Rachael Ray's scarf

Colbert Report on Rachael Ray's scarf (kaffiyeh), White House press secretary Scott McClellan and...


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Absolutely brilliant!!!

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

This is one of the best segments I have ever seen Colbert do, his bit on McClellan. You can't get any better in picking all sides of this pathetic show apart. "If you missed that train [the Iraq war], don't worry, you can catch the 5:10 to Iran." Brilliant!! Thank god for the satirists of the world. They're the only ones with the balls to expose hypocrites the world over.


Ms. Smarty

by Iva (not verified) on

What's average audience? and who decide whom belong this sub elite group?!

By the way, Khameni and rest of hoodlums of IRI wear Yasser’s scarf in support of an ARAB cause, have you EVER seen them wear anything as a symbol for an IRANIAN cause?!! Ray’s scarf does resemble Yasser’s scarf hence it can make one think that she is supporting their cause as well.


hahahaha Zionists

by XerXes (not verified) on

Zionists are such little wusses. They act tough but inside the lion Costume is a mouse shaking from the world.


always a treat

by IRANdokht on

I love it!   smart satire. Sometimes too smart for the average audience...



paranoid zionists...

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

as usual.