Niki Sedaghat

Six-year-old singing like an angel




by Sohrab Selki (not verified) on

Niki joon, I love the way you sing. Khale khoob hastee. Keep it up and everyone in America will love you! God bless you and your family.



by Cyrus- (not verified) on

Mona Khanum;

Bravo to you for your ABC , and bravo to Niki too.

Mona 19

ABC' of YOU...

by Mona 19 on

You are...

A -1, Grade A, beloved, B eautiful, Capable, C aring,
Delightful, D ependable, E njoyable, excellent,
F ascinating, fabulous, A gift, a G em, genuinely generous,
Honest, H ighgrade, impressive, I nteresting, a jewel, a J ackpot.
Kindhearted, and a K ing, Laudable, L ikeable, marvelous,
M agnificent, naturally N ice... O ne of a kind, P leasing, priceless,
Q ueenlike in quality, R are in radiance, Scintillating, S plendid,
superb, sensational, T rustworthy, talented, tender, and tasteful,
U nique, Unprecedented, V ery very valuable, W orthy, welcome,
Xtraordinary, X ceptional, Yes! Yes! Yes! Y ou! You! You!
You're one in a Z illion!!!( By Red Grammer)

Well done!

Niki Jan keep up the good work.My little one like this song (ABC" of You) very much. Mr Sedaghat May God bless you and your beautiful family and Specially YOUR LITTLE CUTE ANGEL,Niki.

Best wishes to you,Mona :)