Lost in between

First Dutch short movie with all Iranian cast and crew

Directed by Farshad Ari. Actors: Alan Yadegarian, Susan Reazi, Hossein Mardani, Donya Farahani, Houman Esmailinia, Nafiss Nia.


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by cyrus- (not verified) on

chera shoma ha comment mardom ro sansoor mikonid??
fargh shoma ba jumhurie eslami chie??
in hame as azadie sokhan harf mizaneed, badesh ziresh mizaeed.
ageh man ye soal as irandokht kardam, khodesh mitoone javab bedeh.
dar amricaee ke shoma zendegi mikonid as farmandar NJ dar tv soal kardan ke aya ham jens baz ast ya na . va ishoon javab daad.
hala chera shoma kaseh daagh tar az ash shodin ??
jedan in soal baraye hame hast : chera shoma khejalat nemikesheed??


IRANdokht, If

by Alireza1234 (not verified) on

IRANdokht, If "homosexuality" has been taken off the list of disorders and diseases in Western countries, it is because of the lobbying and political pressures of feminist and queer groups.

We don't have to follow the same path as Westerners and start promoting homosexuality as a healthy and normal way of life!! It seems like Iranians do not have any independent mind of their own, and they always have follow Westerners in everything they do.


I am lost. What is this

by AA (not verified) on

I am lost. What is this suppose to be, art, freedom of expression or what?


After reading all the comments...

by IRANdokht on

I think I have a better title for this short movie:

"Homophobia Detector"

What's the problem guys? in closed minded traditional societies a lot of women find themselves married to men who have no desire for them.

This is actually a lot more common than you think and a lot more frequent in our society where homosexuality is a taboo and gay men are forced into marriage. They're all victims, men and women.

As long as you are so scared of homosexuality that as a movie critic you suggest a change of plot (!!) like "lurking out to suprise her with something romatic..." then our people would have to continue to lie and suffer and live miserable lives...

Keep an open mind, beautiful thoughts might fall into it




POOR story , POOR play

by cyrus- (not verified) on

what a waste of money and time. so what ??


really bad

by maziar288 (not verified) on

1. promotes homosexuality and adultery
2. discourages us to go to hotels in amsterdam
3. worst plot and setting and everything!
4. it should win the golden raspberry because of the last scene, with the woman chatting crap
5. the have like the most fake accents, and are typical iranians from holland
6. as ToofanZeGreat put it WTf?!?!?!


It was interesting

by Abarmard on

I liked the music. It was good acting. I am not a film critic to know all the specifics, but it seemed good. I wished that we could connect more to the woman at the end, since the focus was "lost in between".



by ToofanZeGreat on

The story sucked, the actors did a medicore job, the script was boring, the plot obvious, the lighting horrible, the music shit... How about they twisted it into a suitcase full of money story or the guy lurked off just to surprise her with something romantic the next day or.. I dont know.. whatever than him humping some dude.... I mean... dude..


Sili was so much better.. Guess they keep the skills alive back in Iran