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Christian Iranians

Introducing Iranian Christian youth Ministries is an online church that is providing ministry services to "Farsi Believers" around the world who don't have access to any house or cell churches>>>


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by mememe (not verified) on

I think i know why are all running away from God. and it is because how Islam introduced God to us. ofcourse the defenition of God in our country is nowhere near truth. they talk about God and they act like evil and the result is that iranians hate religion and God. Islam is enough for us because it couldnt bring change neither to society nor to me. BUt why oppsing Christian faith which you dont know anything about and whatever you think you know about Christianity is what your governmet and islamic media has made up for u.



by Farzaneh_Moghadam (not verified) on

I do agree, Islam, Christianity do not agree in many topics, and these are not just slight point of views, they are just in full disagreement in foundemntal and oppose each other. How can they say and proclaim same thing? Islam rejects Cross of Jesus, divinity of Christ and character of God as it is explained in the bible, and if you take all this aways from Christianity you have taken away all it has to say. so they are not the same religion and they do not worship and promote the same God. I have done extensive studies on theological point of view of both religions and i should say Bible is the true word of God and presenting a God which you will not find any contrictions in character of God it presents.i believe this is a serious issue and has to be thought over (if you beieve there is a life after death and God) which i suppose any person with a sound mind would.


Christianity Islam and Zoroastrians

by babak aminzad (not verified) on

well, what is concept of religion? o worship a intelegent being we call God right? God is just a title and anything and anyone can go behinde that title. Allah is behind this title for muslims, yahwe/Jesus is behinde this title for jews and christians and ahooramazdah is behinde this title for Zoroastrians. have you (freinds who posted here)ever thought about who these Gods are and how different they are in essence and function from each other? if you have a bit of understanding of all these religions ( the three religions mentioned in this paged by you) do not have same philpsphy and are different in fundmental in theri beliefs? i just want to say a religion which claims to worship God doesnt mean that religion suggests a true God.


Do We Really Need This?

by Anonymous Observer (not verified) on

Do we really need another backward Abrahamic death cult infecting our society? I think Islam was enough for us. Let's get out of these ancient, intolerant, desert roaming, tribal philosophy and embrace our own Zoroastrian religion. Only then we can move on!



by Anonymous23 (not verified) on

Sad to see people flock to a bogus religion that persecuted the European community for over 300 yrs during what is now known as the DARK AGE. Shows just how desparate the Iranian community has become.


christians and muslims believe in the same God

by Anonymous999999999999 (not verified) on

muslims and christians have the same religion and same god and everything else is details that won't make a difference one way or the other. if some one doesn't see this then they believe in a false god.


What Is the Point?

by Payam S (not verified) on

It is great that we can network with all of our humanity via internet, but I don't understand the necessity for employing the internet for recruitments and for communication, solely, with a certain sect of the population and those who want to become "believers". Although I respect people's thirst for interaction and communication, I would like to make a suggestion. Why not communicate with poor workers in Iran who are struggling againt exploitation by their bosses just so they could feed their families, or with women who are desparately fighting against suppression, discrimination and sexual violence? Why not communicate with students who are resisting domination, why not communicate with the homeless and the drug addicts who are marginalized and abandoned in the streets like dogs, why not with the families of prisoners, why not with orgaizers of communities who are trying to make lives better, and why not with all who need support, love and solidarity.

Maybe it is because not all of them are "believers," or maybe because what really matters is to praise the lord, and he will take care of the rest for us. But while you think about it, also think: who would Jesus communicate with through internet. Would he try to spread christianity or would he endeavor to spread humanity?

Love, Peace, and Solidarity


The Pope has blessed you!!!

by sanazi on

keep up the good work!


And Amen to that, brother...

by ThePope on

...You shall reap the harvest!

Praise the One and Only, Lord God Almighty.

keep on spreading the good news, man!