For Palestine :o)

Pro-Palestinian children's song on Iranian TV


Ben Madadi

Remember Ahmaginejad saying...

by Ben Madadi on

He said there were no gay people in Iran. I think we can see it on Iranian TV :))
He meant they didn't have gay people as in America. Yes, they've got plenty of these clowns instead.


IRI Propaganda

by Kurdish Iranian (not verified) on

Bunch of low life idiots who brainwash these innocent kids


I feel sorry for the kids

by Abarmard on

You kind of feel sorry for the kids. Instead of them being free with non political innocent programming that is designed for kids, they have to be brained washed with these!?

Let them grow up and make their own decisions rather than you (government) inforce this thought in to them. Somehow while they use colors on the set and all, but there is a depressed tone and attitude that makes me feel uneasy for the kids being there.

IRI makes many mistakes, just hope someday, sooner than later, gets a grip of what's important to the Iranians.

Ben Madadi

Funny and gay!

by Ben Madadi on

I have nothing against gay people, but this video is so funny, so gay... the last thing it reminds one of is somebody's suffering :))

David ET


by David ET on

Typical low quality, bazaari, nonesense, Islamic Republic's television programming


What do they have on, Pajama?

by Anonymous1990 (not verified) on

These guys are so feminine looking. What happen to their beard? I thought to have job with IR TV, beard is a must to wear.
My hope for IR is to go to hell, and I believe they will. Why they will, because there is no love for them amongst most Iranians. This video is a small evidence how they are managing the country.


How Gay

by KBT (not verified) on

Oh my god.
That was the worst performance ever! I'm sure Israel feels so threatened! What are we teaching these kids? Its ok to fight, even with stones, instead of guns and other weapons? How about we fight for ourselves and know our own rights, before defending others? How sad and pathetic.



by Saffar Harandi (not verified) on

Tell those boys:
Music is haraam
Dancing is haraam
Touching your gentiles in public is haraam
Exposing your skin in public in front of those naa-mahram women is haraam

Grow your beard or I will have you arrested.

Iranian Minister of Guidance and Culture, Mohammed Hossien Saffar Harandi


Does that include Iranians ?

by Majid on

This is to this bunch of " Bach-e GAY " ha in this clip.

Does this include Iranians at home ? or it just applies to a bunch of moftkhor Tazis ?

There are other Arab countries who don't give a rat's ASS about Palestinians ! and we're "Kaase-ye daagh tar az aash" !!!

To hell with Palistinians and their likes while our own hamvatans are struggling with their daily issues at home !

Just nuke the MO FOs !



by Shahyad on



what a revolting video

by MRX1 (not verified) on

dull, boring, revolting , using innocent kids for this kind of propaganda. fuck palestine!


Aghebat Gorg Zadeh Gorg Shavad, Gar Che Ba Adami Bozorg Shavad

by Anonymoose (not verified) on

Screw those bastards, they deserve everything that is done to them by the Israel. These bastards take Iran's oil money, put it in their shekam kart khordashoon, then support Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war, and in every chance they get they go against Iranians and Iranian interests. They may be the most "educated" Arab population, but they have no common sense. They are so stupid, in order to advance their 'cause' they train suicide bombers, who go in two at a time and blow up themselves in crowded Israeli neighborhoods; so it's two Palestinian suicide bombers and one Israeli dead...yeah, that makes great mathematical sense, and it REALLY advances their cause.


The god damn

by Majidi (not verified) on

The god damn and bloody akhond-ha and agha-zadeha have managed to keep many Iranian at poverty or below poverty while donating their national wealth in way of 12th imam to these Palestinians who really don’t give a rats ass about us. The real oppressed people here are Iranian people not Palestinians. Look how they begin brain washing Iranian children. Their brand of politics doesn’t even have mercy on children. They fuck with all to meet their dark objectives.


Despite many support

by nemidonam (not verified) on

and love that Palestinian receive from Iran, just like their Arab cousins, especially in southern part of Persian Gulf, they are extremely anti Irani and don’t really care who we are. In the meantime the god damn Islamic parasite in Iran continues feeding the stomach of these unfriendly people while Iranian people suffer from high unemployment, hunger and die of cold and frigid winter. I feel sad and continue to be concern about Palestinian as they deserve the best life like everybody else, but one fact remains clear, they have never been a friend to Iran. You all recall their great and dear leader, Yasar. Back in early 80s after getting all the cash and gold from the great people of Iran, he could not wait to get to Baghdad congratulating his buddy Iraqi dictator for invading Iran and killing ajam.


Not a good idea

by XerXes (not verified) on

They should leave the kids out of this debate. very stupid and not a nice for the kids.


Fvck Palestine, Islamic Republic, Mullahs,

by Anonymous^2 (not verified) on

these clowns, and all the rest of rag heads muslims..



by Anonymous 1 (not verified) on

That is true, what the singers say. Nobody (Akhnods) has the right to come to my home (country) and kick me out the Iran. Akhnods must leave Iran to Hell!



by Saffar Harandi (not verified) on

Tell those singers to grow beard or look for another job.

Iranian Minister of Guidance and Culture, Mohammed Hossien Saffar Harandi