
Nooshin Navidi

Discover Iran

>>> Watch Parts (1) (2)

My Iranian of the day is Nooshin Navidi. She writes: I have finally launched my Video Podcast Series: Discover Iran. In travel diary style, Discover Iran will take viewers through the diverse regions and landscapes of Iran spanning over the 6 months that I explored this country. Discover Iran is in its inaugural phase, so I welcome as many comments and feedback. I hope to provide viewers the visual and cultural imagery that is ALWAYS left out by mainstream media. You may view Discover Iran on my website and/or subscribe to it on iTunes:

* Discover Iran Podcast

>>> Watch Parts (1) (2)



Icannot play the video! Do I need to download something?

by goldust (not verified) on

Please advise! I am so anxious to see them since I have never been in southeast iran! Merci!


Your father

by KHAKI (not verified) on

Is a very humble man. He is in fact so humble that you can't tell he has ever left Iran. I enjoyed watching the video.



by hazratee on

Thanks for sharing. Lovely people. Excellent job on video and sound.


very nice

by Amir-ofs-ki on

The first video was good. And the second one was even better.

Thanks for posting them.