McCain dying to kill Iranians

John McCain jokes about killing Iranians with cigarettes

Los Angeles Times: While waiting for cheese steaks at Pittsburgh's Primanti Bros., famous for its thick sandwiches piled high with French fries, an Associated Press reporter asked McCain to comment on a report that U.S. exports to Iran had increased tenfold during the last seven years -- with cigarettes ranking as the top export. "Maybe that's a way of killing them," McCain responded. He quickly followed up: "I meant that as a joke, as a person who hasn't had a cigarette in 28 years.">>>



Thanks for coming back...I was so lost without your Zio-wisdom,

by Q on

You see my friend, we all have been put on this earth on a particular time and a place for a reason.

Yours right now is to make this web page more popular.

There is plenty of exploitation by America and Western Economic system. Entire books, courses, curricula have been dedicated to it. But since YOU have decided this is all 'collectivist' propaganda, I guess they must all be wrong. Immigrants go to plenty of other places. In Iran there are over a million Iraqi and Afghan immigrants. Also many people from Phillipines and central Asia. There are also plenty immigration to Europe and Canada. You go where there's economic opportunity = disposable income (or a fake credit system that simulates it) like the kind Americans spend on 50% of world's consumables.

Tell me the truth, did a communist kick your ass in school or something? Why do you always think you're dealing with a communist? I think this is why they invented the idiom: "When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail." Expand your mind, it's good for you... the world is more than just good guys (your kind) versus communists and terrorists (the only two types of people your tunnel vision apparently can see.)

I am not selfless.
NO shit! Are you serious?

It is the worst kind of degeneracy in my book.
That book being what? Atlas Shrugged? People grow out of that crap in preteen years. You must be a late bloomer.

Damn, I hate to see what people like you do to "degenerates."

I also give this right to everyone else as well.
Oh thank You, thank you so much for giving us that right. What other things can you bestow upon me and my slave kind?

This is something a poor guy of slave mentality like you can't comprehend.
Oh boy, another Rand-head Ashke-Zionist with a "slave" complex. Do you know how predictable and un-original this is? Let me take a wild guess, you've "connected" objectivism to exodus and the Holocaust right? How smart of you.

That is the source of all your frustration and hatred of all that is free in America,
Yea, bravo. You found me out. It's just like FOX news says, "they hate us for our freedom." I just can't STAND people being free! It's check-mate now since my game is up!

Of course I find my belief system superior, that is why I hold it as valid.
Wow... the density is increasing exponentially. It's all about "holding" the best isn't it? It's like a big race with winners and loser for you. Your whole life is meaningless unless someone is inferior to you. It's not normal. I point it out because it's so increadibly arrogant.

Most sane human being do not define their belief system in terms of supriority or inferiority to others. Most people who have some sembolance of inner peace are just fine valuing and honoring other belief systems (which cannot be done if your is "superior"). This explains clearly why you are not at peace with yourself and at this rate will die with the distinct feeling of "not" having achieved the thing you are always after.

Listen to your psycho-excuses. Your obsession with this superiority is making you more annoying than a Jehova's Witness on a sunday morning. You call it "choice" but like any alcoholic you can't walk away (as I just have proved). You feel you must affirm your own superiority by putting others down for their beliefs, constantly reminding them of how inferior they are. Right here, you can't take it when people rightfully call out McCain for his stupid comment, you feel you have to come over and do damage control on the situation. If this was about choice, not obsession; about pursuing happiness, not sadism; about freedom not being "slave" to your own closed world view set in stone, this would not bother you at all. You would chuckle and move on.

But it does bother you, everyone can see.
You probably have some OCD in real life.

Bee-hive communal ant mentality and value system
Yup... exactly what I thought... everyone's a commie...
You really must hate the founding fathers of Israel. Why do you defend such bee-hive communal filth?

Let me know when the 50's are over in your mind.

I'll leave you with a quote from a real Jew:
A life not lived for others, is not worth living


Again the usual stuff

by Zion on

Q, Q, [sigh]... Q,

'Zion, PLEASE go...Too bad you're not coming back... .'
How about you make up your mind first, huh? :-)

No such luck, I'm afraid.

'But most immigrants (more than 90%) are here for economic reasons, not freedom. These reasons often having to do with poverty back home usually as a result of economic exploitation in which this "great" country participates in fully.'

Really? Now it is for economic reasons and not freedom, is it? Oh..kay.
And how have you come by this startling information, if I may ask? Economic reasons not freedom huh? Where does this economic prosperity come from?
Oh I know you said it, the US exploits the toils of other nations. RIght!
If that is the reason, why didn't people go to Soviet Union for "economic reasons" ? You are not saying it didn't exploit all those satellite lands , do you? So how come no prosperity there?
Why don't they go to Sweden say? China? Japan? In such large numbers?

It is not exploitation or leftist left-over marxist crap that is the reason for American economic prosperity. It is the freedom it harbors. Economics is the best measure of freedom. America was founded on the free market capitalism that is the only system that can create and sustain freedom and prosperity.

Anyways, so Q, why are you here? You are not here for the freedom, you are not here I presume for the economical reasons either. Is it?
If not, why are you accepting this shame of living among those you believe see you as flies and monkeys?

'How wonderfully selfless you are, zion!'

Now you are insulting me. I am not selfless. It is the worst kind of degeneracy in my book. I am a free man, and such see myself and my happiness as the purpose of my left and an end in itself. I also give this right to everyone else as well. This is something a poor guy of slave mentality like you can't comprehend. That is the source of all your frustration and hatred of all that is free in America, Israel and (ehem) "The Imperialist World". It is also the source of your newest obsession and ranting-toy about the superiority of my belief system and religion(?!...whatever). Of course I find my belief system superior, that is why I hold it as valid. I could very well be mistaken, but a any given time I go with the one I see as superior to all others. This is what all rational human beings obviously do. Otherwise one changes it to something better.
Oh and I choose what topic to enter, what to comment on and what is my business, not you or anyone else. I know this sound ugly and foreign to you, but C'est la vie.

Bee-hive communal ant mentality and value system. That is what you are a slave to Q. Deny it all you want, that is the crux of the matter.
Pitiable and sad.

'Thanks mista!'
You are very welcome. Don't mention it. My pleasure.


Zion, PLEASE go, and take your buddy McCain with you

by Q on

Too bad you're not coming back, still I'll direct my response for everyone's benefit.

How can such a people, such a society be the place where everyone around the world, including you, look towards and come to seek freedom?

Did I say "I" looked toward it for freedom? See my previous response regarding assumptions and "Visa" and don't bite more than you can chew.

The fact is that yes, some people do look to American for Freedom, many Iranians. For such a person who is here for freedom, telling them to "shut up" or "love it or leave it" is a lowlife thing to say. But as I already explained, we can't expected more from you. But most immigrants (more than 90%) are here for economic reasons, not freedom. These reasons often having to do with poverty back home usually as a result of economic exploitation in which this "great" country participates in fully. (Just in case the dog-whistle didn't work: Yes, in many cases, it's America's fault).

You, a pro-Zionist, and an admitted, confessed supremacist, really have no room to criticize anyone.

If you want to improve any country's image, I know a great one in the middle east that could use your help: Israel. But, since you think, act and speak like a colonialist, you never see any real fault with "your own" but gladly offer your "help" to "liberate" Iranians, help them you know... "understand" their own government, maybe you should follow suit with your neocon brethern, kick in some Zionist money "teaching" Iranians how to protest, or come to terms with their own inferior (according to you) religion, and if that doesn't work kick in more Zionist money to have terrorists kill them.

And now you're here to "clarify" what some national insult "really" means and how we should interpret our own ears. How wonderfully selfless you are, zion!

Thanks mista!

Only one problem: No one asked for it. But hey, you figure, "them towlheads could use some book-learnin' ", hey Zion?

Toofan is free to think how he wants. I didn't quote anything "pro-IRI" from it, but maybe I will in the future. Your approval is not what I seek. Iran's government is the business of Iranians and by that I mean the ones who have to live with it not me or anyone who is not experiencing exactly what they experience on daily basis. We do have some say, but not a major one. You of course have absolutely no say but of course you feel you are entitled to it as if your opinion about what's best for Iran actually matters.

The layers and layers of embedded arrogance have created a completely solid barrier between you and reality.

Funny how you skipped out right after being asked about working for McCain perhaps Anonymous8 was right after all!


Mc Cain sucks!!!

by Arsène (not verified) on

It is not surprising such talk against iarn and iranians from this guy.
Mc cain is a red neck, and as a red neck he is candidate for being president. This is not surprising also in USA where most of amrecicans are red neck and jews.



by HAHA (not verified) on

What makes these disgusting rednecks so full of hate and death hungry?? Please answer. P.S how come we dont see this stuff on CNN the most trusted name in news??



by Zion on

Yet again you ignore my question, twist a part and speak your usual mumbo-jumbo Q.
Just tell me this:
'You're truly a lowlife for saying immigrants who come to American for freedom...'

How is it that freedom is to be sought in America? In a society founded and run by a racist "orientalist" bigoted evil capitalist-zionist people and colonial power-structure that want to kill whole groups of people all the time, and are used to demonizing them beforehand, and see especially Iranians as monkeys and flies as your openly anti-semitic pro-Islamist pro-IRI souce ToofanZeGreat just said and you quoted? How can such a people, such a society be the place where everyone around the world, including you, look towards and come to seek freedom?

I'll leave the rest of your usual nonsense be. As I said you are always fun, and since you won me a bet today I can't be too hard on you for now.


absolutely shameful

by JimmyT (not verified) on

After what this country has done to Iranians in the past 50 years, no majory party leader should make such horrible jokes.

I agree it can't be an accident at this point. This a-hole is still fighting Vietnam. If given a chance he will repeat that inhumanity again.


The essence of racism is making false assumptions

by Q on

and attributing evil to your opponent. who did I quote that was pro-IRI? Doesn't matter, I don't care about your Stalinist accusations.

I didn't get a Visa, even if I did, it would not make me an evil person. You're truly a lowlife for saying immigrants who come to American for freedom should shut up and not express certain beliefs, or go away if they hold them. Of course you make shit up about other people as you go along. You have no idea what you're talking about (as if that needs repeating). You're only doing damage control for McCain, lord knows why.

Anonymous8: Excellent observation. It does really make people wonder what personal interest she has in this. But in all likelihood she's not paid by McCain. HOwever, consider the fact that people have been practically tarred and feathered, called terrorists for saying absolute truths like "Iran does not have nuclear weapons" or "There is no proof Iran is pursuing them", just because this "sounds" like what Ahmadinejad also says. Absolutely incomparable to the naked apologism that you see about McCain.

Someone like Zion, who is proudly on the record considering her religion and her beliefs superior to others' is not capable of self-reflection.


He is a war monger!

by farrad02 on

McCain is an idiot!  And it won't surprise me if they pull his name out of the poll boxes!!! Like they did that cowboy from Texas!  In that case, there will definitely be a third war in the Middle East!


Zion, do you get paid by the mccain campaign?

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

just curious why you are so emotionally vested in the trash that comes out of his mouth?



by Zion on

You are in that the image of Iranians in general has been harmed by their revolution, hostage taking and the regime in power in Tehran. It does not however mean that American policy makers now want to murder the whole people. This is just ridiculous. As I have said, the ordinary Iranians, especially the youth and the women are seen in a different light and as allies in Washington for some time now. And the average American does not hold grudges and is quite ready to see people in good faith. If the people themselves try to amend their image in the first place, that is.
In any case, the way to heal this image for Iranians outside is to show the true face of Iran. It is definitely not to say and act the same way as the regime, as Q and his pals are doing. If anything it only harms the Iranian image even more.


Please elaborate

by Zion on


'ran should not leave anything to chance and must make sure it has the strongest possible deterrent.'

Could you please elaborate on what you mean? What exactly is he strongest possible deterrent? These admissions are getting exciting.


Q... .

by Zion on

'Demonizing a whole people is a necessary precondition to justify killing them.'

But why would they want to "kill a whole people", in the first place? What is there to be gained?
Like it or not, he is talking about Iranian officials and their Islamist kefyye wearing thugs here.
And could you name the films where the ordinary Iranian people, not the islamist backers of this regime were demonized?

Anyway it is very nice to see you quote a clear unashamed anti-semitic openly pro-IRI individual. You and your buddies show clearly what level you really are in. That is good.

They see Iranians as cattle and flies? Is that why you all have no rights in the US and live in ghettos? Right.
I just wonder, if that is what you really believe , why are you in the US living among them? Getting a US visa seems to be quite hard. How much did you try, how much time did you spend Q and friends to finally get to America? Why did you do it if that is what you believe if its people? Can't you see how pathetic masochistic pitiable individuals that would make you if that is what you believe?


He is so dumb that.....

by Barak (not verified) on

...if he gets elected, Bush would be remembered as one of the most brilliant US presidents in history! Go Figure.....


Repeat post....but needed

by Mensa (not verified) on

Q...I know what your true intentions are based on your previous postings...

McCain immediately said that he is saying it in jest...if you read the whole article. Is he very smart for saying such a dumb statement...NO!!!!! Is he just pandering to the rednecks and ultra conservatives in his party by trying to be funny...YES!!!!

The bigger issue at hand sad it is that our regime had relegated us to such poor international stature as things to be killed. Just listen to Jay Leno and some other comedians and you will see that the low view of our country and countrymen is a generalized world view. Americans are very politically correct so you tend to not hear how they really feel about us...but having had the disfortune of hearing some of their views at social settings...I can tell you that most do not deem us very highly...not even the very highly educated.

This is another example of Iranians paying for the sin of their sad!!!!!!!



by Abarmard on

Your comment "Screw him and his excusers" is a fantastic idea. Great to hear it. Hope sooner rather than later Iranians come together and realize that even if we are all different but we all have one commonality that no foreigner has, and that's the love of Iran.

Thanks again.


we should thank McCain

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

It is grate that he puts aside the "political correctness" and expresses his hateful feelings for Iranians.
Guys like him prove that Iran should not leave anything to chance and must make sure it has the strongest possible deterrent.


Sure you did Zion, sure you did...

by Q on

I knew you would come with this exact things to say.

of course this being you, one could not expect any evidence to substantiate your claim. And you don't diappoint. How very typical.

Why should he want any harm to the people in Iran!? What would be gained?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Wow, you are really something else.

What would be gained??? A public that has been bombarded with negative perceptions of Islam, Middle East, Iran and Iranians (not "Iranian officials") through everything from Movies to Racist news broadcasts understands very well "who" the "enemy" is and McCain wants to show his manhood to that crowd.

Don't be stupid. Demonizing a whole people is a necessary precondition to justify killing them.

How soon you Zionists forget...

Your apology is worthless. How can it help when you continue the demonization and artificial threat construction on daily basis?

His last "apology" to the "bomb bomb Iran" statement consisted of a smug "Who is going to get offended? Iranians???"

Sure, he means "Iranian officials". Keep up you propagandizing Zion.

Toofan said it better than I could:

Screw him and his excusers
by ToofanZeGreat on Wed Jul 09, 2008 05:15 PM CDT

Let there be no doubt in your mind, the american elite and a huge part of the average american population with their little Israeli entertainment monkeys regard YOU and YOUR PEOPLE as expendable, as cattle, as flies and as everything that is "evil" in this world.



by Zion on

Great Q! You just won me a bet! I knew you would come with this exact things to say.

Anyways of course he means the officials. There is no problem with the people. It is quite well known in Washington that the people in Iran are against the mullhas and an ally. Why should he want any harm to the people in Iran!? What would be gained? How would the nuclear issue and terrorism of the regime be solved that way?
It is the Iranian regime officials that politicians around the world have to deal with every day, of course that is what they mean when they refer to Iranians.

I have already said that his last joke about bombing was in poor taste, but that was also obviously meant for the Nuclear sites. What else?!

Yes, you should all decide on who to vote for, based on their joke telling abilities or their lack of attention in exactly specifying what they mean in front of the camera. Yes, that would be very sound logic!

Thanks again Q.

Safa Ali


by Safa Ali on

definitely not voting for him


Do Americans really consider him, A candidate? I'm Perplexed.

by 135 (not verified) on


Screw him and his excusers

by ToofanZeGreat on

Let there be no doubt in your mind, the american elite and a huge part of the average american population with their little Israeli entertainment monkeys regard YOU and YOUR PEOPLE as expendable, as cattle, as flies and as everything that is "evil" in this world. You see this site? All the films? Pictures? The culture? They view it as something that needs to be exterminated.

The question is, what are you going to do about it? What can you do that can help your people back home? Get involved in politics in the US, organize, create your own lobbying groups, learn from the Israelis, invest back home, create and support iranian charity groups, support Iranian research back home and if you are a scientist in the US/EU/Canada, see if you can help with equipment that they need badly back in Iran, work against the sanctions that are hurting Irans growth and people.

If Iranians in the US don't work together against shit like this even, then there wont be no Iran left in the future to save from any "mullah or seyyeds" as you call them, and filthy radical parasites like Zion, Shalom and McCain, together with Ahmadinejad and Khameni, will win.

FFS... you guys paraded against the 300 movie in the US, its stuff like this that needs to have parades against.


What a Jerk!

by An Iranian (not verified) on

Any one who jokes about killing others, specially at this sensitive time, must be an ignorant psychopath. McCain like his buddy Bush can not keep their mouths shut and keep on insulting people whom they have been exploiting and killing for years (adding insult to injury).
I am personally extremely angry and offended by this comment. I think we need to make up a petition and sent it to this guy's barn demanding that he makes a public apology. As if the Beach Boy's song was not enough!

Mr. McCain, you are an ASS!


Zionists will survive

by Anonymous Zshitting (not verified) on

Only in front of that wall, crying.
Or back to their ghettos, begging.

And Mc Cain, he is only an old fart.

"I meant that as a joke"

Darius Kadivar

Irresponsible and Bad Taste

by Darius Kadivar on

He knows he won't be president so anything goes ...


McSame = 4 more wars

by Q on

What an absolute pathetic whitewash from Zion! How stupid do you think we Iranians are?

And remember, when he says Iranians it is already assumed he means the officials.

assumed by who? You and his PR campaign of whitewash?

When he said "bomb bomb Iran", are you saying he meant "bomb bomb Iranian officials?"


He is a Nazi

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

He loves the word killing. He likes to kill people. Remember he was in Vietnam. He probably killed thousands of innocent kids. He doesn't give a damn if they are children or adults he likes to kill. I am sure he was waiting for his time to come to start another war this time to kill some Iranians.

He is old, stupid and ignorant. he doesn't even know where Iran is on the map.

Let him have his fun.


With all our love

by Hajminator on

ای کچل, حضرت سیمرغ نه جولانگه تست
عرض خود می‌بری و زحمـت ما می‌داری



by sheila.dadvar on

2 maybe not so important observations:

1. McCain's reaction was surprised which means that his ppl don't act quick enough for passing the info to their pick for presidency. wonder what's gonna happen if he does reside on 1600 Pennsylvania and new info continues to flow and his ppl still don't give him heads up.

2. there was laughter, not a roar, but some did crack up when he did his routine stand up. apparently it's still OK to laugh at any poor pathetic joke that the boss spits.



What a stupid thing to say by McCain

by BK (not verified) on

And from guy who is trying to become the next US President.

I was hoping this guy might be an improvement on the truly awful George W Bush. It seems not.