Ma Hastim!

People shout angry slogans in martyrs section of a cemetery

Note on YouTube:

این تجمع اعتراضی در 5 شهر آبادان اهواز تهران قم و شیراز بر سر مزار شهدا برگزار شد که در بعضی مناطق به دلیل حضور گسترده ماموارن نیروی انتظامی به تنشج کشیده شد و عده ای دستگیر شدند . مردم سرودهای یار دبستانی ای ایران و دوباره میسازمت وطن را خواندند و شعارهای ما هستیم و موجم اگر میروم گر نروم نیستم سر دادند .




by MA HASTIM (not verified) on


We Iranians often criticise, just for the sake of criticising! Soon as someone manage to get a group of people together to achieve a common goal, a goal that we all share with each other, some of us try’s to separate this unity. Let’s all come together regardless of our faith and believes. Each of us has one vote, I might like Iran to have a “Shahanshah”, you may like it to be republic and someone else prefers secular. Why is it that we try to convince the other people that we are right and you in other hand are wrong? If the majority of the people (51%) in the future referendum wants republic government, I will aspect and respect it cause they are my people. This is an “Arabiat” clutter than has been injected to us in the past 1,400 years. “Swearing”, “disloyalty”, “lack of trust” and many, many more bad habits are some of many examples of this culture that we should turn our back to it. We speak Parsi, as Ferdowsi said: “Basi Rang Burdam Darin sale-si Ajam Zende Kardam Bedin Parsi.” We go to war with our history, culture and more importantly our sweet language. None of us wants this regime, so lets us come together and show our existent then we can make a parliament with each one of us having the right to vote. Otherwise, we are all living in a dream to change this regime; we talk and talk but don’t walk and walk. Sorry about my poor English… God bless the true flag of Iran: Lion and Sun.

Ma Hastim…


Only change will bring us to the 21 century

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

I have high hopes that our youth will take over and bring the change.

We don't need Mullahs, Shahanshahi, Mujahed, Tudehi or any foreign entity. Iranians will take over and bring change.

Iran will be ruled by an Iranian who will care about Iran and Iranian people and is not a puppet.

I hope that we can push for referendum. The referendum will ask the people to vote on issues such as, if they want a different regime as well as separation of Islam and governmnet and a political party that will benefit all Iranians.

Zendeh Bad Iran va Irani


تو غلط کردی زفتی سر مزار برادر من و به اسم خانواده شهدا


تو غلط کردی زفتی سر مزار برادر من و به اسم خانواده شهدا ان مکان مقدس را به نجاست هم جنس بازی و بوی  عرق و زنا کاری خودتان الوده کردید اگر من برادر شهید هستم و ومجروح جنگ و احترام من لازم پس چرا   نژاد پرستی و تحقیر کشیدن تو کانادا و ان هم لب مرز توسط ماموران نژاد پرست امگریشن امریکا چون متولد ایران هستم و  باید تحقیر شوم و جستجوی بدنی انگشت نگاری و هزاران توهین و  همین باعث شد کار سیاسی نکنم و کارکاتور نکشم و منتظر بر گشت به ایران باشم که الحمد ا...کارها داره درست می شود .گور بابای تو شهرام همایون تو غلط کردی از اسم من خا نواده شهدا حرف می زنی وقتی تو مملکت به ظاهر متمدن امریکا این جور به من تو هین می کنند که در دولت ایران نکردند چقدر خوب بود غیرتی بود و جهان شاه جاوید این نامه من به شهرام هما یون و امگریشن امریکا را می گذاشت رو جلد تا همه بدانند برای چی دیگر کاریکاتور نمی کشم و در حال رفتن به ایران تا درمورد زندگی ننگین ایجا فیلم بسازم و کاریکاتور بکشم


this Ma Hastim program is on

by Anonymous2222 (not verified) on

this Ma Hastim program is on Channel one Iranian Satellite and they were essentially the ones who organized this with the cooperation of people inside Iran. I watch it and my relatives in Iran tell me many people there watch it too.

Mola Nasredeen

Cheers and salavat!

by Mola Nasredeen on


1. It goes like this: yes you are - so are we - so are they - so is he - so is she - etc. Do you get it? it's like a chant. A chant that starts with "yes we are" and continues with the rest, "so are we...."

2. Why do you think they were demonstrating against I and ala-hazrat shotor? In the footage you see many people demonstrating under some awning with Iranian flags hanging from the ceiling. They are clapping and happy. They are announcing their presence.

3. And somebody is using video camera or phone to tape it secretly. He lator has post it on the internet. Many faces are seen in this footage.

4. With a gay guy wearing a tight blue jeans who appears close to the end of the footage. He puts his arm on the shoulder of another guy. 

5. Many faces are revealed. Now that is irresponsible .

cheers and salavat    


‫دمشون گرم


مام هستیم...بخور ملا این تازه اولشه.


Exciting clip

by fozool1 (not verified) on

but who are these people?

Mola Nasredeen

Yes you are....

by Mola Nasredeen on

but so are we, my camel and I.

Darius Kadivar

I thought RP was wrong about Civil Resistance ...

by Darius Kadivar on

And then some blame Reza Pahlavi when he calls for civil resistance and unity ?


Make Up Your Minds Guys ! What do you want ?

Ta Gabre, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah ...


Ay Val!

by Azadeh on

Baba ay val! Barikala be bachehaa dakheleh Iran.

If only people outside the country took a moment out of their cushy lives to give a damn like these brave souls!!!