style, there is a problem with the logic. Sister/Brother jan, it is 21 century. As both parents are bread making and feeding the kids, both are also responsible for tarbiyat and well grown kids. So education is necessary for both parents!


to mona

by lightning (not verified) on

I wished people wrote more concisely.
mokhtasar va mofid benevisid
And please write in Persian, if English is a little problemtic.


The education and training of children

by Mona 19 (not verified) on

The education and training of children is among the most meritorious acts of humankind and draweth down the grace and favour of the God, for education is the indispensable foundation of all human excellence and alloweth man to work his way to the heights of abiding glory.

..... the education of woman is more necessary and important than that of man, for woman is the trainer of the child from its infancy. If she be defective and imperfect herself, the child will necessarily be deficient; therefore, imperfection of woman implies a condition of imperfection in all mankind, for it is the mother who rears, nurtures and guides the growth of the child. This is not the function of the father. If the educator be incompetent, the educated will be correspondingly lacking. This is evident and incontrovertible. Could the student be brilliant and accomplished if the teacher is illiterate and ignorant? The mothers are the first educators of mankind; if they be imperfect, alas for the condition and future of the race.


The education and training of children

by Mona 19 (not verified) on

The education and training of children is among the most meritorious acts of humankind and draweth down the grace and favour of the God, for education is the indispensable foundation of all human excellence and alloweth man to work his way to the heights of abiding glory.

..... the education of woman is more necessary and important than that of man, for woman is the trainer of the child from its infancy. If she be defective and imperfect herself, the child will necessarily be deficient; therefore, imperfection of woman implies a condition of imperfection in all mankind, for it is the 134 mother who rears, nurtures and guides the growth of the child. This is not the function of the father. If the educator be incompetent, the educated will be correspondingly lacking. This is evident and incontrovertible. Could the student be brilliant and accomplished if the teacher is illiterate and ignorant? The mothers are the first educators of mankind; if they be imperfect, alas for the condition and future of the race.


I agree that

by Abarmard on

We need to compliment the good work and criticise the bad. Otherwise not only the government but the people won't learn to appreciate or disapprove based on the issues (rather than personal belief). that might be the first step towards "Mardom Saalaari". Happy New Year.


آموزش درایران از موفق ترین برنامه ها در کشورهای در حال توسعه

مازیار (not verified)

کمی انصاف هم بد نیست. من در ایران با یونسکو و وزارت آموزش و پرورش کار می کردم. در یکی از جلسات رسمی نماینده ی یو. ان. دی. پی.(برنامه ی توسعه ی سازمان ملل متحد) برنامه ی آموزشی در ایران رو در کل ممالک در حال توسعه نمونه خوند. حتی در سواد آموزی ایران رتبه ی اول رو داره. این ویدئو نشون می ده که دولت حتی در دور افتاده ترین مناطق هم به آموزش مشغوله. من از دولت ایران دفاع نمی کنم و هیچ وابستگی هم ندارم اما هیچ کس تلاش دولت در سه دهه گذشته رو نمی تونه انکار کنه. رشد علمی مراکز علمی هم در دهه ی گذشته سر آمد تمام کشورهای اسلامی بوده. کافیه یه جستجوی کوچیک توی اینترنت بکنید و کمی هم نگاهتون رو عوض کنید. ایران تنها کشور اسلامی بود که چهار سال پیش در فهرست رتبه بندی علمی کشور ها در مجله ی نیچر قرار گرفت. به امید آینده ای بهتر. مازیار- هیوستون.


IRI is an embarrassment

by what???????? (not verified) on

innharo ghablan ham dashtim. waghean sharm bar shoma IRI.

Please look at the hanging video then close your mouth, don’t say anything else.
You IRI are an embarrassment to human right!!