Persian dating

16-year-old Iranian-American

This whole Persian dating system was bugging me, so I decided I need to speak up.



Hey Guys....

by Anoyingmouse (not verified) on

who got the email address of this girl careful not ending up on MSNBC's Dateline show.


Video Deleted

by We Are Anonymous (not verified) on

Looks like she deleted this video and all her other videos on youtube. Message to Tara:

You still have a lot to learn about dating and boys. I know people keep saying you are 16 and are too young, but they have a point. You are being driven by your hormones, just like any other human. The only reason guys your age are allowed to do things you aren't is because it is always the girls that always get screwed over somehow. Boys only want one thing, and they will toy with your emotions to get it. My advice is you stop worrying about little cat fights with girls in your high school, and especially don't make videos about how much you hate them and post them on youtube. It is a waste of your time, and it is not benefiting in anyway. Focus on taking advantage of this point in your life. You can either choose the party all the time, flirt with boys, fight with girls route or you can focus on actually becoming a classy, intelligent women who is a role model for other Iranian girls. You are at an age to make a very important decision about how you want to live your life. Everyone makes mistakes when they are young, and you learn from them, but you can take the advice of others and choose right now who you want to be.

Good Thoughts
Good Words
Good Deeds

P.S. - Sorry for sounding like a motivational speaker


on the other hand

by Ali (not verified) on

I think the best haal for any man would be to have a sixteen year old virgin.


Taraneh Heidari

by Anonymous-1-1 (not verified) on

Start collecting the emails, they are on the way....
hah, you are a joker!!


Oh brother....

by Noor (not verified) on

What a piece of work and so sad that she has got her head into whatever she is verbalizing in her clip. One of the comments written in Farsi allotted to or claimed that this 16 years old teenager has managed to put people on and basically ridiculing the folks making comment. Well, I don’t think so, as it is evident by several oddity and pure stupidity of her words. No 16 years old of any parents should converse as she does here. I hope her parents, if they are real parents and are aware, get this poor thing some help.


What happened ?

by Souri on

What happened to the link ? The video tape is no more available?Why ? I just came home and tried to see this youtube, not possible ! What was it about ?


Hi. This is Taraneh. I would

by Taraneh Heidari (not verified) on

Hi. This is Taraneh. I would like to take my time and tell you all that I deleted the videos, and my videos are all a work of fiction. I am an actor, and my name will be kept private, but I really appreciate your comments and thoughts. They were most interesting and I quite learned from you. I have no intention to "hal bokonam" or anything, and this was just an idea to get the thoughts of me and my friends out. Taraneh is not a real person, she is just a fictional Iranian-American girl who is not to speak up. I personally do not condone teen sexual behaviors in any manner, and if you have any more questions please email me at, I would love to hear your questions and learn your opinion. Thank you. And sorry for deleting the video, although it suddenly got very popular. I am more focused on my studies than my acting at the moment.


Congratulations to her Parents..!

by AnonyNAmous (not verified) on

Congratulations to her Parents..
This is the face of our future generation?


Oh my God...............

by Kiana (not verified) on

I am a mother of a eighteen year old girl who was born and raised in US. I have never seen her having this type of make up on her face and talking about jibirish. She is a free person in every way and she knows how valuable she is and doesn't think about the so called "hanging out" with boys and ....
When she was a little girl , I taught her that she is a worthy person and she doesn't need any boys to validate her being and happiness. She was taught to focus on her studying and go to college then when she is mature enough she will find better and more mature boys to have relationship with. Thank God she has been wise and smart to follow the right path and is going to college this year. Don't think she is a dork or ugly. she is very beautiful on the outside and on the inside and with God's help she will have a great future. Please try to raise your children right . You let your daughter to dressup like this and focus her mind on these type of stuff and then you are telling her stay away from boys. Honey , you are setting your daughter for disasters yourself.


I am reminded of Nooshafarin

by Kose Sher (not verified) on

I am reminded of Nooshafarin who sang the song, "Fekr-e namaz-e maghrebam" Of course only Nooshafarin with all her gher-o fer is thinking of evening namaz! Of course this girl's parents are capable of holding her back! so much so that she is posting kose sher on the internet abreoo reezee! Eyvallah!


ممنون برای لینک جدید

Anonymous-ha (not verified)

خیلی ممنون برای لینک جدید فقط امیدوارم همه شما اقایون متوجه شده باشید که چطوری یک دختر ۱۶ ساله همتون رو مسخره کرد. واقعان که...


About this girl...

by Sam (not verified) on


Naneh dokhtaram ....

by Ghamar Kowkab (not verified) on

Naneh dokhtaram did I hear you saying “Bekoneh”? Naneh you are still too young for the kind of “hal kardan” you are speaking up. Go out there and have a good time and make friends, but leave the kind of “hal kardan” that you are dying to have for later when you are a bit more mature and wiser. Comparing yourself with your brother and boys is not a good start. Boys are guided by their antenna. You only have a satellite dish, which must be kept tied, neat and clear of interception until ready to receive the antenna of your choice. So, in the meantime remain respectful to your parent’s wishes and keep your satellite dish free from unwanted reception. Naneh joon, please don’t cry and don’t let the “hal kardan and bekon bekon”pressure screw with your head. Your days are solidly around the corner and you will have plenty of times for these kinds of stuff. Now, don’t be going behind your parents back and be someone’s fast meal.


Watch her other videos...

by We Are Anonymous (not verified) on

Are we serious expected to take this girl seriously?

Look at her other videos:

More of her videos:

This is just embarrassing, I know she is 16 and immature, but to see her video on a distinguished website like this is concerning. I'm all for hearing the voice of the young generation, but pick some smarter kids please.


This is a genetic turf war over 'namus'

by Q on

This problem is not unique to Iranians. All cultures have this double-standard to some degree ingraned into their family structure. The more traditional a culture is, the stronger the family unit and hence these sentiments. More modern societies where traveling, working and living great apart over distances is practical have less of a family unit and consequntly less of these restrictions that go with it.

This is why you have the curious phenomenon that sexual attitudes in Tehran being in many ways more liberal than in Tehrangeles. Through great wealth and cognitive dissonence it's possible to impose traditional values in a modern world that has little use for them. This is what you see among immigrant communities from all over.

The only way to escape it is to loose the very bonds of family. That really is the only way. Just have to not be so close to your parents, and be more independent as early as possible.

This issue is well studied. It stems from the evolutionary duality to 1) protect your gene pool against contamination by others and simultaniously 2) spread your gene pool and contaminate others'

1) means you daughters don't date. 2) means, your sons whore around.

This is why the idea of your daughter sleeping having sex always more negative than your son doing so. Both for fathers and mothers.

If you look at black/white attitudes in America, it's exactly the same. In the South black people used to get lynched for even a hint of relations with white women. But white men frequently had black mistresses and considered it "exotic" to have sex with them from a position of power. It was an open secret.


Dear Tara,

by Anonyingmouse (not verified) on

If you were my daughter I would say: There is nothing compared to love. It is the most precious thing that you can ever have. But to make it easier for you to understand its value I'd like to bring this analogy for you. Your love is your most valuable commodity. Every human being when is born is given a fixed amount of love to spend. A trimmed love will not re-grow. A broken heart will be fixed but it will never be the same, a spent affection will not come back to you. However you can be loved and get rich in heart but it won’t be your original own love. Be careful whom you spend your love on. Don’t be too generous about it and spend it wisely. Good luck!


Here is my 2 cents

by Bored iranian dude (not verified) on

I believe in freedom of choice. I dont believe any government, religion or leaders/religious leaders are allowed to tell people who to fuck, when to fuck and how to fuck, that goes for eating, drugs, clothes and so on. That does not mean that I ENDORSE those behaviours, but I would rely more on the families and local communities to control such happenings. When it comes to sex, and if Im lucky to get a daughter one day, I would teach her that early sex is dangerous, its risky, that she should use her brain and study first, think about her future first, then love. And when she gets older, and she wants to have sex, she should have it protected, in a solid warm secure relationship. But what she does is her choice at the end, I would have loved her either way. If I want the Religious Regime in Iran to stay out of ordinary iranians lives, I would be a hypocrite If I would be the guardian of her. Its her choice, her decision, I could only guide her. In fact, Iranian fathers who try to isolate and spank their daughters into chastity usually get the opposite effect.


Ye Safar Boro San Francisco Hame Chi Dorost Mishe

by Mehdi on

Don't be such a chicken. Pick the cutest boy you know and go for a trip to the famous San Fran (I hope you have seen Daie Jaan Napelon TV series). Once you loose your virginity, your parents will have no choice but to give up. They will probably start a huge commotion but you just let things calm down and do it again! They blow up again and you wait a little and do it again! Eventually they will stop messing with your life! You are mature and very sweet and I think you deserve to have your freedom of choice.


My suggestion....

by Sympathize2 (not verified) on

Hi there - I am sorry about everything you are going through but most of us here whether we are Muslims, Jews, Christians or B'hais share your story and sympathize. Here's my advice to you: because the system is unfair and because your parents similar to so many of ours are unfair, my advice is to get your brother to help you and essentially support you in gaining more independence from your parents. If he doesn't then I suggest you sabotage his life and get him in trouble with your parents (you know how it works and what makes your parents tick) so use it against him. Best of luck!


So much sorrow for SEX!

by ZebelTheRebel (not verified) on

"Yek ghesseh beesh nist ghaame eshgho(sex) een ajab az har zaban ke meeshenavam naa mokarrar ast" Haafez.

That is natural. She is a slave to her genes and hormons. "hanging out" by boys is all she cares about!

I don't want to get into the argument of whether she is right or wrong. I just wish she could get her head up and see there is more to life!

I admire people who are not slaves to their genes, environment, culture, history, age etc.

Freedom from those restrictions is what makes one great and everyone else "Average"!


It would be very ignorant of

by Tell it like it is (not verified) on

It would be very ignorant of all us to pretend that this is an issue solely pretaining to Iranian-American teenage girls. This issue is widespread among Iranian teenagers back at home. They are doing what thy think is "modern" as well. It is strongly possible that the sexual tension among our teenagers at home is much more rampant and out of control than abraod. You would just hope that kids make the right decisions and not give in to peer pressure and so called "modernization".


Dear Tara. You are asking

by another persian (not verified) on

Dear Tara.

You are asking your parents to "modernize" themselves, and let you go wherever , whenever, and do whatever you want. Because they are proud of your brother doing all of the above.

1-Your parents are hypocrites, which treating you different that your brother. For sure that is wrong and unfortunately your parents are not alone among many Iranians.
2-what about"sex". our bodies experince sexual desire around
9-10-11.. years of age due to hormonal influences. Should we have "sex" because "we want", or there should be some safe gaurd in place?
"having sex has consequnces; from pregnancy, infections to emotional scars for your life. that is not good enough to say " do it when you are ready". I believe age,knowledge and your personal moral values, among others should dictate your act.
3- Dear Tara, you are 16. go back to your studies, focus on your dream carrier, and you have a lot of time to do ... in the future. Don't let emotion be in charge.


Shame on the Iranian

by Ali (not verified) on

Shame on the Iranian "intellectuals" for having destroyed all morals and traditional values for the next generation.

A 16 year old has no business talking about "hal kardan", "dating" or "Sex"!!

She better learn about her traditional values and get to know who she is as an Iranian, instead of giving us lectures about the "dating system".


Sweetheart,I know what are

by Anonymouss (not verified) on

Sweetheart,I know what are going through. All these things happen because of our parents' hidden religious beliefs whether they live in America or in Iran. That's why as soon as their daughters get married, they change and become " cool and modern". They don't admit it, but they are all religious inside otherwise they would act differently and would be more fair to their daughters.
If us Iranians want to improve our culture and modernize our belief system, we have say goodbye to our precious "Mazhab".

Please be patient, things will get better. I promise!


change of language, uniqueness of Iranian women and a remedy

by markux (not verified) on

I hope someone comes up with a different word other than "bokonan" drived from the work kardan, similar to the word F**K in English which is appropriate when you want to convey that meaning. a Persian word for the English "having sex", I guess is more appropriate in this context.

I don't think Iranians are unique in this matter, believe it or not some American family tell their kids to abstain from early sexual "entertainment".

On the other hand the solution to this is perhaps for Iranian women to join their other "sisters" and become Lesbian. That would stop their controlling parents to loosen the leash.



by sick of winers (not verified) on

Moosh beshy!
Can you just talk into the camera?
How about making a point and being affirmative, rather than so "naz nazee"!?
Why are you in such a hurry to grow up and lose your virginity?
Why do you think "hal kardan" is about having sex and being a slut?
I don't even think you know what you want for yourself.
Do you expect your parents to allow you to run out and "hang out" with any boy, instead of protecting you? After you catch HIV or Herpes or some other STD, then it might be too late.
I have seen enough teenage pregnancies and diseases to know that you should be both physically AND emotionally ready for sex.
Oh, and I didn't know there was a Persian "Dating System"!!!


I hope I'm not a bad influence :)

by n.zanincanadai on

And people wonder why girls are so good at sneaky, behind your back behaviour! :)16 is too young for haal kardan but soon you will force your will and no one will be able to transfer/impose their fears on you. Wait a couple of years.

