Parjam & Louise

English-Persian Wedding of Louise Barber to Parjam Zolfaghari

This is short, very real, and completely representative of an English-Iranian wedding--it even has a "Knife Dance" and "Shaabaash!" in it! But that's not all! Watch the groom play music with his friends at the end! These people were all so real and watching this wedding made me really happy!


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very nice video! that's

by ramiro (not verified) on

very nice video! that's PUCCINI not Verdi.


Splendid, ol' chap!

by Bond (not verified) on

Say what you want about the Brits politically, but as far as civility, class, and taste, they top the list.


Where did you get this?

by Ara (not verified) on

Hey Party Girl, where did you find this video? He has been my best friend since the second grade in elementary school. You are right, this was the most amazing wedding :-)

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

I LOVED this. OMG. Verdi and Black and White was good touch

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Thanks Party Girl.