
"Bia Nazdiktar"

Nice music on a party clip.


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eee in ke video mane!! lol

by uploader (not verified) on

eee in ke video mane!! lol raham dustame! :D


An Answer to gol-dust: stop before u hurt ur own people

by Cyrus Sepasi (not verified) on

Women are good for sex only! (human being has freedom and can chose what to do!) Just show your legs and asses to please the men (pigs) (you are the pig! i seen women much wilder than men and i know men that are much more innocent than someone like u) who have no respect for you as a person, then we would be alright! Never mind the negative social consequences such as AIDS, herpies, VD, syphilis, etc (not necessarily, as i said a free man/woman can choose). never mind all the heartaches, and those kids born blind with no loving family to go to ending up heart broken and homeless and gangs (kids are born like zombie mutants in Afghanistan by war, in Africa by hunger, sex can cause the least of these!) I guess, I am talking about all the miseries in balck families! Now, we have become that BADBAKHT that we are following the SIAHs as examples? God merci! (not that you are an idiot, you are racist too, siahs are as good as any other human beings, I'm disgusted by your views and examples)

That's the only thing that the west and some copy cats want to export to Iran! (Iran has been exporting these kind of music since 3000 years ago, since the gerco-Persian times, Iranian men were the first to wear earrings and use cosmetics, women were allowed to be whatever they want, a dancer or a queen unlike you) There is nothing wrong with having fun, but look at the tape it looks as everything goes, lesbians and so on! (this is a tape of another music video u idiot! that's bass hunter! this is a voice over!! :D) I guess, when one lives in SF, the center of gays and lesbians, everything sexual is OK! (i don't see how can this video be connected to SF! we have more gay people in Tehran) It is OK if one wants to think that, but trying to push it down our throats as agents of change to our culture and moral values is very shortsighted and unfortuante.

I love to dance! I danced for many years with a dancing group. (for what? dancing group for depressed and paranoid people who are attacking others and labeling their own?) it has been fun but i have seen too much. Dancing responsibly is good, but not exotic and erotic dancing! (that's not for you to decide, to me your kind of dancing is boring and old for my taste, I'm a 24 years old guy and i dance exotic for my own girlfriend, i made a sic pack to be exotic and healthy, physical and mentally ready for my sex life and that's beautiful! are u obese? do u hate life? god himself/herself is exotic, look at the landscape, animals? what do u see? even monkeys understand this!) That is the social decay! The westerners want to do it is fine, but I don't wish that on our Iranian people who have a much richer culture and values! (well as i sad we started to do these before westerners, asia has been in business for more than 4000 years, geisha, samurais, Persian immortals are all very fashionable and exotic examples, u can even see it in Khayyam, sadi, Hafiz, Iranians are already naughty!) Let's not taint and exploit our women! Give them the respect that they deserve! Life is too short not to have fun! But, nasty dancing is not the healthy way to have fun! It is of course in a short run! Happy New Year! (i believe your mind is nasty, stop being suck hypocrite)


Totally digusting! This is how we respect our women you pigs?

by gol-dust on

Women are good for sex only! Just show your legs and asses to please the men (pigs) who have no respect for you as a person, then we would be alright! Never mind the negative social consequences such as AIDS, herpies, VD, syphilis, etc. never mind all the heartaches, and those kids born blind with no loving family to go to ending up heart broken and homelss and gangs. I guess, I am talking about all the miseries in balck families! Now, we have become that BADBAKHT that we are following the SIAHs as examples? God merci!

That's the only thing that the west and some copy cats want to export to iran! There is nothing wrong with having fun, but look at the tape it looks as everything goes, lesbians and so on! I guess, when one lives in SF, the center of gays and lesbians, everything sexual is ok! It is ok if one wants to think that, but trying to push it down our throats as agents of change to our culture and moral values is very shortsighted and unfortuante.

I love to dance! I danced for many years with a dancing group. it has been fun but i have seen too much. Dancing responsibly is good, but not exotic and errotic dancing! That is the social decay! The westerners want to do it is fine, but I don't wish that on our iranian people who have a much richer culture and values! Let's not taint and exploit our women! Give them the respect that they deserve!  Life is too short not to have fun! But, nasty dancing is not the healthy way to have fun! It is of course in a short run! Happy New Year!


Rihana and Ayala

by Esmal Latte (not verified) on

Are those Rihana and Ayla?! Good fun song. BTW there are a lot of this kinda music lately, "DJ'd" together, not bad kinda fun or funny.


What a waste of time!!

by farshadjon on

Sal beh sal darigh az parsal!!

 Depressing song!!


Hot & Cute

by blogger (not verified) on

What a way to start the day!

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

That's one hot song. We need lots more, please. We only have one life to live. Give us joy.