Adolescent gives sermon in Azeri in Tehran, complete with Farsi subtitles! I had never seen one quite like this! Look at those grown men crying to his sermon. Unbelievable
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by Dariush (not verified) on Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:24 AM PDTVery well said, XerXes. That is what we love whether in Ali or whoever else!
Sarzamine man
by Dariush (not verified) on Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:17 AM PDTYou say, "I don't understand". You answered your own questions. You don't understand and If you don't understand that doesn't make you right and them wrong!
Tell me how a criminal was punished in Iran before? How are they punished in west today? How would you like them to be punished if they killed your parents, brother or sister? I am sure the people that are smuggling human and drugs and committing all kinds of crimes in Iran's society don't believe in Ali and Hussein? They are bunch of criminals who don't believe in nothing but money and if they are questioned, they claim to be true Iranian and say Sarzamineh man slogans. I haven't read about Ali's battles, but I have read about his humane treatments of others and I have read some of the history about Iranians battles from 2700 BC and there has been many wars and the same killings going on among Iranians themselves and with other countries, but you seem to be proud of that part. I don't want to repeat what I have said in other postings. So I end it here.
Tell Hillary, Bush, McCain they have to fight these people
by Observer (not verified) on Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:10 AM PDTSomebody should show this video to the above people and tell them who they have to fight.
Good luck!
by Anonymous me (not verified) on Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:09 AM PDThe's a perfet actor! ;)
Kurdish Warrior
by XerXes (not verified) on Wed Apr 23, 2008 09:45 AM PDTIranian culture is very much in Ali, like a mythological figure. This is beyond religion. Sacrifice, selflessness, passion for justice is all in the Iranian culture. That is besides the reality of Ali's life, this is what people have to come to love about his character. You could argue that these characters were made up, that's fine, but still doesn't make people love him. Hossain the same. If you think, Hossain would fight for the freedom of Kurds, based on the Iranian mythology. That's what people love, not the name, not the religion but what these people "represented". As simple as that.
Respecting Khomeini's gang
by Anonymousk (not verified) on Wed Apr 23, 2008 08:43 AM PDTRespecting Khomeini's gang members or Basiji et al., those who have no qualms to committ the most vile and brutal savagery against others, those who have no qualms tortuing, stoning, hanging, and raping others in the name of their satanic God, in any other moral and ethical society would be considered evil and bizarre. Why should a handful of violent, ruthless thugs take our country, heritage, life and liberty and immerse it into the swamp of their own psychopathic beliefs...Why should evil be celebrated and promoted? These types of sermons are designed to incite hatred, and teach violence to to others. These types of idoctrinations are designed to teach children and adults that violence pays off and shedding blood of those you disagree with is perfectly fine...they are to replace Iranian heritage with Bedouin savagery and brutality...they have no other value but to inculcate death worship and violence. They are highly counterproductive and damaging for the health and morality of the society.
" تهاجم فرهنگي "
Anonymous123 (not verified)Wed Apr 23, 2008 06:24 AM PDT
آفرين به اندازه تاريخ ما ايرانيها به شما "سرزمين من " احترام گذاشتن هم به عقايد اشتباه مردم هم حدي دارد, تا كي بايد خفه خون گرفت و " خط قرمز " ها رو رعايت كرد و ديد كه چگونه مورد
" تهاجم فرهنگي " عربها قرار گرفته ايم و باز هم خودمان را به اون كوچه زده ايم .بپذيريد كه اين " تهاجم فرهنگي " عربهاست . و به ايران و فرهنگ غني ما ربطي ندارد .
To Atash-balasi,
by sarzamine man (not verified) on Wed Apr 23, 2008 04:22 AM PDTI do not understand why should I as an Iranian respect these murderous people, why should I respect people that had shed blood the of million of Iranians because of their backwards non Iranian laws, why should I respect people who once put "boton" over Ferdosi's grave so that Iranian forget about the Shahnameh, why should I respect people that banned Hafez, Saady and basically love in my country, why should I respect people that like animals put women in the ground and stone them to death, why should I respect people that rape our young girls, why should I respect people that hang our teenager because of their thinking, why should I respect people that have stole what ever we had and left us with poverty and of course the list will go on .... NO i will not respect them, I will kick their dirty asses to where they came from, yes that what they deserve not respect for sure.
And also for those who say Ali teach love this and that, is the killing of innocent people is bringing love to you guys ? Did Ali do anything other than killing young, old, woman, just for a second put those books that IRI have written about Ali and just go and real real historical books even written by Arabs themself, please provide me with number of people that Ali have killed, more over 100,000 of innocent people, mostly old and womens, just in one instant of the time he cut off 900 heads, I just do not understand how could people like that can bring love and how these people represent Iranian, of course not me, to me these people have no respect and if there are any Iranian that can represent me are the Iranians themself and not these people.
And at the end for those people that bring up western culture and say they are be gheyrat and there fesad in their country, please take a look at around you, our womens are selling their bodies in Tehran street to pay their rent for God sake, the number is so huge that even IRI now let them go when they arrest them, our womens are being sold to Arab sheykh by thousands and yet you guys are sitting and offering respect for people that have caused all these to Iranians, there are much fesad and corruption in our society than anywhere else in Europe or America.
At the end, I will never ever respect those people that betrayed my country, sold our culture, I will never ever respect Ali and Hossein for their crimes, I will respect the those hamvatan that we all forgotten, I respect those who stood up for freedom and have been killed by such people.
to Kurdish Warrior
by Anonymous99999999 (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 09:28 PM PDTregarding the system being Fedral, i agree completely. It should also be secular in the sense that no "velayate faghih" stuff that some of the Shia Ayatollahs (e.g. Khomeini) pulled off their ass. but when it comes to the constitution, i think it should be according to the Koran. but any one can run for the presidancy and parliment without being vetoed by religous faction. as long as majority of the iranians are muslims, the country will be automatically a muslim country. i have nothing agains sunnis. all i'm saying is we should agree to disagree. it is okay that me and you don't agree on certain things, it is only natural. we just have to agree to respect each other as iranians and country men. i'm a shia, you're sunni, or whatever. that is not one of my business. and it is non of your business when we shia express our love for who ever we wish.
I understand Turkish
by Anonymousnar (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 08:21 PM PDTYou must realize, crying, mourning, whipping is not the way any more it served its purpose. This must go into your private living room. This culture must change if you want to see the light. This crying and the culture of apathy and depression is the cause of drug abuse, backwardness, and any other evil that is afflicting Iran and Iranian. No offense, but the national identity can not and will not bear this burdon. This nation must move forward into joy, progres and light.
I value the message of Ashura and Karbala, but they must come into ballance at some point. There is a difference b/w reverence for the actions of Imams and letting the recurrence of old events consumes all human happiness hope and joy.
It will not do good for you, dont fight these words. I am not being malacious, I respect the events but the purpose of such rozeh is nolonger a given.
Those exagurated customs that remain static will have to withstand the weight of a moving nation that will break the chains of emotional slavary at some point.
by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 08:02 PM PDTTo be honest with you I can't be bother to argue with you. We are totally different individual in terms of religion, ethnicity, culture and character so we won't get to anywhere. We have a lot of differences. From what I understand is that you will die for the concept Shiisim, so please tell me in Iraq-Iran wasn’t most of Iraqis we fought your Shia brothers (Iraq is 60 percent Shia)? Please enlighten me? That is one of the reasons; Iran should be secular and federal so we all can practice our faith, culture, language and etc freely without having others forcing their religion or culture upon us. That way all of us Iranians will live in peace.
Purify yourself
by Dariush (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 07:06 PM PDTHow better can you do in life if you first do not purify yourself. This is one of the ways one can do that. Kid sure is talented. The way he mixed history and poetry. Perhaps the true Iranians in LA prefer their kids to break dance, sleep around and drink and do drugs to win an Oscar. Well, if that is your choice more power to you. If your man beats you up is because he like you does not believe in Ali, because those who do, would never harm anyone. Look at your lifestyle then tell me who is brainwashed!
Just stop the true Iranian crap. when the time comes to prove, you all put your tails on your back and runaway and kids like him fight and defend your country.
Moses, Jesus, Ali, Hussein, Abolfazl,... all stand for justice. Same demon that existed in their time and martyred them exists today. What is important is what they stand for, not where they were born! What is important today is what we stand for, not where we are born or what color we are or .....
symbolism and epic
by Anonymouswwwwww (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 06:24 PM PDTif you search any nation through out the history, they have had symbols that represented ideals and is beautiful, sensational, and it breaths new life to people's is truely amazing.
Ertejaaeh Mazhabie
by Anonymously (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 05:52 PM PDTsome of you are still struggling with the events from 1400 years ago. Get over it, it is 21st century and other nations continue the way of progress. Apollo 13 was built in 1970 and you guys are discussing the Arab issues that happened in a desert.
if we're ever going to succeed...
by Atash-balasi (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 05:02 PM PDTif we're ever going to have a united iran, we should be respectful of each other, no matter what religion or ethnic group we belong to. iran is a diverse country, more so that USA. diversity can be source of strength...i'm sure we all have Azari, or Kurdish or persian friends...we know that each group of people thinks differently and has different each ethinic groups bring something to the "table". we can take advantage of all of these different prospectives on things...i think this makes iran a more intersting place...regarding the video, many people in iran really lover and respect Ali and Hossein. if you take a pole, you'll know that maybe 10 percent of iranians are either named after Ali or Hossein...that is 7 to 10 million iranians.
It reminds me of the Iranian
by Anonymousv (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 04:08 PM PDTIt reminds me of the Iranian version of Pat Robertson or those evanglists who mass brainwash their congreation at those mega churches.
to Kurdish Warrior
by Anonymous9999999999 (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 03:58 PM PDTWhy can't i say that love for Ali is not main stream in Iran? Of course i can say that. But that said, every singal iranian should be loved and respected by all iranians, not matter what their religon. even Bahai's should be loved and respected, because they were born in the holy land of Iran. we are all iranians. as XerXer said, consider what Ali and Hossein represent!!! If you don't believe in them in a historical context, that is fine...but what they respresent in people's hearts matter the most...Ali for all of us shia-muslims (majority of iranians) represents ture love and fiath for God and absolute justance. and his son, Hossein represents dignity and truth. these are not just thoughts and concepts, people go and give their lives for these ideals...i rather die for justance for all human beings rather than die for Iran by itself...eventhough i love is the Love of Imam Hossein that crushed the mighty Jewish Army last summer!!! keep on denying these facts...what Ali and Hossein represent is very very Iranian, because it has to do with love and passion. if you go to arabic countries you will know this first hand.
by Anonymous435345 (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 03:00 PM PDTMashallah! AHSAND! Ajab sedayee, khielly hal kardeem ostad.
by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 01:42 PM PDTFirst of all you are disrespecting other Iranian groups by stating that Ali and his followers represent the mainstream of Iranian culture. You need to understand that majority of Kurds even some of the Kermashani's are born Sunni (even though they are not fanatically religious) so are the Baluch and Arab Iranians. As for the recent war (if you are referring to Iraq-Iran war), the Kurds fought for Iran not for religious reasons because that wouldn’t make sense to us.
Kurdish Warrior as a warrior
by XerXes (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:56 PM PDTYou should know that Iranians historically have fought the battles for the sake of good. MAIN and I mean main Imam in the Iranian society represent just that. Read in to it as much as you like and you see nothing else. ALi or Hossain that are the most important to the Iranians are the reason and symbol of sacrifice and passion for a greater good. With that idea Iran won the war, recently and historically. Forgetting this important fact is ignorant of the history of Iran. The issue of country as a nation is a modern concept, then, the people did not care for the nationality as much as the justice of the governing a state. Europe was no different.
How do you think the pope is perceived? If you like to deny certain beliefs, than go for the gold and say they all suck, pure and simple.
Hossain regardless of the lost identity of some Iranians, presents a true Iranian culture absolutely foreign to the Arabs....
He is a natural born public speaker; and his tales are tall
by farrad02 on Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:28 AM PDTFIRST - He is a natural for sure. Look at his techniques; amazing! Looking at left and right of podium between paragraphs! his techniques are text book quality! He is lucky to have discovered this gift so early in life. He will milk this cash cow for life!
SECOND - Has anyone checked out the historical correctness of these stories and RAVAYATs that they give poor people like this. This kid and other mullahs give such detailed accounts of the historical events, like they are looking at a video sequence of a live football game and giving "play by play" report and analysis.
The word Avam Fariby comes to mind!
My opinion;
by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:46 AM PDTBy looking at this footage, I sometimes believe that some of us still deserve this ruthless regime. As far as I know People are still so stupid and without faith (God) that they starts to believe in Imams. If you are man of faith then you should know that there are only 5 prophets and that’s all there is to it. Theses Imam's, Shissim, Sunnism has nothing to do with religion. Its creation had political agenda.
Party Girl,/Anonymously the Safavids did NOT found Shiism.
by Homebody (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:18 AM PDTParty Girl, you are right. MY BAD. On re-reading you didn't really say anything trashing the kid, maybe it is jj's title "Mullah to be" that gives it the disparaging tone. I totally agree with you. I think the kid is very talented and I have a deep regard for these rituals. The problem is there really IS a dominant attitude prevalent on this website that all these people are stupid or awful, which isn't so bad, the bad thing is that it's taken for granted that there is a consensus agreement on this. Part of that does come from jj. So it's easy to misread what you said. I apologize. Thanks for replying. I have seen MANY of the videos you've posted and they're always wonderful, this one included.
Anonymously, I don't have ANY religion and I'm well aware what the current Mollahs have done to Iran. But many people believe in many relgions and not everyone in any particular religion is the same. Now, how can you tell me to go and do some reading when you are still insisting that the Safavids founded Shiism? They didn't found Shiism, they made Shiism the state religion of Iran. You must know perfectly well that "Shia" means "party" in Arabic and refers to the party of Ali which was a splinter sect formed immediately after Mohammed's death over the question of succession, and that Iran was split between Shias and Sunnis for almost a thousand years until Shah Ismail. This is so BASIC. Why are you denying it? I don't understand.
Shah Ismail WAS Shia. He didn't FOUND it, he WAS it. I am sure the Safavids committed many attrocities, so did the Sassanids. But it is impossible to separate the political legacy of the Safavids from the formation of the modern state of Iran, regardless of how they did it. Some of what you say is interesting but I'm not exactly going to ask you for a reading list if you won't admit that Shiism was over 800 years old and spread throughout the Islamic world by the time Shah Ismail was even born.
To Anonymous123
by Anonymous8888888 (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:10 AM PDTI like your comment; kasseh dagh tar az ash shodan. Why we should care about some backward Arabs and what they did to themselves. Improtant is to know what they did to us Iranian: genocide, atrocities, coercing us into islam and many other crimes.
يه جايي ميخوندم
Anonymous123 (not verified)Tue Apr 22, 2008 09:48 AM PDT
يه جايي ميخوندم كه ايرانيها به " يزيد" راي ميدن , براي " حسين "
اشك ميريزن .....كاشكي يك ذره فكر ميكردند كه فرق اين دو چي بوده و اصلا دعوا سر چي بوده,بعدش هم اصلا از كجا معلوم كه حق با يزيد نبوده ? مثل " يزيدي ها" بعدش هم اصلا به ما ايراني ها چه ربطي داره ????????????????????? كه كاسه داغ تر از آش شديم ?
My bad
by Party Girl on Tue Apr 22, 2008 08:21 AM PDTDear Homebody:
You are right, the subtitles are in Farsi. Rest assured I had no intention of trashing this kid, nor anyone else whose images I find and suggest for publication. I research videos of Iranian in all shapes, forms, sizes, beliefs, and setups. I love Iran and Iranians of all beliefs and I think if they are passionate enough to get on a stage, on a manbar, behind a podium, a desk, and a camera, their efforts are worth attention by others. I don't think this kid is an idiot and I didn't intend to portray his audience as idiots, either. I actually think he is very good at what he is training to become, affecting his audience profoundly, hence my recommendation. Whatever he is and he does, and whatever the audience thinks of him, is his and the audience's prerogative. I hope no one kills the messenger.
Anonymous9999999 and Homebody
by Anonymously (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 08:04 AM PDTanonymous9999999,
you have a very aggressive and insulting tone that comes from the religion that you worship. Open your eyes and see what the Mullahs do to the Iranians then open your mouth and start bashing other people. Don't you see all the crime committed by your mullahs and justified by Islamic law? Stoning, hanging, cutting people's limbs and many other crimes that are committed by Islam lovers against our nation, are acts that make you proud to be a Shia Muslim? Yes, we Iranians were forced to convert to Islam and that is a fact that can not be denied. You really nead to do some reading.
Ali was an Arab and killed thousands of Iranians and took their women and children to slavery. He was not the founder of Shiaism because he did not know what shiaism is. Safavids were its founder and they made Shia to the official religion of Iran, the safavids did it. Safavids were not Iranians and that was the reason why they killed millions of Iranians in order to coerced them into Shiaism. They did not save Iran, they just made Iran to their stronghold and for that they committed many crimes against Iranians. Do some reading in order to know the truth and see what safavid's religion still does to Iran and Iranians.
fake people, always
by sohrab in manchester (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 05:56 AM PDTfake people, always pretending. i almost felt sick watching through that. i'm so happy i don't live there anymore
Farvardeen , Ordibehesht , Khordad
by cyrus- (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 05:45 AM PDTchera tareekh irani ro balaye website khodesh nemizareh baghal daste tareekh miladi??
ageh ma bekhahim bebinim emrooz che roozi as Ordibehesht ast koja bereem check konim ??
Party Girl, Anonymously
by Homebody (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 02:34 AM PDTParty Girl,
The translation is in Persian, not English. If you're intent upon trashing the kid, it is serious, so at least take five seconds to think about and check what you write.
There is a tacit assumption in your post and one that is common on this website that this is some kind of in group or clique and every single person who reads this is going to agree with you that these people are idiots. This is not the case and this assumption is disturbing. The website is for everyone and there are many different opinions, including devout ones. This is not an anti-Shia club. Your mistaken us/them thinking about this is not all that different from dogmatic religious thinking in a way if you really are honest with yourself.
If you don't try to understand these people how will they ever be able to understand you?
Thanks for all your posts. They are wonderful. Just try to be more fair.
Anonymously, Of COURSE the Safavids didn't found Shia Islam. That's what the sermon is about. Ali founded it almost a thousand years before the Safavids. It is basically as old as Islam itself, as I'm sure you actually do know, so THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE. Take five seconds to think!
Shiism was the tool Shah Ismail used to resurrect Iran from the rubble of the Mongols and Tatars and the nation he carved in just a few years has the same borders as today. If it weren't for the Safavids, there would be no Iran. And if he forced conversions to Shiism, what would you rather Iran be? Sunni? By 1501 those were pretty much the choices. I hardly think it would've become Zoroastrian by then.
And anyway,the Zoroastrian Sassanids also forced conversions on apostates, of which there were MANY due to dissatisfaction with their rigid dogmatism, and they also killed them in mass numbers. As cruelly and savagely as anyone else.